Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 797

Seeing La Tier's eyes refocusing, Lumia was also relieved. She stretched out her hand to pinch the cheek of the former, and then shouted: "Now Ilia is protecting us! Don't just go down like this! , It will drag her down!"

If it wasn't for protecting them, Illiya would have rushed to fight the black dragon, how could she have been passively under attack?

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Latier also apologized very guiltily, and she realized her fault.

After seeing this scene, Laiya also looked softer. In daily life, Lumia is a girl who is easy to be shy, but in this case, she appears very reliable. You must know that Lumi used to Ya has scared La Tier out of a psychological shadow, something that only slowly disappeared after countless contacts.

Chapter 864: Leave the trouble to me


The huge black beam suddenly became more intense at this moment. It was obvious that the black dragon had increased its magic power, and under this stronger beam, the barrier also had traces of cracks.


Illiya also felt the sudden increase in pressure, her eyes stared at the black beam in front of her, and then she said, "Behind me."

Hearing what Illya said, the girls immediately reacted. They immediately came behind Illya, and then surrounded them in a ball, looking nervously at the magic barrier that was beginning to shatter.

The magic barrier can't hold it anymore!

Immediately afterwards, Illiya withdrew her left hand in a flat expression, and with a light wave of her right hand, silver hair was wrapped around her, wrapping everyone up, and the khaki magic power spread from the ground and held it here. Cocooned white hair.


The magic barrier was shattered, and the terrifying black light beam finally fell on the ground and the silver cocoon. The pitch-black gas spreads in all directions like a wave, and the power of the dead spirit contained in it seems to be able to give everything to everything. Erosion is average.


The silver cocoon had two kinds of brilliance, silver and yellow, shining constantly, even under such a terrifying blow, it was not destroyed, which was enough to prove how strong its defense power was.

Immediately afterwards, the silver cocoon was loosened again, and the silver hair returned to Yilia's body. She frowned and glanced at the black gas surrounding her, then flicked her fingers a few times, and the earth shook. The magical power of's dispelled the black gas like mountains and seas.


When the black dragon saw the surviving figure below, its mouth once again let out a terrifying anger. Those extremely large dragon eyes stared down, and the extremely large body began to exude a strong black magic. As if covered by black air.


Accompanied by a dull voice, in front of the black dragon, a huge magic pattern the same length as its body appeared out of thin air, slowly spinning, and at this moment, it made the sound of dragon chanting, which seemed to resonate with that. The magic lines bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the magic lines no longer rotated, but were frozen in the air. The red brilliance in the pitch black covered all the magic runes.

It's crackling.

The dark red thunder and lightning continued to flicker in it, and in the next moment, countless dark red thunder and lightning fell from it, indiscriminately destroying everything below!

Bang bang bang!

Iliya looked at the dark red thunder that fell from above, her right hand was also raised, and her five fingers were slightly bent, and then she made a throwing motion.


As Ilia's movements swayed, the ground in front of them was cracked open. A large stone slab flew towards the sky like anti-gravity attached to the ground. It was broken, but it was indeed resisted.

However, this sky full of thunder is really too threatening. Even Lisana and her army on the other side were affected, and they immediately launched a defensive formation to resist this wave of attacks.

After the magic barrier was constructed, it did withstand the countless thunders, and Lisana also noticed something, she said solemnly: "The black dragon has encountered an opponent."

"What?" Dogante also showed a look of surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Lisana gave an order: "Maintain the magic barrier and move forward quickly. Once it reaches the attack range, immediately launch a full attack!"

Soon, Lisana's army came within the effective attack range. In order to deal with the black dragon, she even brought a lot of magic cannons, and now it is time to come in handy.

Boom boom boom!

Countless magic cannonballs and magic of the magisters fell on the black dragon. It was also beaten back by a few points in the sky, but it did not seem to be severely damaged, but such intensive attacks were indeed effective.


A roar full of anger resounded throughout the city in the sky, and it immediately activated its magic, and red thunders blasted toward the army.

Bang bang bang!

For a time, the smoke was everywhere. Although Lisana had a large number of troops and countless magic weapons, it was still difficult to break through the defense of the black dragon. The ancient dragons were simply powerful in all aspects!

Lisana said in a low voice: "Too strong!"

This is the first time she has met and fought against the black dragon. She never thought that the ancient dragon clan was so powerful. Although she had overestimated it as much as possible beforehand, she did not expect to underestimate the power of this black dragon!


The pitch-black light beam fell on the ground again, smashing the magical barrier directly, and the army formation at one corner was torn apart, and this also made the leader Lisana pale in shock. It can be seen that the black dragon can When chasing after the victory, I saw him turning the dragon head again, opening his mouth to condense a lot of magic power, which also surprised Lisanna.

Could it be that there is something on the other side that makes the black dragons feel more threatening than their army?


Seeing the black dragon attacking them again, Illya also snorted. She frowned and raised her hand. The magic power turned into a vortex in front of her hand, and she wanted to directly destroy the beam of light, but this It takes a lot of magic power, but it is much easier than defending, and it can't let the black dragon hurt everyone.


After seeing this scene, La Tier was also very worried and cried out. Her body was still trembling. After seeing the black dragon, the fear in her heart was still uncontrollable, but at this moment, she was more worried than that fear. The silver-haired girl in front of her, she didn't want to see something like that happened.

Hearing Ratil's worried voice, Illya also warmed her heart. She whispered softly: "I'm fine, everyone just stay behind me and don't leave."

I will definitely not hurt you!

Just when Illiya said this sentence in her heart, a blue light and shadow wafted with azure brilliance, the white-haired figure came to her, and the silver-white long sword was covered with light Blue brilliance.

"Leave the trouble to me, who made me the brother of Ilia?"

After seeing the man’s arrival, the girls all showed a look of surprise, and Yilia’s eyes brightened up. She pursed the corners of her mouth, as if smiling, and then took a step back naturally. Just let it out.

"Brother, then I will trouble you."


Belen responded softly. He calmly walked to the forefront, holding the sword in his right hand, and the blue light particles began to accelerate on his body. He raised his head and looked at the huge beam of light that impacted at this moment, deep blue. Lulu's eyes seemed to have a hot flame burning.

I am very annoyed now, but you came here by yourself.

Chapter 865: The power of mood transformation

When Belém arrived, the girls' tense mood couldn't help but relax. This man is always so reassuring, but the situation at the moment is still worrying.

When the dark light beam descended, the white-haired man held the sword and moved forward. The blue light particles flowed rapidly. The ethereal magic power resonated with the magical dimension of the world, and the dark blue eyes moved in an instant. It is an insight into the dark magic.

The eye of the demigod, the dimension of magic, and insight.

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