Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 814

The girls all looked at La Tier with surprise, and the latter also felt their fiery gaze, so they also felt a little itchy, and then slowly raised their heads.

"Why... keep staring at me?"

Lattes fluttered with big eyes, and then said in surprise: "My sister is so amazing, today is like a different person, what happened?"

"La Tier is so aggressive today." Laiya also looked at La Tier thoughtfully.

Lumia also said curiously: "La Tier, is this planning to make clear with Belen?"

Hill on the side blinked and looked at La Tier curiously. He didn't expect the latter to be so aggressive today, and Illiya, who was sitting next to her, also flickered.

"Ah I..."

La Tier also blushed. She hasn't told everyone what happened last night because she is really not as embarrassed to say what she has already picked out.


At this time, Illiya closed the door, she looked at La Tier, and said calmly: "Could it be that the sister has confessed to the brother?"


Everyone's eyes fell on Ilia's body and paused for a while, and then they all fell on Latil with a dull face. They also judged something from the latter's expression.

Could it be... is this true?

When something like this happened in another room, Belen was sitting by the wall and was stunned. Although he didn't know why he closed the door, he didn't care too much.

Forget it, go for a walk today.

Thinking of this, Belen stood up, he yelled "I'm going out for a stroll" inside but didn't get a response. He blinked suspiciously before leaving the room.

When Belen walked through the first corridor, it attracted the attention of many people. He put his hands in his pockets, and when he felt his sight, he looked curiously in one direction.

"The Master Sword Saint is here!"

I don’t know who exclaimed, making more eyes look at the white-haired man in the corridor, and the latter himself heard the exclaim, and was also stunned at the moment, but then he noticed He immediately reacted after the fiery eyes that kept increasing.

Ah, yes, he is already a celebrity in this city!

I have a headache now.

Belen was silent and pretending to be calm, and then walked out of the hotel calmly, and when he walked out of the hotel, countless eyes were swept over, he naturally felt it, and the pace under his feet couldn't help but speed up.

He really didn't want to be stared at like this.

As a result, Belen turned into a white afterimage and turned into a side alley, and then ran along the wall to the top of the eaves, and after a few flashes, he was out of those sights.

That being the case, let's go out of town and stroll around.

After having such an idea, Belém ran out of the city all the way. I don’t know if there are other towns and villages near the city, but he first entered a big mountain. The attack of the black dragon spread.

After entering the mountain, Belen reduced his speed. He wanted to go to the top of the mountain to take a look at the scenery, standing on the highest point and overlooking everything, that kind of scenery, as long as those who are not afraid of heights, will probably feel beautiful, right?

The sense of tranquility in the mountains is indeed much better than in the city. No wonder there are always a lot of people going to hide in the mountains. It should be because of this peaceful and serene atmosphere.

A faint smile appeared on Belen's face. It would be great if one day he could take everyone to a quiet place to live. He would prefer a fairytale place surrounded by golden wheat fields.

Just when Belen was dreaming of a good life in his mind, he suddenly felt something. Subconsciously, he turned his head and saw a beast and a...human being?


A ferocious black bear was roaring. It waved its own sharp claws and slapped the man in torn black clothes who fell to the ground, and the man immediately closed his eyes, and the claw came down. , He is probably going to die too.

But after a while did not feel any pain, the black and white eyes slowly opened, and then gradually widened, I saw a white man standing in front of him, with one hand The black bear's paw was blocked.

"Big black bear, you can't hurt people."

The savior was Belen. With a light effort, he made the black bear go backwards, and then disappeared in the same place before stepping on it. In the blink of an eye, he stood in front of the black bear again. He stretched out his hand and lightened. Lightly patted the big black bear's belly.

"Okay, get out quickly."

When the dark blue eyes met the big black bear's eyes, the latter's huge body also trembled slightly, and then took a step back, then put its forefoot on the ground again and turned its head and ran, it felt a great pressure. , Could have made him escape immediately.

Chapter VIII: Demon Boy and Girl

After seeing the big black bear fleeing, Belen also retracted his gaze, and then turned around with a smile, but when he saw the person attacked by the black bear before, his smile froze.

The person who was sitting on the ground was still trembling. He was a boy who seemed to be only fourteen or five years old. However, the only thing that felt strange was the faint black texture on his bare skin, but there were still many bruises. Green scars.

Although the texture is very light, it is absolutely correct. It is a unique symbol of the demons.

The magic lines on the demons are very special things, called external magic circuits. This is their natural talent and a symbol of being a demons. It is also because of this thing that their racial abilities can be far superior. To other races.


Belen stared blankly at the demon boy who was looking at him with a vigilant look. Although the latter was staring at him with great fear, his whole body was shaking violently, and there were a lot of blood stains on his body, red. There was also a little black in his bloodstain.

How come there are demons here?And still such a young demons?

During Belém's silence for a while, I saw the demon boy climbed up from the ground trembling, and then fled towards the top of the mountain. Obviously he didn't trust the man who had saved one of his own.

Seeing the demon boy who had run away, Belen also hesitated for a while, and then stepped forward to follow up, he wanted to know why the demon appeared here.

Just after the demon boy ran into a cave, Belen followed him in. He was worried that there were other demon people hiding here, and there might be some conspiracy. However, when he walked in, the demon The young man was aware of it, and immediately turned around and picked up the knife on the side to face him.

He is scared...

After seeing the obvious trembling arc of the demon boy, Belen also realized this, and the next moment, he noticed that there was still a petite figure behind the demon boy, and it was possible to use the weak light. Seeing clearly, it seemed to be a little girl, who was not too old. From the magic lines on her legs, she could be judged that she was also a demon, but at the moment she was lying there with her eyes closed.

Only two children?

Belen frowned slightly. This was something he never thought of. He thought that there would be a lot of demons lurking here and brewing some conspiracy, but this cave was so big that it obviously couldn't accommodate more people.

Immediately afterwards, Belen said nonchalantly: "Why are you here?" Although the object was a child, he still did not relax his vigilance because he was a demons, although he did not think that the other party could hurt himself.

In response to his questioning, the Demon Clan youth was just gritted teeth, and did not seem to intend to answer his words, and this also made his eyes squint slightly. Will the Demon Clan say such things at all? No need to think about it, maybe they have their own language, but the world also has a common language.

"Answer me, otherwise, die."


The blue magic power rippled from Belen's body. Although he had a good control of his strength, it seemed to be under great pressure for the demon boy. The whole person instantly knelt to the ground, supporting his hands. The ground didn't let himself get down.

"no, do not want..."

After hearing the words from the Demon boy, Belen still did not take back the pressure he exerted. His eyes fell on the Demon girl lying on the ground, and his blue eyes instantly penetrated the girl's body. Situation, and he frowned, because the magic power of this demon girl was about to dry up.

It seems to be sick, probably because of a high fever, and it seems that the body is still injured, so the magic in the body is somewhat blocked, so the current situation is caused by the inability to keep up with the recovery of the body?

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