Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 828

Lumia replied at this time: "It's not enough to sleep, so we will lay the floor separately, but please rest assured, it's all warm!"

"Eh...Would you like to change a house?" Belen couldn't help but have this idea after hearing the words, but his current funds are probably not enough to change a house.

Hill shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't put more pressure on the two of them."

They are naturally referring to the two-headed earth dragon.

So Al said, "It's okay, just spread it on the floor. It's not bad to fall asleep on the floor occasionally, and it feels spacious."

"Well, that's all right."

Belen had no choice but to agree. Thinking back to what Al said, he couldn't help thinking. Indeed, the feeling of hitting the floor was very good.

On the second day, Al followed Belen and his group on the journey. After leaving the city, he had to pass a mountain forest and a grassland, which was not a short distance from Desaitriya.

Belem and Al sat in the position of driving the commercial car, and it was naturally impossible to keep silent during the journey, so it was natural to have a conversation.

After taking a sip of water, Belen asked curiously: "Speaking of which, you are fighting now. As an arbitrator, why can you go out on vacation?"

In this regard, Al said: "I applied to the Pope and His Royal Highness."

"They really let you out. Fortunately, you can avoid going to the battlefield." Belen responded with a smile, and he didn't want to see Al go to the battlefield to fight.

After hearing these words, Al glanced at him and said: "Thank you for being so calm, if the holy war is lost, everyone will suffer."

Hearing that, Belen also smiled and said: "It's correct to say that, but I don't think that person will lose."

Al did not refute this, because she did not think that "The Brave" would lose. The sky vision that I saw that night must have been triggered by the "Brave". This was confirmed by the news, and this is also true. It made the world's hearts seem to have a tranquilizer.

Will "the brave" lose?

Impossible?After all, justice will prevail.

"That one..."

Belen's cheeks turned red inexplicably, and he didn't know if it was frozen by the sudden cold weather, and his gaze moved down a bit.

Hearing the man next to him seemed to have something to say, Al also said, "Just say what you want."

"Also, there is nothing to say." Belem scratched his cheek with his fingers, hesitated for a moment and then smiled and said: "I just want to thank you for coming to me."


Al's eyes opened slightly, she stared at the front in a daze, her face was slightly red, and then she muttered: "How can I say that I came to Andilica for you."


Belen was also stunned. He murmured: "I thought you came because you were worried about me, didn't you?"

"How can..."

Al, who subconsciously wanted to deny, suddenly stopped. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her, then pursed her lips and turned her head back. She seemed to be making a certain decision, and in the end her eyes became firm.

"Yes, I did worry about you after hearing about the black dragon, so I came over."

After saying this, Al found that her heartbeat speeded up a bit. She gritted her teeth but couldn't control her heartbeat. She didn't expect that she would be so nervous.

"Great, thank you." Belen also smiled, feeling moved and warm in his heart.

At the moment when the atmosphere fell silent, Al suddenly said, "Thank you for anything, don't you have anything else you want to say to me...?"


Belen also fell into silence with his mouth pursed. He did have something to say to Al, but he was a little worried about whether he had misunderstood. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was a misunderstanding?

But could that really be a misunderstanding?

"I said, Al, you..." Belen finally spoke. He swallowed, and then said softly after mustering up the courage, "Did you say you wanted to get married... here?"

When these words were uttered, Al's body instantly stiffened, and he couldn't even open his mouth to respond. There was a mess in his mind, and his cheeks started to burn.

"That, I mean, if you already have an object..."


After hearing the answer given at this moment, Belen was also stunned. He stared at the girl beside him in a daze, his two eyes touched in the air, and the latter was already flushed.

"So, do you still want to... get married?"

"miss you!"

Al yelled out without hesitation. She was so ashamed that she wanted to bury her head in the bed, but at this moment she had exhausted all her courage to look at the man in front of her. She didn't want to be here. To escape for a moment, these eyes must be fixed on the man in front of you!

Belen, who had been staring at him so much, also blushed, his throat rolled slightly, and finally, who couldn't bear the staring at each other, he also moved his eyes, and he spoke softly again.

"Then, then you should need an object... right?"



The sound of heartbeat reverberated in the two people’s minds, and I didn’t know if I heard myself or each other, or the noisy sound included both, and at this moment, Belen took a deep breath and moved The sentence I wanted to say the most was said.

"For example, if you can, if you can! Me, I, I can do it for you!"

After hearing these hesitating words, Al's eyes slowly widened, only to feel that her heart was about to jump out, and she also responded with a voice as if suffocating.


Chapter 902: The Happiest Man


The breeze blows across the grassland, and countless turquoise greens become more vivid at this moment. The whole grassland exudes the warmest and purest breath, refreshing and refreshing.

At this moment, in the commercial vehicle driving on the grassland, the two young men were blushing and staring ahead. He and her pressed their lips tightly, as if they didn't know what to say.

It turned out that there was no wrong guess!

Belém's mood at the moment has not calmed down. He blushed and looked ahead, his whole person seemed a little stiff. This was the first time in his life that he confessed. Although it was indirect, he understood that he had pulled it that night. Tiel was in a mood. Was it such a difficult thing?

It turned out that Al was also...

and many more!Such an important matter must be confirmed again!

Ever since, Belen gritted his teeth, and then summoned the courage to ask: "That... the proposal I just said, Al, did you agree?"

The words requesting confirmation fell into the ears of the shameful Al and she instantly awoke, and she subconsciously shouted: "You guy! Don't get into it if you hear it!"

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