Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 835

Novell responded. It was not easy for her to stay awake for several days, and because she hadn't rested after repeated use of "foreseeing" magic power, she was already exhausted. , But there are very important things that need her to explain at this moment, so it is not time to sleep.

The girls all sat down, and they also vaguely realized the seriousness of the matter. Although Novel looked like a little girl, they all knew that the latter was a famous "big sage", so they came to look in such a panic. Belem, there must be a very important thing.

And everyone knows that there must be something about jihad, so the girls' mood is inexplicably heavy, and there is always a bad premonition.

Belen whispered: "Then, tell me the matter."

So, Nowell told everyone about his "foresight" magic power. After listening to them, everyone was shocked. I didn't expect that Nowell actually has two kinds of functional magic powers, and the things that Nowell mentioned But it made everyone frown.

"Before Sisya set off, I foresee several situations for Sisya, and the worst has been predicted. I think she should also have a way to deal with it. After all, she has already set off and I cannot help. She made suggestions."

Hearing this, Belen frowned and said: "In other words, the worst has happened, right?"

"No, I don't know if it has happened, but that has already become something that will happen." Nowell held the hot water cup in both hands, and then said in a deep voice, "I once again predicted for Sisia a few days ago. In the future, all the situations I have seen will be the worst, and Sisya will definitely encounter some kind of predicament in the Demon King City!"

Everyone who heard these words sank their hearts. The predicament facing the "Brave" must be an unimaginable predicament, so Nowell was so worried to find this side.

At this time, Latier lowered her head, and she asked in a low voice: "Why is it Mr. Belém? There are many strong people, right? Mr. Belém doesn't have to be?"

Everyone's eyes fell on La Tier, and Nowell was silent for a moment. She explained: "I thought of gray hair as an accident, but then I foresee an accident in the picture. "

"Accident?" Latier was startled.

"Yes, it was an accident." Novel nodded. She looked at the white-haired man beside her, and said solemnly: "I saw your figure in those countless identical images, so I will I came to you all the way, because you are probably the one who can help Sisia!"

Hearing this, Belen also opened his eyes wide, and he suddenly realized one thing, what is the truth of that uneasy feeling in his heart.

And now, he finally understood.

Is this the truth about the inevitable feeling of anxiety?But if he chooses not to go, then this anxiety will disappear, right?After all, in the picture that Novell saw, there was only one accident, and perhaps the other results were born because he chose not to go?

If you don't go...

"Don't go!"

At the moment Belen fell into silence, La Tier's voice suddenly yelled out, Belen also recovered his senses and looked over, his eyes were slightly rounded, because those eyes staring at him were full of tears.


"I forbid you to go! Mr. Belém, you are not allowed to go!" Latier's tears fell from her cheeks, and she cried and said, "Why do you have to hook up with Mr. Belém for everything? After deciding on the route of travel, even the matter of marriage has been settled, why should Mr. Belén face such a thing at this time? Isn’t that a very dangerous thing?"

Where is the Devil City?That is the place where the "brave" and the "devil" fight, that is the most dangerous place in the world, that is the place where the two protagonists fight, no one can imagine what it would be like to let people other than those two exist in the past. A result.

Seeing the crying girl, everyone fell into silence. Everyone knew how dangerous it was. After all, to help the "brave man" means to face the "devil" directly!


There were tears flickering in the corner of Novel's eyes, and she murmured: "I have no choice. I have tried my best for this holy war. So is Sisia. If I lose here... the world will be destroyed. "

The destruction of the world is the seriousness of the matter. They don't know what kind of situation is in Demon King City, but what Nowell told them is the fact that she saw.

It was already night, the stars were shining slightly in the night sky, and the breeze passed by, making the flames in the pile of wood sway along with it, and the atmosphere seemed so silent.

Belen looked at the girls with their heads down. He also didn't expect that things would suddenly turn into this, obviously he had already decided not to participate in anything, and accompanied everyone to travel together.

Refuse?Is Sisia in danger?Will that brave man die?If she is defeated, does it mean that the world will be controlled by the demons?

He is very clear about the seriousness of the matter, but he also has a reason not to go, is he on the other side?But he can't let go of his family.

At this time, Nowell said: "White hair, no matter how you choose, I won't blame you, after all, even if you go, it may not be able to change the situation."

"I know."

Indeed, even if he goes, the situation over there is still unknown.

La Tier has stopped crying, she sat there with her head down and choked, and the girls beside her didn’t know what to say. Illya also kept silent. She also didn’t know what to do, she was quiet. Looking at Belem.

At this moment, Belen's eyes suddenly opened slightly, because the seven-color magic power in his body suddenly poured out, the magic power separated from him, and it was jumping in the air like a flame ball in front of him.

This magic is...

Chapter 910: Distress signal!


One side of the ruins was razed to the ground after a loud noise, and then a green-haired figure flew out of the smoke and a long sword fell into the ground.

The green-haired figure hit the ground and vomited blood. It was Bourfis. At this moment, he only felt terrible pain all over his body. He gritted his teeth and insisted on sitting up.

"Is this Sisia's opponent, "The Devil"?It's so powerful!"

No, it's too strong!

Bourpheus had always thought that his strength was already pretty good, but he didn't expect that he would be vulnerable to a blow in front of this "Devil", and it would be easy to invalidate all his attacks.

"damn it!"

After struggling to stand up, Bulffis gasped and looked around at the same time. At this moment, there were only a few companions who were still standing, and many of them had died in the battle.

However, they still did not hurt the "Devil" half a point!


The piercing sound of the sword sounded, and the figure dressed in plain clothes suddenly appeared in front of the "Devil King", and then a white light flashed, and the sharpness reflected by the blade pierced the black robe figure at an extremely tricky and strange angle. His body was distorted by this unpretentious sword.

"Swordsmanship is amazing."

The woman in the black robe commented so, but her tone was very flat. When the unavoidable sword stabbed, she didn't seem to have any intention of avoiding it. She just reached out and pointed at the tip of the sword. Above.


Accompanied by the appearance of a gray magic power, the shimmering long sword instantly lost all its luster, and the sword body was also covered with spider-web-like traces like fragile glass at this moment, and then another voice came. come out.

"But in the face of sufficient strength, no amount of powerful swordsmanship is meaningful."


The sword body collapsed, and a huge magical force directly shook the blind woman's figure flying out, spraying a blood arrow in the air, and she fell into the ruins.

"Blind teacher!"

After seeing the blind girl also defeated, Bulffis also couldn't help exclaiming. He endured the pain and ran over. He also opened his eyes wide when he saw the woman coughing up blood in the ruins.

"Blind teacher, are you okay!?"

"Can't die."

The blind girl who responded in this way stood up under the support of Burfis. She had no sword in her hand, and even her hand bones had been shattered. At this moment, her combat power was already limited.

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