Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 807

After seven days, the "big sage" finally planned out her own plan, which even listed countless countermeasures when accidents happened. She did her best to make everything she could see in the future. To portray it.

And then, everything will be created by the "brave".

In the coalition barracks on the largest central battlefield, Nowell finally woke up after sleeping the most satisfying sleep for seven days. If she did not wake up, she would not be able to do it on this side. Her importance was so great.

"you're awake."

Sisiya, who had been sitting by the side waiting, also smiled and looked at her friend who had sat up, so she also stood up and stretched.

"Then, it's about to begin."

Nowell looked at the girl who was stretching her waist, and she said solemnly: "The worst result I expected is something you can't resist. If you get to that point, you should retreat immediately and don't be aggressive, remember?"

The magical power of the "big sage" is "insight into the fall." This is something that almost all the coalition forces know, but in fact it is more than that. People who really know her will know that this seemingly young girl is actually still There is a second kind of magic.


This foul-level magic attribute is exactly Novel’s second magic attribute. However, every use of this magic consumes a lot of attention, so she only used it three times in these seven days, and these three were all against the West. Siya predicted, and in these three times, she felt an unknown danger, which was the biggest variable she could not see clearly.

Perhaps the "Devil King" still has an extremely powerful hole card!

Hearing this, Sisya smiled and said: "If the worst situation really happens, I will definitely not be brave. Even if it is me, I still have some preparations." After that, she turned and walked out. Tent.

Seeing the leaving figure, Nowell was also slightly startled, she sighed after a moment of silence, and murmured: "I hope you really have something to do."

Everything depends on this battle.

The holy war has begun, and countless pairs of eyes around the world are staring at the most central battlefield, where the final result of this holy war will be drawn.

After Novell's comprehensive deployment, all the troops raided many Demon King's strongholds overnight, and therefore, the holy war broke out.

Because the news that "the war closest to victory is coming" came out beforehand, many strong men from all over the world came to the battlefield to help, and the soldiers who were enthusiastic on the battlefield were extremely happy about it. , I always feel that the dawn of victory is shining on them.


The horn of battle sounded. Because of the great increase in momentum, the combat power of the soldiers also rose in a straight line. No matter how strong the individual is, the Demon King's army will be suppressed without the slightest fight back when it is completely calculated.

This time, Nowell put all his energy on calculations, and even the most cunning methods were applied to it. This was all for the victory of the war and was able to attract countless foreign aids. , And naturally it was in her expectation.


On the front line of the central battlefield, a red-haired figure alone went deep into the enemy camp, holding the eternal holy sword as if entering an uninhabited state, and the army following her was now dozens of miles away from her.

At this moment, the pressure of countless demon kings has been borne by Sisiya alone. She is the world’s most powerful "brave". Compared with the pressure given by the demon kings, the high expectations placed by everyone in this world are actually Is the greatest pressure.

But compared to her once immature, she is now able to turn this pressure into motivation, so she can move forward at this moment!

At this moment, the brave girl's black eyes were glowing with a colorful halo. Her eyes were not attracted by the soldiers of the Demon King's Army that surrounded her, but looked straight ahead, the depths of darkness.

She knew that the woman was waiting for her there, but she couldn't get there in a short time, and her luck hadn't reached the peak yet, she still needed patience.

Although the jihad has started, those who did not participate still have to live their lives, at the same time in a certain city in Andilija.

"The war has begun again."

Vernie sighed as she sat in the office, she turned around in the revolving chair a little bored, acting like a child, but this was her method to relieve boredom.

At this moment, Vernie is not alone in this office, Belen and the girls are here, but the latter are looking at the books on the bookcase, most of them are funny comic books.

At this time, Vernie stopped, because she turned dizzy a little, she shook her head and looked at the white-haired man. She couldn't help asking, "Those guys are on the battlefield."

What she said naturally refers to her old classmates. Because of the spread of the "Cracking the Black Dragon" incident, it didn’t take long for a letter from Florentis Eloranya to the Fu who always quarreled with her. Lottie, in the letter mentioned many things, of course, including the cynicism towards her.

"Well, I hope they can be all right." Belen nodded. If he was alone, he would definitely not hesitate to run to the battlefield and fight side by side with those guys, but he was not. He still has people to take care of, unable to fight for his life on the battlefield.

After a while, Vernie dragged her chin with one hand, and she asked, "You said, will the war that has been going on for so many years end this time?"

"Perhaps, after all, it is the war that is the closest to victory." Belen naturally heard about this, and he thought to himself, this time Sisia will definitely win the battle with the "Devil".

After the confrontation with the mysterious woman that day, Belen also heard from her words that she was not the "Devil", although this matter could not be confirmed, after all, the other party did not follow what she said last time in the Fairy Forest. Do it to him

Now that the "Brave" is going to face the "Devil" again, who can stand at the end of this battle?

In Belen's eyes, Sisya would never lose. After all, she carried the expectations of the entire world and was the savior who ended all darkness.

In the story, aren’t all those who win in this way?

Chapter 877: I won't talk outside!

The holy war has already begun. Even if ordinary people have not participated in this war, there is anxiety in everyone's heart. After all, this is related to the peace of the entire world.

At the moment in that Andy Inz hotel, Vernie was looking at the total bill for the past few days. It was not as horrible as she imagined, but a good mess.

Because the city was more than half destroyed by the black dragon, many people are homeless. Most people choose to live in the Andy Inz Hotel, which is intact, but the hotel obviously cannot accommodate everyone. At this moment It's already full.

"Ahhhh! People are getting more and more so tired!"

After a long time, Vernie threw the pen in her hand, and she slumped down on the chair with a tired expression, wishing someone to play with her.

At this time, the slim secretary also stepped forward with a sweet smile. She said: "Master, if you are tired, let me do it for you."

Upon hearing this, Vernie refused without hesitation: "No! Always let Huijiu help me, I'll be sorry!"

After Hui Jiu smiled and came to Vernie's office chair, she pressed the heavy but extremely soft object on the latter's head. She smiled contentedly and wrapped her hands around Vernie's white neck.

"It's my duty to help the master share the worries."

Seeing Huijiu's actions, Vernie also sighed: "You are the same as your sister, you show your true colors when others are away."

"My master's friends have been there these days, I can't help it anymore." Hui Jiu's cheeks were a little rosy, her mouth still breathed, and her blurred eyes had an ambiguous luster.

Vernie said helplessly: "I won't let you mess around, you should go find them."

"But I want the master."


She seemed to have heard the firmness in Verni's words. Hui Jiu also pressed her lips and seemed unwilling, but finally gave in. She said, "Then, then kiss?"

"If I still refuse, will you be entangled?"

"Most definitely!"

Vernie raised her head to look at her servant with a firm look. She sighed, then closed her eyes without saying anything.

Seeing this little face looking up at her, Hui Jiu's breathing was also much quicker, and then she slowly lowered her head, and printed her red lips on the little cherry mouth, subconsciously to her own The tongue went in too.


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