Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 793

Belen also glanced at Vernie on the side, and the latter also cast a sly look. Her meaning was completely understood, and the former reminded the former of the strange spirit of this guy in the academy inexplicably.

"White-haired Sword Saint"!

When they heard this, the three women on the opposite side all showed a surprised expression like "Is this a joke?" They looked at the white-haired man sitting in front of them in disbelief.

The first person who came back to her senses was Lisana. As a queen, she had a very high psychological quality. She stared at the white-haired man in front of her, she still couldn't believe it.

"Your Excellency, are you really a "White-haired Sword Saint"?"

Belen scratched his hair with a weird look. He still felt a little embarrassed to be mentioned by others, but he would not show it on the surface, so he nodded.

"If there is no second person, it would probably be me."

He really is a "white-haired swordsman"!?

Lisana's eyes opened slightly, and then she gave a dry cough and sorted out her thoughts. She said in a deep voice, "Master Juggernaut, please help us fight the black dragon!"

If the white-haired man in front of you is really a "white-haired sword saint," then this combat power must definitely be won!

Like Vernie, Belem also easily accepted Lisana's request. He nodded and said, "I understand, I will help. After all, I decided to help Vernie protect this place before you came. ."

The girl in the hat also had bright eyes, but she said idiotically the first time she spoke: "It's really that master Juggernaut, so amazing..."

Chapter 859: Magic Tracking, Girl Caijia

After vaguely hearing what the girl said, Belen also looked over, and the girl in the cap blushed and lowered her head because her eyes met. This made Belen a little confused.

Lisana also noticed the red-faced girl. She also seemed to think of something, so she smiled and introduced: "This kid is called Caijia. Only she can know where the black dragon is going."

Upon hearing these words, the curious eyes of Belen and Vernie were focused on the girl with the hat bowed, and they were curious about what was special about this child.

Lisana explained: "Her magic power is tracking. As long as there is anything related, she can connect each other with her magic power."


Both Belen and Vernie were surprised. They didn't expect this girl's magic power to be so special. If she were to be a detective, she would be invincible, right?

"Ah, right!" Lisana looked at the blushing girl and her eyes lit up again. She smiled and said, "Master Juggernaut, this child has admired you for a long time."


Belen was also stunned when he heard the words. He looked at the girl named Cai Jia suspiciously. After seeing the shy but glowing eyes that floated at that time, his heart jumped.

He seems...has not been in contact with this girl?

"Sword... Master Juggernaut..."

Hearing the girl's soft call, Belen was also startled. After seeing the former a little nervous, he asked in a soft voice: "What's the matter? Is there anything I can help?"

"I, I can, and Master Juggernaut, shake hands?"

After saying these words, Caijia's face became even more red, like a ripe red apple, although she was wearing a hat, she seemed to be gasping.

shake hands?

Belen blinked, then smiled and nodded: "Okay." With that, he stood up and walked in front of Caijia, and then stretched out his hand.

Seeing the hand in front of him, Caijia also slowly raised his head, her hands trembling, but she still seemed to have the courage to shake it up.

Cold hands.

Just simply shook hands, Belen took the lead to take it back, always feeling that this girl is too shy, but will not let go.

Lisana also smiled and raised her hand, and placed it on Caijia’s head and touched it. She said, “This kid has been looking forward to seeing you after hearing about Master Juggernaut. I look forward to you very much. I didn't expect to meet here. She is probably already happy now, so she is so nervous."


After hearing this, Belen's heart also jumped. It was the first time he had a visionary. This was really a very happy thing. Looking at the girl in front of him was also full of affection.

"Thank you."

Caijia, who was expressed her gratitude, also showed a look of doubt. She pursed her lips and was silent for a moment, then she plucked up the courage to ask: "Why did Master Sword Master want to thank me?"

Hearing that, Belen was also a little embarrassed and grabbed his hair with his hands. He chuckled softly: "It's also the first time I know that I have such things as a visionary, so I'm a little...happy."

Caijia's eyes brightened a bit after hearing these words, but she still lowered her head shyly, her anger leaked out of her hat, and Lisana couldn't help laughing at her mature appearance.

Vernie, who was sitting opposite, had Erlang's legs upright, her arms on the table, her palms dragging her face, and she said flatly, "Belen, if you are outside with flowers and grass, you will definitely make La Tier. They are not happy."

"Eh? It's a mess... Are you really talking about me?" Belen also looked at Vernie with a strange face, and he wouldn't agree with the latter.

Dogante, who had scolded Vernie before, was silently looking at the white-haired man in front of her. She still couldn't imagine that the man in front of her was the legendary "White-haired Sword Saint."

In the end, Dogante couldn't help but ask: "Are you really a "white-haired sword master"?"

The others all looked at Dogante, and Belem also looked at her. He smiled and asked, "Do you think I don't look like me? You see, I also have white hair."

"It is true that there are very few young people with white hair, but I don't feel the aura of a strong man from you." Dogant expressed his opinion, and then said: "I have seen many strong men. People, they can clearly feel a sense of oppression from their bodies."

Belen also smiled and said: "It seems you have a strong sense of intuition."

Even if the average strong man does not reveal his aura, some people can feel the sense of oppression hidden in the depths with their excellent intuition.

Hearing that, Dogante also nodded slightly. She said: "That's the case, but I didn't feel that feeling from you, so I have this question. After all, "The White Haired Sword Saint" can be killed by one person Kill dozens of super-powerful demon warlords."

Belen could see that this woman was not deliberately making things difficult for herself, but only when she really had this question, she was quite a true personality.

"I also have an excellent talent for controlling magic and breath." Belen explained that although this is not the whole reason, the main reason is that he is already in the realm of extraordinary people.

"Really?" Dogante was still suspicious.

Belén nodded, without explaining anything.

In the end, Dogante also apologized: "Sorry, I am not questioning you, but want to confirm. Please forgive my ignorance."

"It doesn't matter, if the black dragon comes, it will naturally be confirmed." Belen said with a smile.

After seeing the white-haired man in front of him so confident, Douant's doubts in his heart were dispelled, but there was more curiosity in his heart, which was curiosity about the power of the "white-haired swordsman".

At this time, Vernie asked, "That little girl named Caijia, can you trace the whereabouts of that black dragon now?"

Little girl...

Belem, Lisana, and Dogante were smiling in their hearts, always feeling that this title was strange from Vernie's mouth, because the latter looked more like a little girl.

Verni also noticed the gazes of the three of them. She glanced at the three of them, but she didn't say anything. Her gaze was again on Caijia's body.

"Ah, okay, okay, I'll take a look right away." Caijia also responded quickly, and then stood up from her position, she walked to the center, and then took out a bottle from the container. There is a dark red liquid.

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