Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 831

He didn't hesitate to grab the red bead and explode. The brilliance burst out at the same time, and it exploded directly in place.


Sisiya walked out of the pillar of fire that rose up into the sky. She was unscathed by the explosion, her expression indifferently sweeping the remaining King of Slaughter and King of Sin.

"Two remaining."

Hearing this sentence, the King of Slaughter and the King of Sin both had their pupils shrunk. I did not expect that the "Brave" was so strong that they could wipe out two of them so easily, and they didn't even fight back. force!

Stronger than ever!

The King of Slaughter and the King of Sin faced this fact directly, knowing that they weren't their opponents, they would never run away, and even if their opponents were so strong, they firmly believed that their master could reverse the situation.

"We were created by His Majesty. Death is just one of the end points that we have long anticipated."

The Slaughter King's body was covered with magic patterns all over his skin, and his dark red eyes were full of crazy colors. He knew that he had to fight to the death in the end, and their mission was like this.


The same is true for the King of Sin. There are countless iron chains hovering around his body, and then all of them are inserted into his body. There is a sin in every link of the iron chain. He has been in the abyss long ago. Fear of the so-called depravity.

The magic power and aura released from them are so powerful, but Sisia, who is facing this power, still looks the same. She now has the power to look around the world, and she has no fear of this level of power.

"Then, it's up to you here."

Sisia’s right arm was raised, and the colorful magic powers gathered into the shape of a giant sword. The streamer entwined on it contained the power of several mantra laws. At this moment, the eternal holy sword awakened and stepped into the myth. It rises high.

"The gift of nature."

The whispering sound reverberated in the air, and at the moment when the Slaughter King and the Sin King acted, Sisya smashed the Eternal Sword straight down, and she wanted the twin kings and the seat behind them Devil’s Palace is destroyed together!


The dazzling brilliance can no longer distinguish the colors. At the moment it falls, even the cycle of life and death seems to be cut off, easily covering the incomparably bleak darkness, and the hall will also be covered by this. The power was extinguished, and at the moment when everything was ended, the ethereal throne stood up, facing the dazzling brilliance, and stretched out his palm lightly.


Accompanied by the crisp sound from the silhouette's mouth, the radiance that touched the palm of the hand froze in an instant, and then it turned into a little light and floated towards the sky.

Sisia's figure walked out from the broken steps. At this moment, the pair of colorful eyes touched the pair of eyes engraved with the pentagram in the air, and the young red-haired woman spoke indifferently.

"I'm here to end everything."

Chapter Ninety Five: The Devil's Back Hand

In the ruins where only the throne is left, the woman in black robes and the red-haired woman in colorful divine armor are facing each other. These two are enemies, and one of them will disappear.

Sisiya stared at the figure standing in front of the throne, and said coldly: "You are not my opponent now, and I will give you a good time."

In response to these words, the demon supreme made a pleasant laugh. She said: "When will the brave say such things, are you pitying me?"

"In that case, let's fight."

Sisia also gave up and continued nonsense with the other party. In this battle, one party will disappear, and if she wants to win, it must be the disappearance of the other party!


The magical power fluctuated toward the demon king like a wave, and at the same time, her body was also emitting gray magical power, which was the ultimate power of death, as if it could make everything disappear.

At the moment when the two magic powers came into contact with each other, they dissipated, and the demon in black robes also raised his jade feet and walked down the stairs. The magic wave on his body was resonating with the magic dimension.

Die out.

This is the magic power of the supreme "Devil King" of the Demon Race. Her power is the enemy of the "Brave". With the passage of time, whether it will naturally go to destruction, this is the relationship between the two.

Sisiya lifted the eternal holy sword in her hand, and then stepped on it. She walked through the barrier of space and reached the front of the demon king, and then slashed away.


The throne that had been intact and the pillars that had not fallen behind were both destroyed at this moment, but at this moment, the positions of the two were swapped, with the brave on top and the devil below.

At this moment, the demon king was looking at her right hand, and there was a blood stain on the white palm, but the eyes looking at this scar were calm and quiet. After putting down her hand, she raised her head and looked up at the starry sky that was gone. .

"What a nice view."

Hearing the demon lord's sigh, Sisya turned around and said calmly, "No matter how beautiful, isn't it what you want to destroy?"

"I never wanted to destroy anything."

The female devil in the black robe turned around, and the pentagram's eyes met the seven-colored eyes. Although covered by a veil, there is no haziness at this moment. Under the veil, it must be A beautiful face.

Hearing her words, Sisya also blinked her eyes, and then whispered: "Perhaps this is true, but you must disappear. If you don't die, no one can really feel at ease."

As a "brave man", Sisya understands many secrets. She knows what is the opportunity for the two sides to start the war, and also knows the reason for their side to destroy the demons. She understands everything, and she has to execute it. It's helpless for my own duties.

The Demon King did not respond to what Sisiah said. She looked at the bright moon again. The center of the moon was a pure white, and her eyes were rippling slightly at this moment. Finally, she lightly opened. Red lips.

"It's useless to say more, do your best, kill me."

"as you wish."

At the moment of answering, the steps at Sisiya's feet burst open. She did not hesitate to start her hands. Now that the starting point for thinking about everything is that good or evil is meaningless, she has never done anything. Change is to behead the enemy in front of you!

The five-pointed star turned in those eyes, and this seemingly young demon finally moved. She took a step back and disappeared in place and came to the square outside, also making the sword. Fell through.


The hall was shattered by this sword, and colorful meteors shuttled out of the smoke and blasted towards the position of the demon king. As a "brave", Sisya would do her best to defeat the opponent. !

Boom boom boom!

The colorful figure and the gray figure began a formal confrontation from the square. Every collision caused a huge pit to appear on the vast square, and they also came from the ground to the sky, as if It can smash across the sky and generally smash the barriers of space to cause turbulence in the void.

However, at this moment, only these two exist in this Demon King City.

However, the battle situation at this moment is not as evenly matched as imagined. At this moment, Sisia and completely suppressed the demon king. If she has the power of a true "like god" after the "myth", even the demon king cannot I resisted this supernatural power!

At this moment, the two figures in the sky are intertwined, and the magic of death is indeed terrifying, but it cannot disintegrate all the magic of Sisiya. There is a huge gap in quality, and therefore cannot penetrate Sisi. Ya's defense fell into a gap and took her palm instead.


The gray figure fell to the bottom and shattered the ground, and the demon king did not die. She stood up from the ruins again, and when she felt the terrible magic power ushering in the sky, she twisted her right hand out of thin air. .


A huge gray magic pattern appeared in the sky, and then a big illusory gray hand came out of it to directly grab Sisia in the air, and then threw it into the ruins.


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