Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 813

"Ah, it won't work for you to be so entangled."

Belen lay down on the ground again, and he sighed. Although he was more or less aware of Elia, he also pretended not to see it, but Lumia and Laya. .. This is really unexpected.

When did this happen?

Etc., etc!You can't take it seriously just by listening to Latier's words!

After struggling for a whole night, Belen finally thought of this. He immediately sat up and showed a pleasant smile. He said to himself: "Yes, this may be just Latier's guess. What am I doing so seriously?"

As a result, Belen stood up happily. Self-hypnosis was quite useful. He glanced at the sky. It was probably time for the girls to get up, and he didn't know if he was lying in bed.

Immediately afterwards, Belen left the rooftop and returned to his room. He gently opened the sliding door he was co-authoring. As expected, the girls had already gotten up, and there was sunlight in the room.

"It's great to not sleep in today."

Belen sighed with joy, and then noticed the kitten still sleeping in the corner. He blinked and then grinned. Sure enough, there would still be surprises.

After seeing him, Laiya also asked with a full face of doubt: "Mr. Belém, where did you go last night?" She naturally knew that Belém had not returned all night.

"Ah? Last night...I was on the rooftop." Belen said like this. He didn't lie, it was indeed a night on the rooftop.

"Rooftop?" Laiya glanced thoughtfully at Latier, who just avoided her gaze, and then said with a faint smile: "It's really strange, I thought I would come back with Latier. , Did something happen?"

"No, nothing!"

Considering that Belen's lying would be exposed, Latier immediately denied this statement out loud, then haha ​​smiled and scratched her cheek, and she immediately walked to Laya's side.

"Stop talking about it, Laya, shall I help you comb your hair?"

"Um... OK." Laiya responded. She naturally saw that Latier seemed to be hiding something. Although she was concerned, she should ask later.

Iliya put on the white socks and looked at Belen. Her beautiful and flawless silver-black eyes flickered slightly, and she spoke softly.

"Brother, do you have breakfast together?"

Hearing what Ilia said, Belen also recovered, and then smiled and nodded: "Well, let's eat together, I feel a little hungry inexplicably."

Although I won’t be really hungry, I didn’t eat it last night after all, so let’s just say that.

"I still want to go out for exercise." Lumia sighed after putting on her clothes, and then thought to herself: "Let's go for a night run at night!"

Hearing the words of the girl next to him, Hill couldn't help but mutter: "Lumia really likes to exercise, no wonder she is so good."


Hearing Hill praised her good figure, Lumia also felt a little embarrassed and blushed. She laughed and said, "Hill is not bad, do you want to work out together?"

"This... forget it."

Hill immediately retreated. She flashed her big eyes and then smiled awkwardly. She must sweat a lot during exercise, but she has a little cleanliness.

After that, everyone went to the restaurant for breakfast, and on the way, many people's eyes were on the white-haired man who was chewing slowly.

"That person is the "White-haired Sword Saint"!"

"Really? Well...so handsome!"

"It doesn't seem to be a very indifferent person? I really want to get in touch!"

There was a lot of discussion all around, because many of the buildings in the city have not been completed yet, and the people living in the Andinz Hotel are also full. There are naturally many people who eat in the morning, and of course they know. The important character who defeated the black dragon was the well-known "White-haired Sword Saint."

Few people don’t know about the fact that the "White-Haired Juggernaut" was still in the Andi Inz Hotel in the city. The white hair is very iconic, so it’s easy to recognize it, but this is the first time they have seen each other. To the true face of "White-haired Sword Saint".

Hearing the noises from all around, the girls who were eating quietly glanced around intentionally or unintentionally. Although there are a lot of male eyes, the women in the restaurant now account for the majority. , And their eyes are naturally focused on their table, as for who the goal is...

Latier couldn't help muttering: "These nympho, have been staring at Mr. Belém..."

"It's a celebrity after all. It's inevitable." Laiya also laughed, and shook her head helplessly. Unexpectedly, Mr. Belen would have such a popular day.

Although I know that Belém is not a person with a flamboyant personality, he used to hide his true face, so he would not be noticed, but now in this city it is different. Everyone knows that "white hair" "Juggernaut" is in the Andy Inz Hotel, and the gray hair is too obvious.

However, at this moment, Belen was not very concerned about the sight of the surroundings. He didn't even hear the surrounding voices talking about him, because he had discovered a strange thing now.

Belen looked at his hand holding the chopsticks and frowned slightly. He now feels very strange, very similar to when his "demigod eye" first appeared, but with a sense of illusion. Obviously, it was not using the power of the half-god eye, but it was still able to overlap the magic dimension and reality a little bit, and there was also a feeling of being involved.

Is this a sequelae of stepping into the "quasi-god realm"?

I was vaguely aware of it last night, but now that feeling becomes clearer after calming down. If this continues, what will happen?Are you drawn into the dimension of magic?

Belen's brows frowned, and he felt a little uneasy because he thought of these possibilities. If that was the case, his time might be closer.

No, that's not right. If stepping into the "quasi-god realm" would be such a danger, then why can the two most powerful in the world be avoided?

There must be a way, just like when I had mastered the "Eye of the Demigod", I just need to gradually adapt to it.

Chapter VIII: In the Mountains

When Belen and others ate, many people wanted to express their gratitude to Belen, but they also restrained themselves because they didn't understand what kind of person the "White-haired Sword Saint" was.

After finishing the meal, Belen followed the girls back to the room, and when he was thinking about what to do today, Ratil sat in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Belen asked, "Latier, what's wrong?"

Although he was still a little shy about what happened last night, after all, he planned to accept the girls' hearts, so he had to face their feelings directly.

Latier muttered, "The girls just now, does Mr. Belén have any eyes on anyone?"


Belen was also dumbfounded when he heard this question. He stared blankly at the girl with the red cheeks in front of him, and there was confusion in his head for a while.

The girls on the side were also attracted by the questions Ratil asked. They stared deeply at the cat-eared girl who was staring at the white-haired man with surprise in their eyes.

Why is La Tier so direct today?

La Tier said seriously: "There are so many beautiful girls among those girls. Maybe the carefree Mr. Belén will see people, so I want to ask!"

"What a fancy..."

Hearing this, Belen also scratched his cheek in embarrassment, and he could also think that Latier said that because of what he said last night, although he didn't want to admit it.

"No, no, I don't like them."



After getting a confirmed answer, La Tier took a deep look at Belén and stood up, then walked to the wall to pick up the book and began to look through it. She didn't want to have other competitors!

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