Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 827

Then Belem shook his head and put all the complicated things in his mind behind him. Even if the trouble really came, they would face it together, so let's talk about it then.

Belen stood up and looked at everyone and smiled: "Okay, lunch is ready!"

Everyone stood up one after another, showing big smiles.


Chapter 900: Meeting a Green Plum


In the prosperous city, there are countless people coming and going on the intricate trails, and the noisy voices have an atmosphere that makes it easy to blend in, and in one of the streets, a commercial vehicle slowly passes by.

Lumia, who was sitting in the commercial truck, looked around curiously, and then asked, "Belen, how many cities are there from the country of Andilica?"

Belen thought for a while, and then replied: "There are still three cities to pass from Desaitria, so let's rest here for one night."

As a result, Belem found a hotel to live in, and although this hotel was not as big as Vernie’s hotel, it was not small in size and also had an open-air hot spring.

The most excited of the group is Latis and the Mozu brothers and sisters. For the former, she has been working hard to learn magic and swordsmanship these days. It can be said that she is exhausted, and she is happy to be able to soak in the hot spring again. Great, but it was particularly fresh and exciting for Jiade and Rena, because it was the first time they had soaked in hot springs when they grew up.


Belen sat in the hot spring and let out a long sigh of relief, his expression became lazy, and the night sky above his head was just hung with a bright moon, the environment was very beautiful.

After staring at the moonlight for a long time, Belen couldn't help but think of the anxiety in his heart. The anxiety now is almost certain and generally stagnating in his heart. He can feel a crisis waiting for him.

I really want to turn this perception off.

Belen sighed. It was really annoying to be in such a worried state of mind, but it was a pity that this was almost a passive ability of his own and he couldn't control it at all.

But having said that, the holy war is still going on.

The colorful aurora vision that day was undoubtedly caused by Sisiya, and the magic that permeated the sky contained her aura. It was impossible for Belen to admit it wrong.

Ten days have passed since the birth of the vision, and what was the brave man doing during this time?Although she doesn't know what her situation is now, Belen also knows that the final battle between "the brave" and the "devil" is definitely not far away.

Compared with the situation on Sisia’s side, Belén also has unknown troubles that he has to face, and Belen has also guessed about the true body of this trouble, and the biggest possibility is "magic power". Dimensions".

When he stepped into the "quasi-god realm", his body has been under pressure from the "magic dimension". That invisible pressure always oppresses him unconsciously. This kind of pressure wants to swallow his body, and he is also passively resisting it.

Therefore, Belen is worried that the sense of anxiety stems from the "magic dimension", the power of that domain will swallow his body invisibly, and if it is really what he guessed, then probably no one can help him. He probably couldn't overcome this difficulty.

However, although this uneasy feeling has been confirmed recently, the pressure from the "magic dimension" has not become unbearable for him, so Belen still can't be sure, this is just a greater possibility.

"Young man, soaking for too long will make you dizzy."

At this time, the voice coming from the side made Belen regain his senses. He looked at the middle-aged man on the side. The latter said, "When I came in, I saw you soaking here. Is it okay for you to soak for so long? "

"Ahhh! That's right, it's time to go out, thank you for your reminder." Belen hurriedly responded. He stood up from the hot spring, and remembered that it had been soaking for a long time.

After putting on a bathrobe, Belen returned to his room. He found that the girls had returned long ago. However, when he saw a figure sitting by the small table, his eyes widened.

Latier also smiled after seeing Belém back. She smiled and said, "Mr. Belém, you are back! See who this is?"

The figure of the girl with the ponytail slowly turned her head, looked at the blue-purple eyes towards the dark blue eyes, there was a stream of light in the eyes, and the small pink mouth opened slightly.


Belen stared at the girl in front of him in a daze, and he muttered: "Why are you here...?" His eyes were full of disbelief. He didn't expect her to appear here.

The girl with a delicate and beautiful face lifted the hair around her ears with her fingers. She said flatly, "Isn't it okay to come here for vacation?"

"Yes, is it?" Belen blinked, and then, an inexplicable joy surged from the bottom of his heart, and he smiled.

"What a coincidence, Al."

That's right, this girl is Belen's childhood sweetheart El.

"Well, it's a coincidence." Al nodded, and then said: "I met them while bathing in the hot spring, so I came here, don't you mind?"

Belen then noticed that Al was wearing a bathrobe. He smiled and said, "I don't mind."

Laya on the side reached Al’s ear and said with a joke: "Really? Didn’t Al come to Andiligarh because of some news?"

"Wh, what news? There is no such thing!"

The words that came from the ear caused El Jiao's body to tremble, and there was a blush on his cheeks. The previous Gao Lengfan broke his skills in an instant, as if he was said to have been on his mind.

Belen blinked, and didn't really care if there were other meanings in the words. Instead, he smiled and said, "It's great to be able to meet Al here."

Hearing this, Al also calmed herself down. She looked at the girls around and then calmly said, "Really? But you don't seem to be very lonely."

"One yard, one yard, can you be unhappy to see your childhood sweetheart?" Belen also grinned. He also didn't expect to meet Al here, obviously separated by a country.

While everyone was chatting happily, Al lowered her head in silence, clasped her hands tightly on her thighs, and finally she took a deep breath, seeming to cheer for herself.

But when Al was just opening his mouth to say something, Belen suddenly looked over and asked: "By the way Al, do you have other things to do next?"

Al, who was interrupted before speaking, was also sluggish for a while, and shook his head after recovering, "It's okay, I just came out on vacation."

Belen also laughed after hearing the words. He said: "That's it, then do you want to travel with us next?"


Al's eyes widened, because that was exactly what she wanted to say.

Chapter 901: Marriage, I can do it for you!

Hearing Belem's invitation, Al also became dull. She stared at the white-haired man in front of her in a daze. She didn't expect that what she wanted to say would be said one step ahead of time.

Seeing Al in a daze, Belen was also a little confused, but he asked again and again: "Um... I said, Al, would you like to travel with us?"

Al only then came back to his senses, and quickly responded: "Ah! I, I heard it!"

"What about your answer?" Belen looked at the girl in front of him.

At this time La Tier also said with a smile: "Sister Al, let's travel with us. Anyway, we will go back to Florence at the end, so we will be together during this period!"

"Don't you think Al doesn't want to be with us?"

Laya's gaze looking at Al moved aside, and the latter also lowered her head silently when he noticed the meaning of the gaze.

"Then, that's all right."

Hearing Al's agreement, Belen also smiled. He thought about it and asked, "Speaking of which, is the bed so big?"

In retrospect, there were already seven girls living in that room. If you count Al, there are eight. Is that bed really enough?He was a little worried about this.

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