Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 833

What does the kid say?

Although it was a word that has been understood, Belem was still confused at this moment. It can be said that Al’s marriage proposal was a very impulsive thing. After all, he mentioned it casually. Fortunately, the result was accepted, so the premise is not important at all.

Having said that, he has accepted La Tier's heart. Although Illiya and the others have never told him about such things, once they do, he doesn't think he will refuse.

In other words... Huaxin carrots?

Wumu, it seems so now.

Belen put a hand on his forehead, and he sighed deeply. Just thinking about getting married together made him feel very ashamed. Before, he had seen everyone as his sisters and daughters.

"what is troubling you?"

At this moment, the sound coming from his ear made Belen regain his senses. He turned his head and looked at the childhood sweetheart beside him. He hesitated for a moment, and then sighed again.

"Am I supposed to say those things at the time?"

Hearing this, Al squinted her eyes, she said flatly: "Do you regret it?"

As if perceiving the dissatisfaction in the girl's tone, Belen also realized that there was something wrong with his statement, so he quickly explained: "No, no, I won't regret it, but I finally proposed to Al. what!"


Al's head steamed instantly, and she blushed and shouted: "You guy, don't just say the marriage proposal! I will beat you!"


Belem was speechless. He scratched his hair and then looked at the blushing girl beside him. He couldn't help asking, "Speaking of which, did we skip many steps?"

Al blinked his eyes and asked, "What steps?"

"That... lover or something, the more you know, and... pick up, pick up..." Belen also blushed, and he couldn't tell the whole story.

"I, I know! Don't go on!"

After instantly understanding what the other person was about to say behind, Al immediately interrupted Belen, holding her skirt tightly with her hands on her thighs, her blushing face pursed her mouth, and she seemed to feel very shame.

"Already, enough?"

Belen was also startled when he heard these words. He asked in confusion, "What is enough?"

Al took a deep breath and said, "I said, I have known each other for so many years, even if I skip those steps, there is no problem at all!"

Belen was also stunned when he heard the words, and then realized that he and Al had known each other for nearly twenty years. He couldn't help smiling and nodding his head. He had understood a lot in the years.

"Yeah, it's enough."

Al looked at the man next to him, his eyes trembled slightly, hesitated for a while before muttering: "Well, anyway, why do you ask for marriage?"

There is a saying that she wants to hear from this man anyway, even if she has been proposed to marry him, it is the same, the intention hidden in her heart.

Belén was stunned, and then said blankly: "Didn't you want to get married?"

"I, I know! I mean..." Al was blushing when she heard Belen mention the incident. She pursed her lips, and then whispered, "Even so, but if It doesn’t make sense if you don’t propose to someone you like."

This sentence fell into Belen's heart, his heart beat hard, his face flushed and he looked at the girl in front of him, opened his mouth to say something, but he abruptly held back.

El this guy... do you have to say that?


Belen exhaled, and then said in a slight voice: "If Al wants to hear it, I can't say it."

Hearing these words, Al also turned to look at the white-haired man who was rubbing his nose. Her eyes became much brighter, and then he nodded heavily.

"I want to hear!"


Belén blushed and was about to bleed, and he suddenly admired Latier, who expressed his heart to him. How did the child do it?

But now I have to say it, right?let's go!Can't hold back anymore!Since then, Belén has used all his courage, which is no less shame than when he proposed that day.

"I like..."

"Mr. Belen!"

At the moment Belen was about to confess, the window was suddenly opened, and a head with cat ears suddenly came out and interrupted Belen's voice.

"Pull, Latier!?" Belen looked at the cat-eared girl in surprise.

Latier smiled and said, "Mr. Belém! We all just worked out a very powerful magic. Would you like to take a look at it when you rest?"


After hearing the words, Belen was also taken aback. He blinked, then nodded and said: "That's fine, but don't use magic in the house, it won't be good if it breaks."

"Got it!" Latier smiled and nodded, then glanced at Al on the side.

Because of this sight, Al also recovered. She seemed to understand something, and then said flatly: "La Tier, did you mean it?"


Latier tilted his head as if he didn't understand what Al was talking about, and the cuteness made the corners of the latter's mouth twitch twice.

This cat is deliberate!

Magic or something can be said later, why should I say it at this time?It looks like he was jealous before he came out to destroy it!

At this time, La Tier also smiled and said, "By the way, Sister Al shouldn't sit outside. The weather is so cold, come in and play with us?"

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of cold." Al shook his head and refused.

Hearing that, La Tier's cat pupils also flashed with brilliance, she winked aside, and then a kitten's head also sprang out, looking at Al with big dark black eyes.

"Sister Al, I want to sit outside and play with my brother, can I?"

Eh...Are you colluding?

Al understood the situation instantly, she looked at the sisters helplessly, then sighed, and finally lost under the cooperation of the pair of cat ears and exchanged positions with Latis.

Chapter 908: The Arrival of Novell


At dusk, a violent wind swept the sky, and the clouds covering the moonlight were blown away. After this scene, the grassland below made a sound of joy.


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