Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 834

Latier and Laya clapped their hands together, looking very happy.

Belen was also a little surprised when he saw this scene. He couldn't help but said: "Can it be blown so high? It requires a lot of magic power."

"Hey, Mr. Belen, are we good?"

Latier and Laya stood there with proud smiles. Although the latter could not use the power of the Fairy Forest, her own magic power could still be used.

"Well! Very powerful!" Belen also gave a thumbs up.

Looking at the two girls in front of him, Belen also looked up at the two girls thoughtfully, and then was surprised to find one thing. Although he hadn't paid much attention to it, he thought about it carefully. Now Latir's The magic power has indeed increased a lot compared to the past, and they can indeed reach this level if they join hands.

"Fusion magic?"

El also glanced at the sky thoughtfully, and then commented: "Your wind attributes have a high degree of compatibility. If the magic can keep up, maybe you can become stronger."


Hearing Al's words, Latier was also very surprised. She took Laya's hand and said very happily, "Sure enough, I have a tacit understanding with Laya!"

Hearing this, Al also agreed and said: "Yes, yeah, if you get married, you will definitely have a tacit understanding. If you want to think about it, I can organize the wedding for you."

After hearing these words, Latier and Laya also immediately glanced at Al. The former couldn't help but muttered: "In this case, Sister Al can be married to Mr. Belen alone, right?"

"Al sometimes plays clever." Laiya also chuckled meaningfully.

Mortal wisdom...

Al also twitched the corners of her mouth, and she rubbed her temples helplessly. It was really too tired to have so many rivals. Thinking of this, she looked at the white-haired man.

After being cast with resentful gaze, Belen was also full of excitement. He blinked his eyes with a very innocent look, but in fact he really didn't know what Al looked at him like this.


Hearing the cold voice coming from the side, Belen also turned his head. What caught his eye was a beautiful girl with long wet silver hair. His eyes were slightly rounded, and then he recovered.

"Ilia, what's the matter?"

The silver-haired beautiful girl walked up to the man and raised her head slightly. Her silver-black eyes were more brilliant than gems. She opened her lips that seemed so soft and soft, and let out a cold voice.

"I just dried my hair, can my brother comb my hair?"

After meeting those cold eyes, Belen's heart softened, and he said softly: "Of course, come on, I haven't combed Ilia for a long time."

Ever since, Belen took Ilia to the side to comb her hair, while the few girls standing there flashed their big eyes blankly.

Latier said blankly: "Sister Al, our biggest opponent seems to be..."

Lumia also muttered, "Sure enough, Mr. Belén loves Ilia the most!"

Al, who saw this scene bulged his cheeks, made a cute "Woo" sound, then snorted and walked back to the room.

Laya on the side blinked. She glanced at the white-haired figure, and then let out a silent sigh. Just when she was concerned about what Belen would choose, she suddenly remembered what Latier had done at the time the words said.

There is no such law of monogamy...

That means?

At the moment on the other side, Belen is combing her hair softly for Ilia. He is very confident about his own hair combing craft, but these days the girls are combing each other's hair, so he is gone. It's a scene.


Just when Ilia wanted to say something, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the night sky, and the hand that was combing her hair stopped, and her dark blue eyes looked towards the night sky.

Something is approaching.

Belen's eyes condensed slightly, and the sense of anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger, but this approaching object did not convey any sense of danger. What is it?



Illiya stood up and walked towards the girls, while Belen stood still and looked at the sky. He could already see the two magical forces approaching under the magical dimension.

"what happened!?"

When Ilia called everyone to come out, everyone was stunned for a while, and then Al said very calmly: "Don't worry, let's take a look outside."

After the girls came outside, they noticed what Belen was looking at, so they followed the latter’s gaze. Although they didn’t see anything at first, they saw something vaguely after a while. thing.

"That is..."

Belen saw the true face of the flying object. It was two flying eagles, and on the two flying eagles there were two people riding them.


The two figures quickly approached riding a flying eagle, and soon they completely appeared in the sight of everyone, and they also flew to the ground, causing a cyclone on the ground.


Everyone's eyes were on the figure that fell on one of the flying eagles at the same time. When that person took off his hat, everyone's eyes widened.


On that flying eagle, there is a petite girl sitting, it is the "Great Sage" Novel, and her gaze fell on Belen in an instant, and her small face immediately overflowed. Gave a pleasant smile.

"Grey hair!"

Nowell jumped off the flying eagle, and then immediately ran to Belem, and landed directly on the latter's chest. This scene also surprised the women, and then revealed a strange look.

What's the situation with this child?

Belen was also stunned by Novell's behavior. He quickly said: "Wait, wait! Novell, what's the matter? Why did you suddenly come to me?"

Novel seemed to be a little excited, even the hand holding Belen's clothes was trembling slightly, she raised her small face and shouted: "Please save Sisia!"

Everyone who heard these words was stunned, and so was Belen. He stared at the little girl in his arms in a daze, and immediately calmed down after seeing the latter's somewhat worried look. "I don't want to make jokes with him and run all the way here to find him."

"Calm down and talk to me carefully."

Chapter 909: The Source of Uneasiness

There was also a soldier named Anthony who came with Novel. He came to protect Novel, and he seemed to have a certain understanding of things, but at the moment he was sitting by the fire beside the fire to keep warm. Yu, frowning slightly, and it seems that he is not in a good mood.

Belen came to Novel's side, he put a blanket on the girl's body, and then sat on a chair beside him, he looked at the latter.

"Calm down?"


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