Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 806

"To be honest, even if I didn’t have any stories with them, I knew that they were their parents. I believe that when they knew they were about to leave and entrusted me to Antrina, they also It must be smiling."

They didn't abandon him, but couldn't accompany him anymore, and when he left, he vaguely remembered the smiles on the faces of the two people.

It was a smile that felt happy to know that he could grow up healthy with the help of others.

Belen also smiled after thinking of the vague smile. He looked at the girl beside him looking at him. He smiled and said, "Latier's parents have also left, but I think they will definitely I am pleased with the growth of Latir and Latis."

"After my parents left, I have Antelina like a mother to take care of me, and your parents have already left, so let me take care of you."

Hearing what the man in front of her said to her, La Tier was also silent for a long time. Finally, she pursed her lips, and then asked aloud, "What if Mr. Belém is gone?"

Even after hearing such words, Belen was no longer confused. He smiled without hesitation and replied: "Even if I am gone, your future must be happy, because by your side, it is the most precious. Your family, if you encounter any difficulties, you can definitely solve them together."

"But, if Mr. Belém is gone..."

I saw the girl in front of me slowly raised her head, her complexion was flushed, her moist eyes stared at the dark blue eyes, and she was still breathing heavily in her mouth. She was no longer a child, she was already enough. She is a beautiful girl, and she is indeed charming in this way.

"I will be lonely."

Looking at the girl in front of him, these ambiguous words came in his ear, Belen also stared at the girl staring at him in a daze, his lips trembled slightly.


With tears in her eyes and tears on her face, the book fell from Latier's hands. She buried her head in Belen's chest, her arms tightly wrapped around the white-haired man in front of her.

"You are not allowed to go. It has already been done once. I think there will be a second time. I will not allow it anyway."

Hearing the girl's words, Belen also recovered, he silently placed his hand on Latier's head and stroked it, and finally he could only softly respond.


His lies are always easy to expose, so he may be better at perfunctory than lies.

Chapter 875: The upcoming holy war

The fact that the black dragon has been crusade spread throughout the world, and the three important roles in the crusade against the black dragon are also well known. Many people are no strangers to Andy Liga’s second queen, and the world cares more. The two of them are the "host of the Andy Inz Hotel" and the "white-haired swordsman."

In the eyes of the discerning person, the former obviously did it because he wanted to advertise his own property, but this is obviously a good method. After all, most people would like to see the true face of the strong who fought against the black dragon. Naturally, there will be many people going to take care of the business of Andinz Hotel.

As for the "White-Haired Sword Saint", this is definitely a resounding existence, once it was the deeds of defeating the Demon King's army in the extreme cold zone, and the other was the prevention of the attack by the super terrorist organization "Scourge" in Florence. A Juggernaut powerhouse, one of the "Double Swordmasters" in the world, is naturally very popular.

It’s just that I didn’t expect this "white-haired sword saint" to go to Andiliga. Although there are many forces who want to curry favor with the strong, they can’t find him anyway, let alone those who want to know him. Identity and trace.

In Eloranya, the imperial capital of Florence, in the special armament section of the royal city, a woman in a beautiful uniform with long fluttering hair was looking at some messages. After reading it, that beautiful picture There was also a smile on her face. This woman was the head of the Special Arms Department.

"You guy, actually went to Andiliga."


Hearing the sound of the door knocking, Flotti also said "please come in". After the door was opened, a man who looked a bit fierce in his eyes walked in, but there was a cheerful smile on his face. .

"Flotti! Have you heard that? That guy Belem is in Andy Liga!"

"It's always such a fuss, Morpheus." Flotti smiled when she saw her old classmate. She said, "That man still looks very energetic. It seems that we are overly worried."

Morpheus also akimbo his hips and said cheerfully: "Yes, I was really worried too much. That guy is the second one! Where do we need to worry."

After a while of greetings, Flotti also asked: "Then, you probably didn't just come here to talk about Belém? I guess it's because of the upcoming expedition?"

After returning to the topic, Morpheus's smile has also been reduced a lot. He chuckled lightly: "Yes, I'm going out soon, and I will come to tell you a bit."

"I hate that people say goodbye to me, as if you can't come back." Flotti gave him a blank look, seemingly dissatisfied, and then said: "Ying "The Brave" and "The Great Sage" "Call, you are ready to start a full-scale war. You have to be a little better on the battlefield. If you fail to fight, you will run away, you know?"

When Morpheus heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "If you can't beat it, you can run away. Can this be a little bit of anger?"

"What if you die there?" Flotti shrugged of course.

Morpheus didn't refute, he sat on the soft chair and leaned back. He looked up at the chandelier above and sighed.

"I hope this time we can end all these years of war."

Upon hearing this, Flotti smiled and said: "Since both the "Brave" and the "Great Sage" have decided to attack in an all-round way, it is obviously with a high degree of confidence. If we can end the war, we too You can have a long holiday."

"That's right, then I have to work harder." Morpheus nodded in agreement, and then said with a smile: "I'm going to the Eastern Battlefield. It is estimated that I will be able to meet a few of Kai Le and the others. Say hello to you."

"Then please."

Western battlefield.

The red-haired figure was sitting on the top of a tall tower, and her eyes looking forward to radiance looked into the distance. Beside her, the brilliance of different colors was beating.

The Thunder Elf said calmly: "Sisya, in the next battle, luck has reached the strongest moment. As long as you successfully win that victory, everything will end."

The flame elf also said: "In this battle, we will also use all our strength to help you."

All the elemental elves who gave Sisiya's protection resonated. They gave Sisiya's protection and created the strongest "brave" in order to complete the mission of defeating the "devil". And the next battle is their best moment of luck in so many years.

"This time, I won't let her reverse the situation again." Sisia also responded in a deep voice.

That year was also a time of great luck, but because she was not cautious enough, she was put on one by the woman. She was seriously injured and recuperated for a whole year, and the woman disappeared for more than a year. When they meet again, the two can no longer fight to that point.

This time, she will end all the darkness!

At this time, the Wood Elf said again, "Sisia, this time is the final battle. All the luck is on your side, but there are also unpredictable changes."

"I know."

Sisia nodded slightly when she heard the words. She naturally knew that everything could not be absolute. She must have the ability and confidence to deal with all unexpected events.

The Light Elf suggested at this time: "If Sisia wants to be more secure, you might as well find the third person. If there is that third person to help, this battle can be considered as no suspense. Victory."

The third person naturally refers to the third being who should not exist and step into the "quasi-god realm". With the help of that third person, even the "devil" would definitely not be able to defeat the two identical Strong in the field.

There is no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

Regarding who the third person is, the answer is actually very clear to Sisia, even the elemental elves are also very clear. When the news of the "crimination of the black dragon" incident came out, the elemental elves immediately understood that Who are the three?

And if they want the help of the third person, it depends on what Sisya said. They know what Sisya is, and they also know how guilty she is to the third person.

After hearing the words of the light spirit, Sisya also fell into a short silence. In the end, she also got the result. She put her self-esteem and feelings of guilt on the scales of the world, which is undoubtedly the latter. Victory.

"When I have to, I will call him."

When we parted that day, she had already planted the seeds. At that time, she didn't think it would be useful. Now it is the time when she doesn't want to be useful.

Chapter 876: The Holy War begins

This time, the "Braves" led the coalition forces to start a full-scale war with the Demon King's Army, because the coalition forces had very experienced fortune-tellers, who had deduced that the fortunes of the stars were on their side before the war, so " "The Great Sage" Nowell immediately launched his plan.

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