Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 818

"you guys..."

After seeing them, Belen also had a heartbeat. He found that the young girl behind him had retreated to the corner nervously.

Latier walked in. She also saw the two people in the corner. She couldn't help but curiously asked, "Mr. Belen, who are they?"

Seeing her asking, Belem quickly replied: "Ah, that's it. I found them in this mountain yesterday. Because of the injuries on my body, I helped them heal. Today I came to visit them ."

Regarding this, Laya said in a puzzled manner: "Yesterday? But Mr. Belém didn't tell us yesterday?"

"This, this..."

Belen didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, Hill spoke plainly: "It seems that this is what you are concealing. To be honest, who are these two children?"

"The girl has a knife in her hand."

Lumia reminded the girls, her eyes locked on the knife in Rena's hand.

Laya on the side glanced at the knife and then cast her gaze on Gard and Rena. The black texture on the skin caught her eyes, her eyes condensed slightly, and then she felt fine. The light flashed in his eyes.

"Are they demons?"


The moment Laya spoke her discovery, Illya on the side released a huge magical force to oppress the past, instantly making Garder and Rena slam into the rock wall behind.



Hearing the painful sound of Reina, Belen was also shocked. He didn't expect Ilia to do it directly. Is she so resistant to the demons!?

Latier couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Belém, get out of the way!"

"How come there are people from the demons here!?" Lumia's eyes also showed a cold light, and two daggers appeared on her hands.

Seeing the girls posing for driving, Belen was also taken aback. He glanced at Garder and Reina, who were oppressed by that huge magical force. He suddenly had a headache, and his expression suddenly became straight.


A deep magical power radiated from the air, directly dispersing the magical power exerted by Ilya, and when Ilya was stunned, a flat voice came into everyone's ears.

"Illya, put away the magic."

Hearing this, Illiya was also startled, she also blinked after seeing those dark blue eyes staring at her, and all the magic power returned to her body.

My brother seems a little angry.

The other girls were also staring at the white-haired man in front of them in a daze. They were also shocked by those eyes, and they were a little confused for a while.

"Belen... sir?"

After hearing La Tier's call, Belen also closed his eyes, and then sighed: "You guys, you should be more mature. Look at the occasion."

These children are too impatient, or is it because the identity of the demons gives them too much excitement?

Just when the girls were puzzled, Belen turned around and looked at Jiade and Rena, and said with extreme apology: "Sorry, these kids in my family are too impatient, are you all right?"

After hearing the words, Jiade and Rena were also stunned, and then shook their heads. Although there was some pain when they hit the rock wall, they were not injured. At this moment, they were staring at the girls outside the cave with great caution.

Aware of their alertness, Belen also turned around and looked at the girls. He beckoned and said helplessly: "Okay, all come in."

As a result, the girls also walked into the cave, but the atmosphere was also very depressing, and there was some guard between the two sides. After all, jihad was fighting outside, and the opposition between races could be said to be incompatible.

Belen first took out some stools for everyone to sit down. He looked at Garder and Reina, who were shaking slightly with their heads down, and then turned his head to look at the girls who were staring at the latter two.

"Okay, don't stare at them."

Hearing what Belen said, Ratil couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Mr. Belen, they are demons!"

Belen nodded and said, "Garde and Reina are indeed demons, but in my opinion, they are children just like you."

Hearing that, the girls were all startled, they once again looked at Gard and Rena. Indeed, the two of them did not seem to be older than Latis.

"Indeed, the demons have a lot of bad guys, and on the basis of war, this bad guy has become a bad guy that must be eliminated." Belen looked at the girls calmly, he said calmly: "But ah, even if it is right In our world that the demons sneered at, isn't there anyone who is wicked?"

Latier also trembled when she heard these words. She had experienced the darkness of this society. Are those who abuse and sell slaves just ugly and hateful?Is such a person better than the demons?

Lumia also fell into silence. She was born as a killer, and she naturally understood those dirty deeds in countless battles, even her hands were covered with blood.


When everyone was silent, Ilia's apology broke the quiet atmosphere, and this apology also made Garder and Reina look up, looking at the silver-haired girl in shock.


The girls also apologized after looking at each other. Indeed, even if the opponent is a demon, but the opponent is not a demon king's army, nor is it a great evil person in the demon clan, but they are almost the same age That's just ordinary children.

Seeing the girls apologized, Belen couldn't help but smile. He knew that as long as they explained clearly to them, they would definitely be acceptable, probably...

"No, it's okay..."

Rena forgave them after looking at each other. In her opinion, the girls in front of her were completely different from the guys who bullied them.

The girls slowly raised their heads after being forgiven, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes after both sides officially watched each other's face.

After seeing the appearance of Rena and Guardian, Hill couldn't help but say: "So the children of the Demon Race are so cute too!"

"Hello, my name is Latier, I'm really sorry just now, can you tell me your names?" Latier also plucked up the courage to stretch out her hand, she didn't want her behavior just now to make the two innocents in front of her Teenagers and girls have grievances.

Seeing this happy scene, Belen was also relieved. He smiled and looked at the scene before him, and an unrealistic idea appeared in his mind.

It would be great if everyone could be so peaceful.

Chapter 890: Is it impossible to live together?

After both parties knew each other's names, Belen told the girls what happened to the brothers and sisters, Garder and Reina, and they fell silent after listening.

They were obviously very happy when they heard that the coalition had the upper hand, but at this moment, they were inexplicably sad after learning about the unfortunate experience of Garder and Reina.

Isn't the Mozu caught in such a dangerous situation something that everyone dreams of?Ordinary demons have been displaced, doesn't it just show how bad the demons are now?

But why can't you be happy?

Seeing the silent girls, Belen did not have any surprises. The kind-hearted girls will definitely feel as complicated as they are now after they know the things behind the war. This is expected.

It would be great if everyone could be so peaceful.

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