Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 822

Latier also snorted, "I suspected that Mr. Belén was good for this."

Lumia on the side looked at Lattes on the side, and she seriously warned: "Lattes can't be so close to Belen in the future, she will be eaten!"

Hearing this, Belen was also frightened and said quickly: "Don't say strange things to Latis!"

At this time, Illiya tugged at the corner of Belem's clothes, her silver-black eyes flickered slightly, and she whispered: "Brother, am I still a child?"

Seeing Ilia also come to join in the fun, Belen also sighed and said: "Forget it, not only Ilia, you are all just kids, you are really not mature enough, especially Laiya, how old is it."


Laya stuck out her tongue playfully.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at Reina, and he said: "Don't listen to their nonsense, let's start."

However, Rena looked at the white-haired man in front of her with a very strange look, and Belen grinned after comprehending the fear in that look.

This kid...

After that, Belen spent another period of time to hide Rena’s magic patterns under his skin, and his current speed was much faster than when he helped Guardian before. It is the same thing for him, his control of magic power can even be said to be the first in the world.

However, it is also a very big project to hide all the magic patterns of the two of them. This is enough for the time being, at least it will not make the two of them continue to worry about being so worried outside.

Chapter 894: Myth

On that deserted land, a red-haired girl in red and white light armor was standing there, and in front of her was the Demon King’s army camp on the Northwest Battlefield. She stood alone but no one dared to commit. All the Demon King Army retreated to the camp and did not dare to act rashly.

"The breath has calmed down."

Colorful halos emerged from around Sisiya, they floated above her head and hovered, and Sisiya opened her eyes at this moment and burst out with amazing sharp light, and her spirits had reached the peak state. .

"let's start."

As Sisia’s voice fell, the elemental elves exuded a dazzling brilliance, and a shocking colorful light beam burst out from the center of the girl. The light beam soared into the sky, piercing the clouds, and then like the eye of a storm. Generally, countless clouds are attached to it to rotate.

Countless mysterious and mysterious light voices echo in the air like poems. It is a language that cannot be understood by creatures except elemental elves. At this moment, it is like the will of the gods, so sacred that all creatures want to kneel down. .


That beam of light seems to be outside the starry sky, and the brilliance it emits illuminates the entire starry sky. Even people far away can see the sudden appearance in the sky, which is as hazy and beautiful as an aurora. .


Sword light flashed across the bodies of countless Demon King’s soldiers. A woman in white clothes with a blindfold stood behind them and returned her sword to the sheath. Those Demon King’s soldiers also fell to the ground immediately. "They were all amazed. It was the blind girl in the "Brave Team". At this moment, she was looking up at the sky, clearly invisible but seemed to be looking at something.

"That is..."

On the other side, the green-haired young man Burfis also noticed the change, and when he raised his head and looked at the colorful aurora in the sky, he also raised a big smile.

"Good fellow, Cesia, you have to come on!"

After shouting, Bulfis threw himself into the battlefield again, and at the same time, members of the brave team from all directions knew who caused this vision in an instant.

At the same time, in the city of Andy Liga, at this moment in a room of the hotel, Belen is reading a book in a comfortable mood. Recently, he has solved the magic patterns on Gard and Rena. He can go out and walk normally, and he is also happy.

But at the next moment, Belen suddenly flashed his eyes. He suddenly sat up from the leaning position, and he looked at the night sky outside the window. He could see the colorful brilliance, and it was also coming from outside. The noisy sound.

"Mr. Belen!"

At this time the girls also stood up and called to Belem, and Belem also stood up immediately, he said: "I see, let's go out and have a look."


The girls followed Belen out of the room, and then came to the roof of the hotel. At this moment, many people have gathered here, and Belen and others also looked towards the sky.

La Tier couldn't help muttering, "What's the matter?"

Although this colorful aurora is very beautiful, but this sudden scene has made countless people feel worried.

"That power."

There was a faint gleam in those dark blue eyes, those deep gazes seemed to be able to see through the truth of falsehood and aurora, and Belen also knew who the power came from in an instant.

Eliya on the side was also staring at the sky, her silver-black eyes became very bright, she whispered: "This vision is caused by Sisia."


The girls were all startled when they heard the words. They naturally knew that Sisia was the name of "the brave." It turned out that this vision came from Sisia. Is she on the battlefield?

In addition to the colorful visions that ordinary people see, Illya can still feel an invisible pressure. For this feeling, Belen on the side feels the deepest. This force is more powerful than he is in " "Quasi-God Realm" is stronger.

Is this the power of the "Approximate God"?

Now that such a powerful force has been released, the final battle will probably take place soon, and the victory or defeat this time will determine the direction of the world.

Belen remembered the seven-color magic power in his body, and then looked at the seven-color vision in the sky. With such a powerful force, he probably didn't need his help anymore.

Come on, Sisia.

A colorful halo covered the body of the figure, perfectly delineating its graceful and concave figure. The shimmering brilliance is like a gem, and a vast force is constantly radiating from her body. A force capable of transforming decay into magic is the sublimation of countless elemental elves.

The light beam gradually converged, the colorful aurora disappeared from the sky, and on the ground, the dazzling light gradually dissipated to reveal the true face of Sisya. Her appearance has not changed, but her temperament is more ethereal, and her body is light. Armor had turned into seven colors, and the eternal holy sword inserted into the ground also exudes colorful light.

The power of the elements, the body of good fortune.

Sisiya looked at her hands, she felt her own changes at this moment, she had a feeling that she could do things that only existed in stories like moving mountains and reclaiming the sea with a wave of her hand.

She is now a myth!

At this moment, she can perfectly master all the laws of mantra. This is the result of the fusion of the elemental elves and her. Now she is omnipotent.

Immediately afterwards, Sisya looked at the demon king's camp in the distance, and the colorful brilliance began to bloom from under her feet, with her right palm facing down, and then she pressed it down gently.


In an instant, the sky dropped ten thousand feet of thunder and bombarded the ground, instantly spreading like a sea of ​​thunder and annihilated the countless demon king's army into nothingness. Few demons could escape, and the power of thunder remained on the ground. It didn't dissipate for a long time, and there was a deep pit about a thousand meters away on the land, as if it were a meteorite falling from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Sisia also widened her eyes, and at this time the voice of the Thunder elf appeared in her mind: "Sisia, take control, you still can't control this power."

"I understand."

Sisya nodded slightly, and she understood what the Light Elf said to her before. This magical power was gathered by the elemental elves themselves, which gave her the power to surpass herself, but it was also because of it. She needs more time to master her because it is huge and complicated.

"Next, I'll leave it to you."

The voice of the Thunder Elves fainted, and the rest of the element elves did not make any more sounds, and their consciousness had all been integrated into Sisia's body.

"Leave it to me, you won't be disappointed"

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