Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 794

this is...?

Chapter 860: The Power of the Dead

When Caijia took out the bottle, Belen and Vernie also showed solemn colors. The dark red liquid was probably the blood of the black dragon, right?

"That's the blood of the black dragon. Actually, it's not the first time that black dragon has come to Andiliga, and the last time I fought with it was an uncle of mine." Lisana explained, and then sighed: " Although the black dragon was injured that time, it seemed that it was a trivial injury. On the other hand, the army led by my uncle ended up with heavy casualties. In the end, it only brought back the blood of the black dragon, which is now working."

Hearing that, Belen and Vernie were stunned. The former looked at the dark red blood in the bottle. Although he looked through the bottle, he could still feel the strange feeling emanating from there. The feeling was very vague. , But he can still feel it by his perception.

Unknown power of the undead?Probably this is more appropriate.

When Caijia was about to open the bottle, Belen suddenly said: "Wait a minute, don't open it yet, let me come." Although the power of the undead does not seem to be much, it can definitely affect Caijia. Up.


Everyone looked at Belém in doubt, and he also looked at Lisana. He asked, "Have any of you opened this bottle before?"

Lisana was also startled when she heard the words, she thought for a moment, and then said: "Except for Caijia opened it once, this bottle has not been opened for a long time, and it has a restriction on it, so it will not leak out. "

Hearing what she said, Belen also nodded. He came to Caijia and said softly: "Don't be nervous, let me check it out for you."

"Hmm..." Cai Jia blushed and responded softly.

So Belen raised his hand and placed it on Caijia’s head. The dark blue magic power radiated from his hand, and countless blue light particles poured into Caijia’s body. He frowned slightly and could feel it. Something strange was flowing slowly in the latter's body.

After feeling the power of the undead in Caijia's body, Belen also said: "This blood contains the power of the undead of the black dragon. Caijia, who has been tracking with it, has also been violated. Although I don't know what symptoms will happen, Thinking about it will make you feel unwell."


After hearing these words, Lisana and Dogante both opened their eyes. They stood up immediately in fright, and Lisana looked at Caijia with great worry.

"Caijia, are you uncomfortable in any way?"

Caijia was also startled when she heard Lisanna's question. She was silent for a while, and then nodded and said: "I felt a little uncomfortable after opening this bottle that day, but I couldn't tell what was wrong. I care, but now..."

Indeed, after opening this jar on the first day, Caijia felt that her physical condition was not quite right, but because the impact was not particularly large, she didn’t care too much, until now, after hearing what Belen said. , She felt uneasy.

"What can I do?" Lisana also showed worry, she said solemnly: "I'm sorry, Caijia, it's my lack of rigor that made you hurt."

"No, it doesn't matter, it's just a little problem." Caijia said after hearing Lisana's apology, she didn't think it was a big problem.

Belen smiled and said, "Caijia, let me help you clear the power of the undead."

"Yes, can you?" Caijia's eyes also brightened. If this hidden danger can be solved, of course she wants to solve it. After all, it doesn't sound like a good thing. She stays in her body forever. Will feel uneasy.

Belen nodded and smiled: "Well, you don't need to be nervous."

Seeing the gentle smile of the man in front of her, Cai Jia was also relieved, she nodded, and then subconsciously closed her eyes, still looking a little nervous.

Belen once again placed his hand on Caijia's head, input his own magic power into her body, and enveloped the power of the dead spirit flowing in the girl's body with a very precise and swift speed.

Indeed, now Caijia only feels some discomfort in his body, but he can feel that this necrotic power is sucking Caijia’s anger. Once the time is too long, there will definitely be very unfavorable conditions, and even possible Will be like him, life will become more and more full, and finally swallow all anger.


Caijia's body exudes a deep blue brilliance, and Lisana and Dogante who saw this scene also showed surprised eyes. All their hopes now are placed on the white-haired man. Cai Jiake is their very important friend, and they don't want her to have an accident anyway.

