Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 803

The mysterious woman in a black robe stood there, without any magical fluctuations exuding, her face still had a thin layer of veil, with a vague magical effect, making it impossible to see the truth under the tulle. Rong, and those eyes with the pentagrams imprinted on them are particularly mysterious.

"The black dragon you killed is my helper."

After hearing these words, Belen also condensed his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Helper? What deal did you make? Since you are a cooperative relationship, why are you only showing up now?"

"Why should I answer you?"

Regarding Belém's question, the mysterious woman just replied such a natural sentence, of course, she really had no reason to answer the former question.

Belen was also staring at the mysterious woman in front of him, and he asked again: "So, are you here now to avenge the black dragon?"

The mysterious woman said: "I have this idea."

Belen, who got this answer, also had magic power running in his body. The more he reached this time, the more calm he became, so he calmly asked, "If this is the case, what are you doing nonsense?"

He clasped his hands tightly because Belen felt the tremendous pressure. From the first time this mysterious woman appeared to the present, he felt the other side's unfathomable depth more and more.

The mysterious woman said: "Because I still have time."

What do you mean?

Belen frowned slightly. He wondered what the mysterious woman in front of him wanted to do. He recalled what the "devil" said to him when he was in the Forest of Elves.

"Are you... the "Devil"?"

In the end he asked this question. Although there were many clues pointing to the connection between the mysterious woman and the "Devil", he still couldn't help asking it out. Perhaps this is a confirmable answer for others, but For him, there are too many puzzles.

The mysterious woman still seemed to be calm, she just faintly asked, "What do you think?"

"Judging from the clues I have so far, your Excellency should be the "Devil"."Belen replied, a faint blue light emerged from his body, and he was ready to fight.

The mysterious woman said, "Really? Are you not going to run away?"

"You said last time that you will kill me when you meet officially. I don't think I can easily escape." Although Belen replied this way, in fact, he has a reason why he can't escape.

"The reason why you didn't run away was because of the girls who followed you."

When he heard the other party's words, Belen's eyes flickered. He didn't say anything, the blue light in his hand condensed, and the snow lion appeared in his hand.

"It seems that I guessed it." The mysterious woman turned her head and looked in a direction. She said, "Is it there? Can you stop me now?"

Belen shouted in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

"If I said I wanted to kill them, would you beg me to let them go?"


The blue magic power covered Belen's whole body, and the air wave rolled towards all directions.It was only a little bit before he could step into the "quasi-god realm." There was a strong killing intent in those blue eyes, like evil light flashing in them, he lifted his chin slightly, the killing intent and anger on his face could not be concealed .

"You really dare to say it."

This is the first time, the first time someone dared to threaten him with girls. This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate, even if the opponent is a "devil"!

The angry white-haired man and the mysterious woman didn't seem to be afraid. She said flatly, "It seems that they are very important to you."

"What kind of sneaky looks like? Since you are the "Devil", then show your true face and voice!"

Belen yelled angrily, then stepped out, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the mysterious woman in the black robe. He raised the sword with his right hand and chopped it down, unceremoniously.

Facing this sword, the five-pointed stars in those eyes slowly turned, and the figure of the mysterious woman seemed to become illusory, so that the sword was cut into the air, and she was standing in Belém. Behind.

Belen immediately reacted. He turned around with the force of the sword splitting, and then lifted the sword to stab it, but the mysterious woman in front of him had already reached out the lotus-like white hand, and the palm fell. On the man's chest.


The huge magical power impacted Belém's body and directly shook him out a few meters away. Although it was not very far, the force rioted in his body, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he knelt on one knee. On the ground, one hand covered his chest.

So strong!

Although he had known this for a long time, Belen couldn't help being shocked. Although he was in poor condition, his power in the "Demi-God Realm" was still showing up.

"You can't beat me."

"So what?" Belen stood up while biting, and didn't even bother to wipe the blood on the corners of his mouth.

The mysterious woman's eyes with the mark of the five-pointed star also stopped, her voice did not fluctuate in the slightest, and she spoke very calmly.

"You can choose to surrender."

Hearing what the other party said, Belen also froze for a moment, then recovered, and immediately sneered: "Submit you? Help you demons? Don't be kidding!"

It seems that this answer is expected, and the mysterious woman is not surprised. She once again said flatly: "Then I will give you the right to choose and submit to me, otherwise I will kill those girls."


Belen gritted his teeth, holding the hilt in his right hand, his anger has overflowed with the blue light on his body, and a terrifying blue magic storm was rolled up on his body.

Chapter 872: What should I do with you?

Seeing this restless vision, the mysterious woman did not do anything. Despite this strong momentum, she was unable to lift her black robe, and the pentagram eyes were still calm.

"If you don't have a chance, give up."

Belen also gritted his teeth for her words. His hands holding the sword were trembling. He was holding back his own hands. It was not that he could not beat the opponent. After all, no one could predict the real result without fighting. This is not the worry...

"Put away your power, otherwise..."

I will kill them.

The mysterious woman didn't finish this sentence, but Belen knew exactly what she was going to say. He was silent for a moment, all the power returned to his body, and he sighed.

I caught the handle.

Belén raised his head and stared at the woman in front of him. He said, "What do you want."

"Surrender to me."

"Why me?" Belen asked his doubts. He didn't understand why this woman had to choose herself.

The mysterious woman said calmly: "Because your strength is very strong, I need strong combat power to help me."

This is a natural answer. If it weren't for this answer, Belen didn't think the other party would have other reasons to ask him to submit to her.


Belen said indifferently: "Then I will tell you frankly if I have something. There is not much left in my lifespan. Therefore, even if I surrender to you, I may turn back temporarily at the last minute. Are you not afraid?"


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