Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 812

But after the quiet atmosphere lasted for a while, Latil covered her eyes with one arm, and she said softly: "Then, Mr. Belén, who has grown up, also knows my heart?"

Latier's face was red, and in the quiet atmosphere at this moment, she could even hear her heartbeat speeding up. She was nervous, but she still mustered the courage to ask, she didn't want to keep hiding.

After a while, La Tier didn't hear the response from the people beside her. Just when she wondered if Belen was asleep, she heard a sound from beside her as soon as she moved her arm away. .

"I know."

Chapter VIII: Mind

I know.

When this sentence fell into La Tier’s ears, as if something exploded in her ears, her eyes slowly widened, but her body froze for a while, unable to make any movements or responses. .

Belen looked at the night sky. In fact, La Tier had been vaguely aware of his own thoughts a long time ago, but he kept letting himself not think deeply, until the girl personally mentioned it, he had to make it. Response.

"Although I have always let myself not think about it, but now I have to think about it. It must be uncomfortable to keep you hidden in my heart? I'm sorry."

Ratil woke up when she heard the words of apology. She immediately sat up, then blushed and lowered her head and whispered: "No, this is not painful and uncomfortable, but a little worried..."


Belen also sat up, and he looked at the cat-eared girl beside him.

"Yeah, worry." Latier nodded, and she said with a faintly wry smile: "Because I don't know how Mr. Belém treats me, so... if I say it, I might be rejected. I’m sure to be very disappointed if I do, and I’m even more afraid that Mr. Belén will feel guilty for it.”

Hearing what the girl said, Belen also looked at the side face with a faint bitter smile. He sighed, then smiled and stretched out his hand to stroke the girl's head.

"La Tier is really gentle."

Even if she might get an answer that made her feel tormented, she still worried about the other party.

"No, it's just that I owe too much to Mr. Belen. If this happens again..." Latier pursed her lips, her eye sockets were a little moist, and she seemed to feel a little painful, and she held her chest tightly with one hand. Clothes.

"But, if I don't say it again, I'm afraid I won't be able to say it again in the end!"

She was always worried, worried that Belen might leave quietly one day, and worried that if she continued to wait like this, she would never have the opportunity to tell him what she wanted, so she couldn't bear it anymore. Speak out.

And just as the mist in La Tier's eyes grew stronger, she could only feel a pair of arms engulfing herself in a warm embrace, and the gentle voice came from her ears.

"I understand, so don't be sad, I already know your mind."

How does it feel to like someone?You can roughly know what happened when you and Al were on the northwest border of Florentis.

Will be concerned about the other party's true mind, and will feel extremely worried about the other party's comfort, too much, and La Tier's pain is one of them.

Belén gently stroked the girl's head, and he said softly: "I said before that I have been touched by many people. You may not know it, but this includes you Latier."


La Tier made a shocked sound, not because she didn't believe what Belen said, but she really didn't know when she made the latter's heart beat.

Perceiving the girl's doubts, and in order not to make her feel that he was comforting her, Belen also said the thing he had remembered, only feeling a little embarrassed.

"That day... Didn't Antrina lent you her...underwear?"


An anger came out from the top of Latier's head, and she instantly remembered the shameful thing she had plucked up the courage to do that day. Although she fell asleep afterwards, she did not expect that the day she actually made Belen's heart moved.

"Really, are you really moved?"

"Um...really." Belen swallowed, and then couldn't help but explain: "After all, I'm a man anyway! How could I be like a wooden girl in such a dress? No response?"

"It turns out that Mr. Belén likes that look..." Latier murmured. The pony tails behind her swayed, and the cat ears stood up. She kept this matter in her heart.

When he heard this murmur, Belen was blushing and it was hard to refute anything, but he couldn't say he liked it, but he would be stimulated.

"I thought what I said... wouldn't make people like it. Compared to everyone, I'm not good enough at all."

Hearing that, Belen also separated the girl in his arms from his chest, his dark blue eyes stared at the brown cat eyes, his expression was very serious and serious.

"Please don't belittle yourself! La Tier is a very good, very cute, and very gentle girl! If she were not by my side, she would definitely be an excellent kanban girl!"

"Kanban girl or something..."

After seeing the extremely serious face in front of him, Latier also blushed and lowered his head to mutter, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Probably you didn't notice that when you appeared in the sight of others, you received a lot of gaze." Belen smiled slightly, and then sighed: "It is also because of this, I But I'm not less angry."

"It turns out that Mr. Belen will have this kind of child temperament?" Latier couldn't help laughing after hearing the words. She really didn't notice this.

"Yeah, yeah, just laugh."

Seeing the girl laughing at himself, Belen also snorted like a child, and then under the girl's smiling gaze, he scratched his hair again.

"I won't say that I can't give an answer yet, and I won't let Latier wait for my answer, because it's too selfish."

With a faint smile on La Tier's beautiful face, she suddenly felt that even if she was rejected, it didn't matter, because even if she was rejected, the man in front of her would be as gentle to herself as ever.

"So, I accept your intentions. We are family members. We are family members who can tolerate any mistakes." Belen said what was in his heart, and then he smiled again. He said: "At my end Before the time comes, I will be like a family member, and I will be by your side like an ordinary lover."

Compared to love, he still has a deeper family relationship with them, so all this will not be a problem.

After listening to the man's words, La Tier also had tears in her eyes. She raised her hand to wipe the teardrops, and then laughed and said, "Mr. Belen's choice is really selfish."

Seeing the girl in tears, Belen also asked with some worry: "Sorry, did you make you angry?"

"No, I just breathed a sigh of relief." La Tier shook her head. She looked back at the night sky with a cheerful smile on her face.

That was enough, Belen accepted her intentions, although it was not what she had imagined, but even so, she was already satisfied.

"In other words, since Mr. Belén is aware of my intentions, he should also know Ilia and Lumia, as well as Leia's intentions?."


Belen was stunned, he blinked, and then couldn't help laughing: "Latier, are you kidding me?"

"So you don't know Mr. Belém?" Ratil looked at the man beside him in a little surprise, then turned back and muttered with a dry cough.

"Sorry for exposing you too."

Chapter VIII: Unusual Changes

Because of what happened last night, Belen didn't go back to the room all night, because after calming down, he felt extremely entangled with what Ratil said.


Belém sitting on the rooftop is also confused. He can be said to have stayed up all night, although he doesn't need to sleep anymore, but it also shows the complexity of his heart.

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