Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 832

From the dust-filled ruins, a whirlwind swept away the dust, and Sisia also walked out with the eternal holy sword. There was not even a trace of dust on the colorful god armor. Xisi was in such a transcendent state. Si Ya is like an invincible spokesperson.

Seeing the figure walking towards her, the woman in the black robe still had no gaze. It was a look that had no nostalgia for anything. A drop of bright red blood fell to the ground, obviously injured, and The red lips under the veil lightly opened, but they muttered to themselves.

"I won't catch it all."

The super-hearing Sisia also replied plainly: "So the best."

"Then, it's me."

When she heard these words, Sisya's calm expression finally fluctuated. When she raised her head and looked up, she could no longer see the moonlight. Everything was shrouded in darkness. The colorful eyes are also at this moment. Slightly squinted, tightly holding the eternal holy sword in his hand.

"This power is the black dragon...no! Is it the power of the necromancer it possesses?"


A dull buzzing sound resounded, and there were countless undead ghosts appearing in the void around Sisia, and then they turned into gray-black brilliance and cast one after another magic pattern, the dead soul The chain of order formed by the concentration of forces wrapped it up, and it was actually to be sealed in it.

The demon king stood in place and spoke plainly.

"This is the power of the necromancer that has been accumulated for thousands of years."

Chapter 960: Rescue

This huge and extraordinary power of the dead spirit enveloped the world, the flowers, plants and trees were withered in an instant, even all the colors were swallowed, and the world turned into a dead silence.

But at this moment, the power of the dead souls in the sky suddenly condensed and covered in the black mist that trapped Sisia. This gas-like cage is the strongest cage in the world today.

At the moment in the necromantic cage, Sisya was looking around very calmly, and she knew the true face of this power in an instant.

The power of the dead.

Sisiya had come into contact with the black dragon more than once. Although the latter was named the Dragon of the Undead, it was named so because it absorbed the undead. Its true core was the power of the undead that had been absorbed for thousands of years.

And this cage that can trap her is undoubtedly made by the power of the necromantic for thousands of years, which means that the black dragon has already died under the hands of the demon king?

After making a simple guess and analysis, Sisya lifted the eternal holy sword in her hand, her waist sank, and then she held the sword in both hands and cut it out of thin air.


The seven-colored brilliance bombarded the edge of the pitch black, but the dazzling brilliance couldn't penetrate the outside world, but it trembled.

"Not indestructible." After murmured like this, Sisya raised the eternal holy sword in her hand again, her eyes slowly closed, and the colorful magic power covered her and the holy sword, rotating from her feet. Waves of air circle after circle.

"Eternal Sacred Sword·The Majesty of Gods!"

Accompanied by this deep shout, the eternal holy sword rolled the colorful streamer and then suddenly slashed out. The terrifying colorful sword light cut through the nothingness, and the power of the undead was unbearable, and the dazzling colorful brilliance In an instant, he broke through the cage and hit the sky.

The demon king who saw this scene calmly muttered to himself: "It's very powerful, but it's not enough."

I saw that the endless power of the necromancer spread in an instant and filled the huge crack back. The cage was restored to its original shape again, and Sisia, who was standing in the necromancer cage, looked downcast. Come down.

Sisia is very powerful, so these necromantic powers cannot corrode her, but she can't disintegrate all these necromantic powers in a short time. This necromantic power is too huge, after all, it has been accumulated for thousands of years. For a long time, it may take a lot of time to clear them all.

Do you want to wipe it out with all your strength?

Sisya's eyes condensed slightly. What she worried about was that the Demon King still had a back hand. If she tried her best at this time, it would have a big impact on the unknown battle situation. She didn't know whether the woman still had any Other hole cards.

"Actually only this one."

She seemed to know what Sisiah in the cage was thinking, but the Demon King who couldn't see her muttered to herself, and then she gently swung her right hand, and four dark magical powers poured out like fountains from four places. , That is the magic power of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Race that were destroyed before.

"Just try your best to help me."

The woman in the black robe had no gaze, her hands gently swayed, and the four magic powers fell like black pillars on the four positions of the necromantic cage, and then under the control of its magic power, it actually began to strengthen. The firmness of the cage was raised.

At this moment, Sisya, who was in the cage, also suddenly flickered. She could not see the situation outside, but she could feel the sudden increase in magic power outside. Even if she knew what the woman was doing, she was full of thoughts. It is bewilderment and perplexity to do this.

Sisiya shouted in a deep voice: "Paying such a heavy price is not used to try to defeat me, but to seal it? Do you really think this can trap me!?"

She didn’t understand what the woman was going to do. It’s meaningless to do so. She now knows why the woman didn’t take action when the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Race clashed with her. The purpose is to let them die!

Hearing the voice from the dark necromantic cage, the Demon King was strengthening the seal of the cage for the last time, and she also responded calmly at this moment.

"You don't need to be trapped for long, just a moment is enough."

Even though she was so sleepy, Sisya could still hear what the Demon King said. She frowned deeply, and then asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do!?"


The last seal magic pattern was suspended above the cage for reinforcement, and the demon king also put down her hands, and she stood there to respond to Sisia's question.

"Even if I use this hole card to fight you, I don't think I can beat you. Since I can't save my race, then I should do something that I can do."

This voice was full of complicated smells, and I don't know whether it was lonely or tired, but Sisia's pupils suddenly shrank when she heard this, and she immediately shouted angrily.

"Stop! Everything is coming to me!"

The woman in the black robe calmly looked at the pitch-black cage, as if looking at the red-haired girl in the cage. She slowly raised her head and looked at the stars.

"If I lose, I am alone. Even among my people, countless people have committed suicide. Is there no hope? If there is someone by my side who supports me, maybe the result will be different."

Hearing this lonely word, Sisya gritted her teeth and said solemnly: "Because what you did was wrong! Killing can't solve all problems! So no one will support you!"

"If I didn't kill, there would be no demons in the world."

As if sighing, the young demon king stood there for a long time without moving, but at this moment, she slowly turned around, and the eyes with the pentagrams fell at the end of the ruins. Many figures came.

There were green-haired youths, blindfolded women, tall burly men, and many powerful presences in the group. They had received orders from the "Great Sage" Nowell and came here to reinforce the "Brave" Sisia. The powerhouses!

Several girls from the Superman Army walked at the forefront, and one of the girls with a ponytail yelled: "Commander, we will rescue you soon!"

The green-haired youth also stared at the woman in the black robe, and yelled in angrily: "Sisia! Hold on! We'll be here soon!"

When she heard these two voices, Sisya was also shocked in the dead cell. She felt several familiar auras in an instant. It was her friends, and she knew her easily. Why did your friends come here? Nowell must have known that something happened!

Looking at these uninvited guests, there is still no waves in the eyes of the demon king, she said flatly: "You alone can save people from my eyes?"


The floor burst open, and several figures rushed towards the demon king in black robes with a tacit understanding, and Burfis, who was holding a long sword, also smashed down, screaming in his mouth.

"Try it!"

Chapter 907: A leisurely pedestrian

The golden sun sprinkled at noon with a bright luster, the refreshing air on the prairie became more energetic, and a commercial car was slowly passing by.

Belen was pulling the reins and looking ahead. He blinked naturally, recalling what Ratil said that day in his mind, and his cheeks turned red unconsciously.

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