Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 823

Sisia smiled very confidently, and then she swung her right hand, and the eternal holy sword turned into brilliance and melted into her body. Then, she looked to the right, and she needed to use the battlefield over there to run herself. the power of.

Chapter 895: Inexplicable Disquiet

A petite figure walked out of the tent of the coalition base camp. It was the "Great Sage" Novel, with a shawl on her body to keep out the cold. When she saw the colorful light beams shrink, her eyes were slightly condensed.


Nowell also took her gaze back from the sky. She looked at the guard on the side, and then said solemnly: "Help me call Anthony."


The soldier ran away immediately after answering.

After a while, a tall man came to Novell. He looked a little excited and smiled: "What's the matter, Novell, are you going to send me to the battlefield too? Great!"

"No." Nowell shook his head.

Anthony's testimony was also taken aback. He asked suspiciously, "Is that a secret mission for me to perform?"

"I foresee that there may be an abnormal change on the side of Sisia." Nowell's eyes condensed slightly, and she clasped her hands tightly. When she saw the colorful light beam, she knew that she would soon .

Anthony was also shocked when he heard the words: "What!? How could it? That vision was created by Sisia! How could she be so powerful..."

"I don't know if the things I foresee will be changed, but I need insurance." Nowell's expression is not good, not only because of her mood, but also because of her six times of "foreseeing" magic. Shen said: "It shouldn't be too late. Let's lead two flying eagles and find someone immediately."

After hearing the words, Anthony asked curiously: "Find someone? Whom?"

"Go to the "White-haired Sword Saint.""

Nowell turned and left.

When the two were sitting on their respective flying eagles, Anthony couldn't help asking: "Novel, why do you have to find the "White-haired Sword Saint"?If you want to find him so far away, you might as well transfer back to some other strong people."

"I have already asked someone to inform." Nowell pulled the reins, and then said in a deep voice: "And, that person is indispensable!"

Among the predicted sixth results, there was only one difference from the first five. She saw a white-haired man appearing in the field. That man must be the key!

In a short while, two figures carrying flying eagles flew out from the coalition base camp and flew towards Andy Liga in the distance.

When the colorful aurora disappeared from the horizon, the people on the rooftop of the Andy Inz Hotel also left one by one. They were a little fortunate. It is great that nothing happened. Although this vision is beautiful, it is still a little bit fascinating. Palpitations.

Belen, who had been watching quietly, also withdrew his gaze. He said, "Okay, let's go back too."

After seeing the aurora disappear, Laya couldn't help but wondered: "Is Sisia in danger? After all, it caused such a vision."

"Don't worry, she will be fine, it's just her preparations before the decisive battle." Belen smiled and comforted the girl, he beckoned everyone to go back.

After returning to the room, everyone was ready to freshen up and go to bed. After all, it was already very late, and Belem, who was sitting by the window, cast his gaze on the silent night, his dark blue eyes glowing with faint luster, I don’t know. Why, inexplicably a little uneasy.

Having said that, I have stayed here long enough, and it is time to leave.

In the early morning of the second day, Belen came to Vernie’s office. He told the latter about his upcoming departure, and the girl’s answer was rather plain.

"Oh, isn't it? Well, good luck."

Hearing these extremely plain words, Belen also said helplessly: "The old classmates are about to be parted, are you too plain, right?"

Upon hearing this, Vernie also raised her head to look at the white-haired man in front of her, then stood up and walked around the desk to the latter, she raised a hand and made a fist and knocked on the latter. Chest.

"Then, don't have an accident outside, see you in the school then."

Belen looked at the girl in front of him, then smiled and said, "Okay."

After Belem returned to the room, they talked about leaving after waking up, and everyone was not surprised. After all, they rarely stay in one place for a long time.

At this time, Hill couldn't help asking: "What about Garder and Reina?"

Jiade and Rena were also stunned for a while. They couldn't help feeling a little lost, and their expressions were also a little low. Belen and the girls were kind to them, and during this time they also had feelings for this group of people. After knowing that they were leaving, they were in a bad mood.

Guardian was the first to kneel down, and he shouted in a sincere voice: "Thank you brother Belen and sisters for your care these days!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, get up quickly." Belem was also startled when he saw this, and he pulled Garter up with a laugh. He laughed: "What are you thinking about, of course I want to bring you and Reina together. ."

Hearing that, the girls all showed a look of surprise. They didn't expect Belen to make such a decision, but if they left Garder and Reina, who are demons, they would be very worried.

"Really, really!?"

After hearing Belen's words, Guardian hadn't reacted yet, and Rena exclaimed in surprise. She also didn't expect Belen to take her and her brother away.

"Well, before the end of the war, you just follow us." Belen grinned. If he was the one he used to be, he would probably not be willing to accept such troublesome things.

"Great! Thanks Belen brother!"

"Thank you brother Belen!"

Seeing the two jumping little guys, Belen also smiled and stretched out his hand to rub their heads, and then he looked at the girls aside.

"Okay, clean up and get ready to go."


While the girls were helping to pack things, Belen went out to find a commercial car, and he also raised his head and looked towards the horizon with feeling.

What is Sisia doing now?Have you hit the Demon King City?

Although I don’t know where Sisya has reached, it’s definitely stronger than he imagined. Even if she hasn’t really become a god, she shouldn’t be too far behind, and facing such an “invincible” “brave” "What can the "devil" do to resist?

Although Belen was a little concerned about Sisia's situation, this was no longer something he could manage. The only thing he had to do now was to lead everyone through the next days.

When Belen came in front of the two earth dragons, he also smiled and beckoned: "Hey, two old buddies, it's time for us to set off too."

Chapter 896: confess to the two

After Belén and others left the city in a commercial car, he felt a little relieved inexplicably, because too many people in that city knew who he was, and this made him feel a little restrained when he went out.

The next first journey is through this Boudamica grassland. Belém intends to go to Andiliga’s country to take a look. By the way, I will meet Caijia, who has already gone home. But his admirer, this makes him feel a little proud.

This time, there were two more companions on the way. They were Garder and Reina. Although they were demons, they were just children in Belen's eyes.

When thinking of the two children, Belen couldn't help but think of one thing he had concealed from them, that is, he was the "white-haired sword master".

If you confess to them...will you be hated?

This is what Belen is worried about. After all, as a "white-haired sword saint", he has caused countless harm to the Demon Race. What would Jiade and Rena who knew about this think?

But this kind of thing can't be concealed, so let's tell them as soon as possible. If they resist him, then think about how to place them.

In the evening, Belen made a sumptuous dinner with the purchased ingredients. After he was ready, he asked the helping girls to call the little guys who had nothing to do.

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