Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 820

"If this is discovered, what would you tell me to do?" Vernie's eyes were uncertain. If the matter of her harbouring demons here is discovered, it is not just a hotel demolition and relocation, it will definitely spread. Going outside, her family's reputation may be severely hit.

"Don't worry, I won't let them be exposed." Belen vowed to pat his chest frankly.

Seeing him like this, Vernie was also silent for a while. Of course she knew that Belen told her because she trusted her, so she sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, as long as you can keep them from being exposed."

Hearing this, Belen immediately showed a big smile, and he said happily: "I know that Vernie will agree, so I can rest assured."

"You don't worry." Vernie gave him a blank look, and then mocked: "If you hide from me, I won't worry about it, you bastard."

"It's not hiding from you, will I feel uncomfortable in my heart?" Belen scratched his cheek in embarrassment. He was really sorry to let him hide such an important thing from Vernie. After all, this is Wei. Ernie’s hotel.

Vernie glanced at him, and then her expression returned to calm. She said, "It really surprised me that you would actually help two demon children."

In this regard, Belen also smiled and said: "Who made me unlucky just happened to run into them, if I ignore it, I will feel guilty."

"A good one." Vernie shook her head, and she said helplessly: "Although I said it would be fine not to expose them, but if it is exposed, you have to take full responsibility for me."

"Don't worry, they were brought in by me, and it has nothing to do with you." Belen smiled and nodded. He naturally understood the importance of the matter, so he understood Vernie's approach very well.

Hearing this, Vernie also nodded slightly, and then waved her hand: "That's it, you can go busy if you have anything, I still have work to deal with."

"OK then."

Belen nodded, and just as he was about to exit the room, he suddenly turned his head to look at Vernie and couldn't help asking, "There is one more thing I want to ask you."

"Say it."

"You should be a lily like Florty, right?"



The door was closed in an instant, and Belém suddenly fled, while Vernie in the office was sitting there blushing and angrily. She was so angry that this guy really didn’t open the pot or mention which pot. Ah, I'm obviously about to forget it, but I dare to make her remember it.

After Belem returned to the room, he found that there was one more mattress beside his mattress, which was obviously prepared by everyone for Guardian. That would be fine. It is absolutely impossible for him to let Guardian sleep with the girls. .

Guardian was sitting in the corner at the moment, and there were some books around him. When he saw Belem came back, he also put down the book in his hand and looked at the latter.

"You're back."

Belen nodded. He glanced at the white dress on Guardian, then smiled and said: "Well, I'm back, did they bully you?"

"No." Guardian shook his head, then turned his head and looked at another room.

Belen also followed his gaze. He found that Reina had also put on a new dress, and the girls were combing her hair. It seemed that they had been cleaned in the bathroom of the room. .

"Um...I don't know your benefactor's name yet."

Guardian's voice came from the side, Belen also looked at him, and then sat down with a smile, he introduced himself: "My name is Belen Grean, you can call me Belen."

"Then, Brother Belen?" Guardian cautiously called out what he called Belen.

Belen nodded and said, "Say whatever you feel like."

"Uncle Belen?"

"Let's call Belen Brother."

Guardian nodded, then he hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, and bowed down with great gratitude.

"Thank you Belen! If it weren't for you, I might have died at the hands of that black bear, and Reina might not be able to survive the illness. Thank you for saving us!"

Hearing the words of gratitude, the girls' eyes all looked over, and Belen was also startled when he saw the boy who was so solemn, and then smiled.

"Ah, I accept your thanks, get up."

Guardian sat up again, teardrops looming in his eye sockets, and his mouth was still choking. Thinking of all the treatment he had suffered along the way, he resisted the grief in his heart so that he would not cry.

Belen stood up and squatted down in front of the boy. He smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the boy's head, and then said, "Don't worry, no one can hurt you anymore with me."

Chapter 892: The Right Person

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, the flames of war rendered the entire sky. Whether it was day or night, there was always a scarlet looming in the sky. It was not only the light of fire, but also the blood that was so dense that it could not dissipate.

The holy war has lasted for nearly two months, and during this period of time, the Demon King's Army has been completely suppressed by the coalition forces, and strong men from all corners of the world have joined the war one after another. Only this can make the battle so smooth.

Compared with the slow pressure of the forces from all sides, one person has been standing in front of the Demon King's army on the western battlefield. No matter who came, he could not shake her a single bit, and a large sword went deep into the ground.

This person is the "brave man."

At this time, several rays of light of different colors emerged from the void and circulated beside Sisia, a golden ball of light hovering above her head, it was the spirit of light.

"Sisya, you can start fusion tonight."

The red-haired girl holding the sword hilt in both hands slowly opened her eyes, and there were colorful colors flowing in the meantime, looking at the dark place, as if she could see the magnificent city surrounded by darkness.

"How long does it take to merge."

The light elves replied: "Seven days of time integration, half a month of time mastering."

"it is good."

After answering, Sisya's eyes slowly closed. She didn't care about those who guarded her eyes in the dark. What she had to do now was to adjust her strength.

Compared to the battlefield where Sisya is located, the rest of the battlefields have been fiercely fought. Novel’s layout did not include Sisya in it, and what others have to do is to integrate all the battlefields. The combat power will not interfere with the latter.

Nowadays, the power of "Braves" has reached the point where Novell can't even estimate. Her only knowledge is to put herself in the most peak state, stepping through the Demon King City and the "Devil King" at the moment when her luck reaches the best World War I.

In the coalition camp on the western battlefield, Nowell is sitting in a big tent receiving the situation of the battle from all directions. Based on the news she has just received, she needs to use "insights" to analyze all of her current situation. Unseen situation.

Although Novell was not the only one in the Allied Forces to sit in the rear layout, no matter what conclusion the rest of the capable people and strangers came to, they needed to look at her side. Now it can be said that they are very busy.

"This workload... I must let these bastards ask me to go on vacation when I look back!"

After finishing the work temporarily, Novel slumped in the chair, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his cheek, and then rubbed his temple.

"Time should be up soon."

Nowell glanced at the dusk outside the sky, her eyes condensed slightly, and after hesitating for a while, she sat up again. She took out a bottle with some red hair in it. This is Sisi Ya's hair.

"Let's take a look for you again."

While whispering like this, Novel took out the small piece of red hair and held it in her hand, her eyes closed, invisible magic waves rippling around her, and after a long while, she slowly opened her eyes again. For a moment, the unfocused sight seemed to see through the future.

She saw Sisya's unrelenting figure, but in front of the colorful brilliance shrouded a darkness that she could not see through, and in the next moment the colorful brilliance was covered by darkness.

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