Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 829

"Then, that means Al you..."

"To shut up!"


The two blushed and sat on the commercial car and remained silent. This is a more ambiguous topic than when they were in the northwest when they were in the northwest. Although not as dull as Belen, Al was also confused for many years before he understood It is not until today that the former truly understands his intentions for this childhood sweetheart.

He likes Al.

This feeling of "liking" is clearer than that of the girls in the house. If you think about it carefully, you should be in the northwest when you realize your feelings.

Shame, what should I do next?

The two sat blushing and completely at a loss.

And they did not notice that there were a few heads huddled together in the rear window with those big eyes flashing, and they were eavesdropping on the words of the two outside the window.

Laiya sat on the bed and said with some surprise: "I didn't expect Mr. Belém to say such things. This is also a kind of growth?"

At this time, the girls also returned to the room and did not continue to eavesdrop. Anyway, the two outsiders are in a stalemate and probably won't say anything surprising.

Lumia pursed her lips, the light in her eyes was a little dim, she whispered: "It turns out that Belen likes Sister Al. I thought it would be Ilia or Latir."

After hearing Lumia's heart, both Ilia and Latir were startled. The latter couldn't help saying, "It turns out that Lumia thought so, it's really surprising."

"He has decided to get married, so let's just talk." Lumia lay on the bed as if she gave up.

Seeing Lumia who was a little sad, Hill also comforted him: "Okay, okay, don't be sad, there are many better men than him in the world."

Lu Mia didn't respond, just buried her head in the pillow, while Illia sat there calmly and bowed her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

However, compared to Lumia’s loss, La Tier’s face showed a big smile. She said, "Is it good to get married? I will also be Mr. Belém's bride by then!"


After hearing these words, the girls exclaimed, even Illiya raised her head and looked at La Tier, her silver-black eyes had a hint of surprise.

La Tier blinked his eyes and asked, "Is there such a law as "monogamy"?"

"No, no..."

"Then I just need to get Sister Al!" La Tier ran to the window happily, and then opened the window. The two people outside were also taken aback by the movement, and their figures trembled.

"Sister Al!"

Hearing her name, Al also turned her head and looked at the cat-eared girl who poked her head out of the window. She blinked and stared at the latter in a daze.


"Wedding, can you count me as one?"


Al looked at the cat-eared girl blankly.

Belen on the side raised his head and rubbed his temples, ah ah ah, I didn't expect La Tier to have been eavesdropping, but this kid has become really direct since that day.

There was a serious flame in her eyes, and she stared at Al and said: "I have confessed to Mr. Belém! Mr. Belém has accepted it too!"

"Yes, is it?"

After hearing the words, Al also looked at the white-haired man on the side with a questioning expression, his little face puffed up, and he looked a little angry, but he did not expect that such a thing happened during her absence, although it was early Some people have considered such things as "getting the month before the water."

Belen turned his head stiffly to look at the second woman, grabbed her hair with his hand, and then haha ​​wanted to fool it, but lowered his head under the second woman's gaze.


Al, who got the answer, lowered her head, and she murmured, "Sure enough, you will always lose your advantage without being by your side. I still understand this."

Eh eh eh!?

Seeing some lost Al, Belen was also panicked, but he didn't know what to do. There was a mess in his mind that could not be solved at all. It was obvious that he had just confessed to success, how did it evolve? Has it become like this?

"I don't want to share Mr. Belém with other girls!"

At this time La Tier yelled loudly, and Belen and Al both returned to their senses and looked at the cat-eared girl with a serious look.

"But ah, if it's Sister Al... if it's everyone." La Tier clenched her right hand into a fist and placed it on her chest. Her determination had long been set, and a gentle smile appeared on that delicate face.

"If it's everyone, I can accept it."

After hearing what Latier said, whether it was the two people outside the car or the girls in the house, they were all stunned. Unexpectedly, that Latier could say such a thing, and a warm current poured into their hearts.

Everyone is the family that loves each other the most, so no matter how precious they are, they are willing to share it. This is the determination of the girl named La Tier.

Al sighed after being silent for a while, she raised a hand into a fist and landed it on Belen's chest, her blue-purple eyes with a helpless color.

"You guy, happier than I thought."

After hearing Al's words, Belen also froze for a moment, and then he showed a very proud smile, he nodded and said: "I have always felt that I am the happiest person in this world."

Chapter 903: Unparalleled Brave, Coming to Demon City


As a purple light flashed through the night, a loud noise like the roar of nine days of thunder made the entire world tremble.

There were countless black figures densely covered like black clouds on that barren land, and the moment they raised their heads, they saw the thunder dragon descending from the sky!


In an instant, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the blue thunder seemed to reverse the sun, moon and stars. Even the starry sky in the dark night seemed to be distorted and illusory. Countless soldiers of the Demon King’s army died under this thunder. Then, a light and shadow fell from the sky to the ground.


The ground cracked, and a wind wave swelled from the dust, revealing the descendant that day, that was a red-haired girl in seven-colored light armor.

It was "The Brave" Sisia, who walked out of the pit, her eyes that exuded a faint colorful brilliance looked into the distance, and at this moment there was only gunpowder and no one from the Demon King's army.

"about there."

Sisya lowered her head and looked at the palm she was holding and holding, then she looked at the distant dark place again. In these fifteen days, she had been able to perfectly control this transcendence. The power of it.

It's also time to end this war.

In this final battle, she doesn't have the strategic deployment of the elves. She has to rely on all her combat experience so far to fight against the biggest enemy of fate.

There is no tension, this is a matter of course, that is the guy she must beat!

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