Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 795

After returning to the room, Belem suddenly stopped. He found that there was no one in the room. After a while, he sighed. It is estimated that the children ran out to play again.

It's not easy to find a big city, forget it, let them play outside for a while, they should be back in the evening.

Belen sighed, and then sat down in his room. He picked up a book and opened the page with the bookmark.

However, just as Belém had just finished reading the first line, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and he silently raised his hands on his chest, and the anxiety in his heart reappeared, but this time the anxiety was not. It is clearer than in Mostrow.

Could it be that...

Belen's heart sank and he immediately stood up and dropped the book. He didn't even clip the bookmark. He immediately ran out the door, his worry and irritability even surfaced on his face.

When Belen was about to run out of the hotel, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately pulled a staff member, he said: "Report to your curator, you are ready immediately, the black dragon is coming."


The woman was stunned, and then saw the white-haired man in front of her running out of the hotel like the wind. She blinked her eyes and muttered subconsciously.

"It's better to report it..."


At this moment, dark clouds are all over the sky, and the night is gradually falling. There is a continuous light rain from the sky, and the rain is getting bigger and bigger with the passage of time, even reaching the point of pouring rain.

And at this moment in this weather, a white figure dashed across the street, and the white-haired man was looking around, his face full of eagerness.

"Where did you go?"


There was a thunder in the sky, and those shops were also beginning to clean up and close. After all, no one would care about this bad weather, so they closed earlier and rested earlier.

Some passers-by holding umbrellas also noticed the white-haired man who was running by. One of the passers-by was also curious and muttered: "Huh? Is that person broken in love?"


The rain was getting heavier and Belen hadn’t found Latier and the others, but he saw a carriage. He ran to the carriage and saw Lisana behind the glass window. He frowned and raised it immediately. The hand knocked.

The three women sitting in the carriage turned their heads and looked out the window. After seeing the white-haired man, Lisana immediately asked the coachman to stop, she opened the door and looked at the man outside in confusion.

"Master Juggernaut, what are you...?"

Belen didn't wait for her to ask, but said in a deep voice: "Don't be daunting, go back and prepare for the battle immediately, the black dragon is coming!"


The three women opened their eyes wide at this moment, but before they could question, they saw the white-haired man disappearing from sight and dashing towards the other end of the street. Lisana immediately recovered. , She closed the door.

"Hurry back as soon as possible!"

That sentence came from the "White-haired Sword Saint". She didn't think this strong man would be joking, and seeing him a little irritable also made her feel uneasy, and she must rush back to arrange troops as soon as possible. Array!

At this moment, under a doll shop, six girls stood side by side under the eaves to shelter from the rain, each of them blinking beautiful big eyes looking at the rain under the light.

"The rain is so heavy, how do we go back?"

"Mr. Belém may be worried about us."

While the girls were thinking about the method, Iliya's silver-black eyes suddenly showed a faint brilliance. She raised her head and stared at the dark sky, her eyes condensed slightly.

It seems that something is coming.

Chapter 862: The Coming of the Black Dragon

"Something is coming."

When they heard the words from the girl in their ears, the girls looked at the silver-haired girl beside them in doubt, and saw that the latter was staring at the dark sky. Outside, only black is left.

Latier couldn't help asking, "Illya, what did you say is coming?"

Iliya still looked at the sky, her voice seemed a little low at the moment, she said: "There is something terrible, it is coming."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the girls were shocked. They knew what kind of character Ilia was. She would never make such a joke. But after seeing Ilia’s somewhat solemn expression, their hearts There is also a sense of anxiety.

"Then, what should I do?"

La Tier also knew the seriousness of the matter. After all, it was Ilia who said such serious things, and she couldn't help being a little nervous, but she also experienced a lot of things, so she was quite calm.

When Ilia was silent, Laya also suggested: "Go back to Mr. Belen! Run back in the rain!" In the current situation, it is correct to return to the hotel immediately.

"We'll leave immediately!" Hill said with a frown.

And just when everyone ran out and was wet by the rain, they found that Illiya hadn't left, and now they looked at Ilya who was still standing there in confusion.

Lu Mia couldn't help calling: "Illya? What's wrong with you? We are leaving now!"

Immediately afterwards, Illiya came back to her senses, she nodded, and then followed Latier and the others, and fled toward the hotel.

However, as the girls ran down the street under the heavy rain, Illya suddenly frowned her eyebrows, the silver magic erupted like a subconscious defense, and she stopped at the same time and turned around. Go, hands printed in the air.


After sensing the girl's stopping, the girls stopped, and they also turned around. At this moment, their eyes suddenly opened.


The silver magic turned into a huge barrier and wrapped them in it. The raindrops could not fall into it at all, as if a small circle of ripples appeared on the surface of the water, while Ilia stared at the sky with her eyes. The black light and the earth-yellow magic gushed out from the ground, and then wrapped the silver barrier again, layer after layer, as solid as golden soup!

A huge black light beam descended from the sky and hit this street with a devastating force. Countless houses were destroyed. Even the streets were swept away. The shock of terror swept through. When I opened it, I hit the magic barrier in the blink of an eye.


Evil black magic bombarded the magic barrier created by Ilia. At the moment of the collision, her arms trembled, and the barrier also cracked, but it was not broken.

After a while, the water vapor began to rise, and the entire area was covered by mist. Fortunately, the wind was raging, and it was dispersed for a long time.

"what happened?"

The girls closed their eyes subconsciously when the black light beam hits. They slowly opened their eyes when the movement subsided, but when they saw the ruins around them, their pupils shrank suddenly.

Illiya still supported the barrier and didn't put it away. Her gaze was staring into the dark sky. When the lightning flashed and thunder, her silver-black eyes caught an extremely hideous and huge black dragon head.

"The black dragon."

When they heard this, the girls were all startled, and then subconsciously looked at La Tier and La Tis. Their only impression of the black dragon was...

Latier was also stunned. She slowly raised her head and looked at it. Suddenly a white thunder light flashed in the dark sky, and the fluttering black wings fell into her eyes, her pupils. Slowly shrink.

That black wing...

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