Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 811

After hearing the words, La Tier couldn't help but imagine the expression of that kitten at that time, so he sighed and said, "It's probably going to be very noisy."

Belen shook his head resolutely: "That won't work, she has a bright future!"

After all, it has the highest level of life magic, and Nit, the "savior" who was a thousand years ago, taught many lost magic. If you use it for research, it will definitely make Latis a very good magister.

After a long time, Belen took out the picnic mat and placed it on the ground. He sat down and then patted the empty space on the side, indicating that Latier would also sit down. After the latter sat down, he couldn’t help but look at the stars. sigh.

"Unknowingly, Latis has grown so big."

Belen also sighed: "Not only Latiz, everyone has grown up, Lattil, you have also become a beautiful big girl."

Latier also trembled when she heard this. She wrapped her arms around her bent legs and said softly: "Although I have thanked Mr. Belen many times, this gratitude is really You can't say it with words."

"Thank you, Mr. Belen. If you hadn't saved us in the first place, Latis and I wouldn't know what it was like."

It is said that the two of them were going to be sold to the niece of the Duke of Rand at the time, and I don’t know whether they will be going for good or bad, but no matter who they are sold to, their identities are still so low and the physical condition of their sisters. It was very bad at the time, who knows what will happen next?

"It's all over." Belen also smiled.

"Yeah, it's all over." Latier nodded. Of course she understood that it was all over, so that kindness gradually turned into another emotion, and she was almost unable to restrain herself, she subconsciously Is the beginning.

"Mr. Belen, do you... like Ilia?"

Hearing this, Belen was also taken aback. He turned his head and looked at the girl beside him. He didn't know why, his heart was beating hard, and he seemed to know why Latier asked.

Without waiting for a reply, La Tier continued to mutter to herself: "Should I like it? After all, Illia is such a perfect girl, even if Mr. Belen really regards Illia as his sister, There must be a time when my heart beats for her, right?"

Is this also a problem?Then he should give an answer.

Belem fell silent.

Chapter VIII: My mind, do you know?

For Ilia, Belem’s first feeling was that the petite little silver-haired girl was a kind of lonely like him, and because of this, he had always loved this little girl and took her for granted. It’s even more natural than to integrate La Tier and La Tis into her own life.

Belen has always regarded Ilia as his sister. The meaning of sister to him is like a daughter. He took good care of it. But when I was in Flozarno Academy, Ilia suddenly Turning into a beautiful young girl, he was extremely surprised but also relieved.

It’s true that I have moved my heart, and there have been many times. Of course, I feel a little guilty, but it’s not a big deal in Belen’s eyes. After all, it also shows how glamorous Ilia is. .

"Indeed, my heart was touched."

Even Belén will grow up. He naturally knows what emotions he had when he faced Ilia several times. He didn't deny it. Anyway, it's not a big deal. Even if he admits it, he doesn't feel that What will change as a result.

Latier was silent, but her hands were clasped tightly at this moment.

"But compared to the kind of liking for the opposite sex, I think it is better for the family to like it." Belen showed a faint smile, he lay down on his back and looked directly at the bright starry sky, he spoke again.

"But, Illiya is not the only one who moved that heart."

Latier's eyes trembled when she heard these words, and she whispered, "Who else is there?"

"There are so many, although I am a little bit ashamed, but when I was in the academy, I had a heart attack with girls many times, although I only understand that feeling now." Belen grinned, his face flushed, and it felt like at this moment. It's the same shame that comes from exposing one's own bottom.

"When I first entered the Sword House, I don't deny it. I probably liked Selika before. Oh, I just said that there is something..."

Only then did Belen understand his feelings for Selika during the school days. His cheeks were a little hot. If Selika knew this, he would definitely be laughed at?

"Is it the principal of Selika?" Latier also looked at the man next to him in a bit of surprise, obviously also aroused interest, she couldn't help asking: "Could it be that it was Mr. Belém's first love? ?"

"First love? Probably... isn't it."


Belén used one hand as a pillow, scratched his cheek with his right hand, and smiled awkwardly: "When I was young, I was not sensible enough, but Antrina had been taking care of me at that time, probably because of the lack of maternal love. ,and so..."

"Eh!? Has Mr. Belen liked Senior Juggernaut!?"

After hearing this, La Tier suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the white-haired man with a blushing face and an embarrassing smile. It took a while before he recovered.

"Yes, I'm also sad...After all, Senior Juggernaut is as big as hers..."

"Did you think about the wrong place?" Belen blinked, glanced at Latier somewhat helplessly, and then sighed: "Although it is correct, but I understand it when I grow up, I liked it when I was young. Antelina is really a mistake, that guy has a terrible character!"

After hearing Belen mentioned her childhood, La Tier couldn't help but think of a figure. She hesitated for a while, and then asked tentatively.

"So what about Sister Al?"

When the name was mentioned, Belen's eyes widened slightly, and he subconsciously remembered what happened when Heathland and Al were parting, and his cheeks continued to heat up because of this.

Even though it was night, the moonlight was abundant here, and La Tier could clearly see the man's red face, and her slender and curving eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Could it be that, Mr. Belen, you are to Sister Al..."


Just as he shouted when he was panicked, Belen also realized that there was something wrong with him, and immediately withdrew his gaze. He pressed his lips tightly in silence.

Indeed, now thinking of what happened that day, he can really feel something wrong, such as the girl's heart...

What about him?

Realizing that it has been twenty years with Al, Belen can’t help but sigh with this number, because at present, his life should not be thirty years long, and I didn’t expect to be able to know him so much. Long.

Kayère once warned him that if he didn't like Al, let him go early, but now he recalls, maybe he has realized some of his special feelings for Al when he was in the northwest.

Possessive?Indeed, that is possessiveness, but it is not possessiveness for childhood sweethearts, this is not normal, childhood sweethearts are just old friends, the reason why he was often angry at that time...

Are you jealous?

He is not a frank person, so these words can only be said from the bottom of my heart now, but his slowness in feelings has only begun to open up now, perhaps because his end is approaching?

I can't escape anymore...

Belen exhaled a long breath, and then under La Tier's gaze, he said softly: "Maybe I was wrong, but I might really like Al. A lot of things happened in the northwest. "

"So this is ah..."

La Tier's mood became a little strange. Although she had thought about it a long time ago, this was the first time she heard Belen admit that she now likes a certain girl.

It turns out that the biggest competitor is not around...

Ilya, whom Latir had always considered the biggest competitor, did make Belen's heart fascinating, but he didn't expect that there was actually such a biggest competitor as Al.

"No way, I have something wrong with these things." Belen rubbed his eyes with his hands, his face flushed, he didn't even dare to look at Latier.

"Mr. Belén has noticed his own mind, and I should praise Mr. Belén for having grown up." Lattier also lay down, her lips pursed in silence.

"Really? I've grown up too." Belen also sighed and smiled.

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