Wonderful trip to another world

Bizarre Travel In Another World Chapter 804

Hearing the other's whisper, Belen also had a flash of inspiration. He grinned and said, "Yes, I'm not far from death. You can't use me to do many things. If I counterattack temporarily, you too Wouldn't it be easy?"

I don’t know why, the mysterious woman fell into silence. After a while, she focused her gaze on Belen again. The pentagram in her eyes revolved. For an instant, Belen felt like being The feeling of seeing through.

In the face of her sight, Belen did not resist, he was recovering his strength, and if it was a last resort, he could only let go.

At this moment, Belen suddenly remembered something, and he said again: "If you are willing to let us go, I can no longer intervene in the war."

Hearing this, the mysterious woman also said faintly: "Do you think you can trust me?"

"I know you won't believe it, but my time is running out. I want to be with my family in the last time, and I don't want to intervene in the war anymore. There is nothing false about this." Belen said in his heart After coming out, he now hopes that the other party can believe his words,

Just when the mysterious woman fell into silence, a girl with two pony tails flew in the sky, it was Vernie, and she also showed doubts after seeing the two below.

The mysterious woman also seemed to feel the breath of others approaching, she slowly raised her head, and then indifferently said to the white-haired man: "I hope what you said is true."

Beren looked at each other silently, and he also felt the arrival of Vernie. If the two of them join forces, they may not be the opponent of this mysterious woman, not to mention that he still has the trump card of "Quasi God Realm".

The mysterious pentagram stared at the man in front of him, and the mysterious woman also took a step, and this move also made Belen vigilant, thinking that this woman was about to do it.However, when the mysterious woman walked in front of Belem, it turned into a gray spot and disappeared, leaving a sentence at the same time.

"If what you say is false, the "Devil" will come himself."

Seeing the gray spot of light dissipating in front of him, Belen also took a step back subconsciously. He frowned, recalling the last word left by the other party.

Isn't she a "devil"?

This answer makes Belen a little puzzled, but it is not unacceptable. If she is really the "Devil", why does she not kill herself?Obviously his current state has been seen through, and he left those words when he was in the Fairy Forest.

Do not understand, full of questions.

Verni also came to the ground at this time. She walked towards Belem and asked in confusion: "What's the matter with you? Who is that woman?"

Regarding her question, Belen also shook his head and said: "I don't know who she is."

Vernie tilted her head and looked at the white-haired man in front of her in confusion. It was obvious that the two of them seemed to be talking, didn't they know each other?

"Okay, okay, I'm going back to them." Belen waved his hand, then turned and left.

Seeing the white-haired figure who was leaving, Vernie could not help muttering to herself, "Is it because of the person who was in a bad mood?"

After all, he was targeted by such a powerful enemy and threatened him with his most precious family member. How could his mood be better?

The huge body of the black dragon has completely disappeared. Lisana originally wanted to collect samples from the black dragon. After all, it was an ancient dragon and could be used for research, but at this moment, there was nothing left except blood.

And outside the city, on a road in the prairie, the gray light condensed to reveal the figure of the black-robed woman. With a light swing of her right hand, a black dragon appeared in the air.

"You will be content if you escape. I will destroy your original physical body at your discretion. Now you only have the dragon soul. Go quietly cultivate for thousands of years."


The black little dragon made a stern voice to the woman, apparently expressing his dissatisfaction. It had just come to such a dangerous juncture, the latter did not actually help!

However, the black-robed woman pulled her hat down, revealing her true face. It turned out to be Lilith who had been parted again after Mostrow and Belen met!

She is the mysterious black robe woman!

At this moment, there was a dangerous light in the eyes of those five-pointed stars. She stared at the black little dragon and said coldly: "You who have no use value, are you still not rolling now?"


Under this gaze, the black dragon also felt a strong threat. It turned its head and flew away without hesitation, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

Lilith retracted her gaze, raised her head slightly, her beautiful eyes looked towards the sky, and she said to herself: "I can't feel the death in your body. I thought that the one had cured you. Is it just being sealed?"

There seemed to be a face full of anger and murder in front of her eyes, her hands couldn't help but slowly shook her hands, and on the deserted grassland, she whispered.

"What should I do with you?"

Chapter 873: Hope that nothing will happen again

At this moment, in a fairly complete church hall, Latier and the others are sitting on the benches, both bowed their heads in silence. Although the movement outside has disappeared, they are still very nervous.

"The black dragon is dead."

At this moment, Illiya’s voice came out, and Latil on the side suddenly raised her head after hearing this sentence, her eyes bursting with bright light, and she suddenly looked at the person beside her. The silver-haired girl looked a little excited.

"Really, really!?"

Illiya looked at her, then nodded and said, "I can feel its breath from faint to disappearing."

After Latier was confirmed, the Jiao body trembled slightly, she pressed her lips tightly, and then covered her mouth, tears overflowed from her eyes, and the pear blossoms brought rain.


Seeing La Tier who was crying, La Tisi also stood up, she walked forward, and then stretched out her hands and hugged her sister's head into her arms.

"It has ended."

Tears also shed tears on Latis' face, but a faint smile bloomed. She could not forget her childhood happiness, and now the hatred should be over.

The girls are also calming Latier's emotions. They also feel distressed about the latter's past experience. Now that the black dragon is dead, it can be regarded as a vengeance, although those who have passed away will no longer return. .

At this time, Iliya also felt that someone was coming, so she looked back and saw the door opened, and a white-haired man in white came in, and he seemed to be relieved and smiled.

"I am back."

After hearing his voice, the girls all looked back. They all stood up after seeing Belem, and then they noticed the blood on the latter.

"You, are you okay!?"

Not only the clothes, but Hill also noticed the unwiped blood on the corner of Belen's mouth, so she subconsciously asked, and she was also very worried.

Belen was also startled, he smiled and shook his head and said: "I'm fine, nothing at all."

However, the girls who got this answer unanimously bulged their cute cheeks, and Belen, who was staring at this complaining gaze, was also bewildered.

Laya reminded him angrily: "Mr. Belém, you wipe the blood off your mouth with your hand, otherwise it would be completely unconvincing to say this."


After hearing the words, Belen also froze for a moment. He raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth, and then found that there was blood on the back of his hand. He blinked, only then did he remember that he had been hit by the mysterious woman before. When he suffered injuries, the atmosphere was too solemn at the time, and he didn't care about his vomiting blood.

He was indeed hurt, not only because of the palm of the mysterious woman, he couldn't retreat safely when confronted with the black dragon, but also under the great pressure of the magical dimension, although there was nothing on the surface. But he actually suffered a lot of internal injuries, but his current physical condition is different from that of ordinary people. Even if you leave it alone, you can let the magic power between heaven and earth repair your injury.

However, there is still a dull pain in the body, which is true, but I don't want the girls to worry about themselves, so I habitually pretend to be relaxed.

Belen awkwardly scratched and said: "Sorry, I did suffer some injuries. After all, the enemy is such a big guy, I can't retreat safely."

At this moment La Tier came up, tears on her face were faintly visible, and she looked at the man in front of her with moist eyes. She asked softly: "Will it affect Mr. Belém's body?"

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