Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 819

Belen who thinks of this is also gloomy, does the demons coexist in this world with other races?However, this is almost impossible.

The talents of the demons themselves have surpassed all races on the mainland except for the rare species, and they are a large race, and they are not a few in number. This is also something that makes all countries afraid.

If the war had been launched in the past, perhaps the demon clan could survive the defeat, but now there is no room for the "Devil King" to appear.

Because no one would hope that there will be an existence like a "devil" in this world, because that is an existence that can subvert the entire world.

Therefore, the demons must be eradicated from extinction.

Belem shook his head, put those complicated things behind him, and then said: "I was worried that there would be resistance between you, but now I am relieved."

Hearing that, La Tier also looked at this cave. She frowned and said: "If they keep living in this kind of place, they will definitely get sick."

Hill also suggested: "Or take them back to the hotel?"

Hearing this proposal, Hill also thought about it for a moment, and then said: "It can be, but the signs on them are too easy to be identified."

After hearing what the girls in front of them were discussing, Jiade and Rena were also taken aback. Didn't they expect that these people in front of them actually planned to take them to the hotel?

Rena hesitated, then shook her head and said, "No, it's okay, we'll be fine here."

"But it's so cold here. A stove can't support it in the morning." Latier also noticed the stove beside it. It's wet here. Sleeping here must be bad for your health.

Guardian also opened his mouth and said, "However, there are many people in the city..."

This is exactly what the girls are worried about. After all, not everyone can understand and accept the demons. Just like the people that Jiade and Rena met before, they are simply going to kill them.

At this time, Laya smiled and said, "Wrapped in a big black robe is enough."

Hearing her words, the girls' eyes lit up, yes, they were wrapped in a big black robe and a big hat, only a pair of eyes were exposed. Who could tell that this was a demon?

Seeing the girls' joy, Belen blinked. He didn't quite understand why such a simple method had to think for so long.

"Okay, now that's the case, then get ready to go."

Immediately afterwards, Belen stood up. He took out two large black robes from the storage and handed them to Garder and Rena. The two subconsciously took them, and then looked at him with some worry. Of people.

Reina asked hesitantly, "Is this okay? If it is discovered, it will hurt you."

"If we leave you alone now, we will blame ourselves." Belen smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Reina's head, then walked out of the cave, and he beckoned.

"Okay, let's go."

Latier and Laya smiled and held the hands of Gard and Rena, and then led them out of the cave. Latis and Rumia recovered the useful things in the cave.

In the city.

After entering the city, Belen found that the steps of Garder and Reina were a little strange. He smiled and said: "Don't be so scared, they won't recognize you two now."

Now Jiade and Rena are both wrapped in black robes, only revealing a pair of big black shiny eyes. They are looking around very nervously. Their previous experience has left a lot of shadow on them. .

After listening to Belém's words, Latier looked at him in a puzzled manner. She asked, "Mr. Belém, don't worry about Garder and Reina, why do you want to wrap it like this?"

That's right, Belen is also tightly wrapped in the big robe now, especially the iconic white hair is also covered by the big hat, he doesn't want to be surrounded by people at this time.

"Don't you want to be eye-catching."

After all, he is now a big celebrity in this city, and most people have already seen the true face of the "White-haired Sword Saint", which makes him a little helpless, but fortunately, recently someone used a magic device to take pictures of him. He ran away immediately, otherwise everyone in the world would know his true face.

After returning to the hotel room very smoothly, Belen said, "Well, you can help me lay out the mattress. I'll talk to Vernie about this."

Latier nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Belen."

Just as Belem was about to open the door and go out, he suddenly remembered something, and immediately turned around and blinked his eyes and said: "Guard sleeps with me."

La Tier was stunned when he heard the words, and then let out a chuckle, "I know, Mr. Belém!"

Seeing the girl laughing at him, Belen also blushed and walked out of the room. It wasn't for any special reason, he just reminded him because Guardian was also a boy.

At this moment, Guardian was looking around with a confused face. This was the first time in his life to live in such a good place. This kind of freshness was truly unprecedented.

"Awesome place, can I live here?"

Hearing the murmur of Guardian, Ilia also turned her head and answered calmly: "Since my brother has decided, then you can live here with peace of mind."

After hearing the words, Guardian also turned his head to look. After seeing the silver-haired girl, his face couldn't help turning red, and his big black and white eyes flashed with surprise.

"Sister, you are so beautiful..."

Hearing what he said, Illya was also stunned, and then she was silent, but Laya who was on the side approached and teased the demon boy with a smile.

"Little Guardian, is it possible that I like us Iliya?"

"NO, I have not."

After being teased like this, Guardian's face turned redder. He just thought that this silver-haired girl was very beautiful, and that he was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, so he sighed.

Chapter 891: Back to the hotel

When they heard the topic discussed here, the girls all looked at them, and then laughed, and even Latil came over.

"My sister tells you, we, Illya, have many suitors."

After hearing the words, Guardian also nodded, and said of course: "Well, sister Yiliya is so beautiful, of course many people like her."

Latier continued to smile and said, "If Gard likes Ilia, my sister can help you."

Hearing this sentence, Guardian also blushed and lowered his head, not knowing what to say. After all, he is already a thirteen-year-old boy. It is when adolescence is ignorant, he will naturally have some good feelings for beautiful girls. .

After hearing what Latier said, Ilia looked at the former calmly. She calmly said, "Sister Latier, why can you say this in front of me?"

Perceiving that strange tone, La Tier was also startled, and immediately asked cautiously: "That...sorry, is Ilia angry?"

"I won't be angry." Illiya shook her head, and then she looked at Latier and said: "However, I will never let go."

Latier was also startled when she heard the words, she naturally understood what Illiya meant, so that pretty face also raised a big smile.


Just as the girls helped Guard and Reina clean up the beds, there was a shocking cry from the owner's office at this moment.

"what did you say!?"

At the moment Belen was standing at his desk, holding his hair awkwardly.

Vernie's look is very ugly now. She stared at the guy in front of her, and said with a weird face: "You brought the two demons to my hotel?"

"This... well, that's the case." Belen also didn't dare to look directly at Vernie.

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