The radiating blue magic gives people a very calm and peaceful feeling, but it all reveals its incomprehensible mystery. Compared with the sense of sacredness, it has a kind of emptiness and cannot be touched. The dim and dreamy sense of fairy.

After feeling this magical power, Verni also looked at Belem in a little surprised. As a classmate and friend of the latter for many years, she naturally knew the magic power he possessed, but the magic power she felt at this moment was completely the same as before. different.

He doesn't have magical attributes, and on this basis, he has stepped into the realm of "half-gods", so does this change his magical power?

Those dark blue eyes are deeper and unfathomable than the sea. He is in the dimension of magic right now, controlling his own magic to envelop that trace of necromantic power, trapping it in the most direct and tough way. This dimension, then abruptly annihilated it.

After inspecting Caijia's body again, after confirming that there was no necromantic power, Belen recovered the magic power, and the brilliance dissipated, and he also retracted his hand, and then looked at the eyes closed but his face was full of tension. Girl, he smiled slightly.

"Okay, you can open your eyes."

Hearing this gentle voice, Caijia slowly opened her eyes. She asked nervously, "Is it... alright?"

"Well, you can feel that there is no uncomfortable place yet?" Belen nodded and said with a smile.

Therefore, Caijia also blinked, then closed her eyes and began to feel quietly, and then she realized that the weak and slight pain in her body had disappeared, and she opened her eyes in surprise. .

"It's okay! Thank you Master Juggernaut!"

Seeing the girl's smile, Belen was also stunned, thinking of Latier and the others inexplicably, so he also smiled and stretched out his hand, habitually touching his head.

"you are welcome."

Chapter 861: Something is coming

After Lisana and Dogante thanked Belen for Caijia’s affairs, he helped Caijia hold the bottle containing the black dragon blood, and then Caijia used her tracking magic to perceive the whereabouts of the black dragon. .

"In the sky." Cai Jia closed her eyes, and she saw the black dragon flying in the sky.

Belen and others listened to Caijia's consecutive key words, but it was not Belen's turn to judge the geographical location. He didn't know anything about Andy Liga, but the second The queen is very familiar with the terrain.

Lisana frowned after hearing what Caijia said, her voice seemed a little low, and said: "It seems that the black dragon has passed the Ganatrov Mountains."

"Do you really want to come here?" Dogante couldn't help but shook her hands, apparently feeling the pressure. She raised her head to look at Belen and Vernie, and then explained: "The black dragon is so far away. The city is not very far away, I judge, if its direction is right here, then it may be here in two days."

Hearing that, the eyes of Belen and Vernie were also slightly condensed. They didn't expect time to be so tight, and they thought there would be some time to buffer.

"Then, we have to get ready soon."

Lisana, who said this, also stood up from her seat, and her expression was a bit solemn. Despite the addition of "White-haired Sword Saint" and Verni, she still felt that the situation was very serious.

After Lisana got up, Dogante also got up and stood beside her. The former looked at Belen and Vernie, and then said: "Please be ready for both of you. We are about to face the black dragon."

"Understood." Vernie nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Lisana was about to leave with Dogante and Caijia. She had more things to do now. After all, she knew that the black dragon was very likely to come here. And it is very, very urgent.

Caijia stopped suddenly when she was about to walk out of the gate. She turned and looked at Belen, then blushed and bent down and said, "Thank you, Master Juggernaut."

Belen was startled, then smiled: "You're welcome."

Seeing the white-haired man's smile, Caijia also blushed and ran away.

After the three of them left, Belem was also silent for a moment, then turned to look at Vernie, and he said, "I have to go back and tell everyone about this, they don't know yet."

"Don't know?" Vernie was also very surprised. It was such an important matter, but she didn't intend to ask about it, so she nodded and said: "Then hurry up, I will also set up a magic circle today. "

Immediately afterwards, Belen hurried back to his room. Regarding the black dragon, he wanted to keep Latier and Latis from him as much as possible, but after seeing Vernie, he knew that he was hiding it. I can't help it, so I have to make it clear to her today.

"Latier, I have something..."

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