Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 796

"found it!"

Immediately afterwards, Belen immediately set off and flew towards the direction where the girls were. He had to ensure everyone's safety before he could find the black dragon with confidence.

This distance is very bad.

The girls are very close to the location of the black dragon. It is very possible that the previous attacks have affected them, but if I want to have Ilia, nothing will happen.

Despite this, Belen's heart was still very anxious. He exhaled a long breath, and then took a deep breath. His body began to glow with blue light, and a blue meteor flashed past the street.


When the black dragon's roar erupted again, a huge thick barrier appeared below. The moment the two touched, the barrier also cracked, but it was abruptly resisted.

"Array! Attack!"

A black-haired woman wearing light armor was standing at the forefront, and behind her, there were countless magisters and archers ready to go, while the remaining guards all went to evacuate the people.

When the second queen Lisana heard what Belen said, she asked the coachman to rush outside the city with all her strength, and then immediately gathered all the fighters. When she saw the first beam of light descending from the sky, She realized what was wrong, and rushed over immediately.

Dogante stood by Lisana's side, she also had a sword in her hand. She looked around, and then said with some doubts: "Where is that Sword Master?"

"Looking at him before, it seemed that I was looking for someone." Lisana said her judgment, her gaze stared at the black dragon hovering in the sky, and then said in a deep voice: "That one will definitely come. Before this, we block the black dragon first, and can't let him continue to destroy it!"

It's just that those few roars have already claimed the lives of countless people. Thinking of this, Lisana gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes locked on the black dragon tightly.

This time, we must get rid of this guy!

Numerous magic condensed in the air and bombarded the black dragon, but its defensive power was too amazing. It seemed that so many magics fell on it and it seemed to be annoying.

At this time, the black dragon seemed to feel something. It turned its head to look at the area that had been destroyed by it. The silver and yellow magic barrier fell into the giant dragon eyes.


The sky-shattering roar was deafening, and the black dragon opened its mouth wide, and the black sphere in the mouth was like the eye of a storm. Numerous black magic powers gathered in a rapid rotation, and an incomprehensible magic pattern was engraved in the void. And it roared at the magic barrier below.

Lisanna's eyes widened when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that the black dragon would actually abandon them and go to destroy another place, but that area was obviously destroyed, which made her feel very confused. , Could it be that there are still many survivors over there!?

This distance is too late to resist!

Just when Lisana ordered the army to rush past, she also watched the darker light beam that was larger than before, and the next moment, she showed a shocked look.


The huge pitch-black beam hit something Lisanna could not see, but it did fall, but it didn't make a shocking explosion. It seemed... what was stopping it?


A vast magic power burst out when the dark beam fell, and even Lisana and her army, who were a few blocks away, felt this extremely large magic power.

That magic is...

Dogante subconsciously cried out: "Could it be the white-haired swordsman lord!?"

"No, this magic power is not the same!" Lisana immediately denied Dogante's judgment. When the white-haired man was treating Cai Jia, his magic power was completely different from the nature of this magic power!

At this moment in the ruins, the silver magic power and the yellow magic power intertwined with the magic barrier and forcibly blocked the dark light beam, and Ilia also looked at the scene in front of her with a solemn expression. She was very clear in her heart that this must be Block it, otherwise everyone behind you will be in danger.

The girls were also shocked by this scene, and Laya also recovered. She looked at her hands, her golden eyes exuded a faint gleam, but she could not use the power of the Fairy Forest. After all, they are too far apart.

Hill was also very frightened by this scene, and her whole body looked a little weak. She hadn't been so close to death for a long time. If it weren't for Ilia, it would probably be over.

Lu Mia closed her gaze back. She was the most calm one. She squatted down and shook her hands on the shoulders of the trembling cat-eared girl.

"Latier, cheer up!"

Hearing her call, La Tier finally awoke a bit, and when she saw the brilliance that burst between the magic barrier and the dark beam, her face was also full of fear.

"Yes, it will die! Everyone..."


The girl's voice stopped abruptly under the crisp sound, her cheeks were slapped by both hands, and the fear in her eyes faded in an instant, and the short-haired girl's face fell into her sight.

"Bring me a little more sober!"

Lu Mia couldn't help but yelled out. She looked at the cat-eared girl in front of her very angrily. Now it is not when she is depressed, she understands this very well!

"Lu... Lumia?" Latier whispered softly. She stared at the girl in front of her blankly, her cheeks felt a burning pain, but she really woke up because of it.

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