Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 836

"Blind teacher, take a rest, leave it to us over there!"

Burfis also noticed that the blind woman's injuries were much more serious than his own, and if he continued to fight, he would probably fall here.


At this moment, a pitch-black star appeared in the sky, and it contained endless magic power of destruction. This time it was the "Devil" who shot it.

The figure in the black robe floats in the air, and the eyes that are engraved with pentagrams do not contain any murderous anger, just a lake-like calm, as if they don't have any emotion.

"Since you are here, you must also have the consciousness of going to death."

There were only seven people left, including the seriously injured blind girl. All of them stood up and faced the ultimate enemy in mid-air. After feeling the magic power emanating from the dark star, they naturally felt death. Threat.

Burffis took a deep breath, and the chains wrapped in dark green light appeared around him, and then turned into a huge chain sword, and he roared loudly.

"Here, go beyond the limit!"

The blind girl is also holding her right hand tightly. She is a blind person, but she has a mind. She is still inferior to the "Sword Saint" in terms of swordsmanship. The difference lies in the artistic conception of kendo. .

At this moment, this peerless woman of swordsmanship has also reached the point of surpassing the limit, feeling her strongest sword when facing the realm of death.

Natural kendo, everything can be a sword, the sword of the heart!


The awe-inspiring sword intent penetrated Tianyu, and the blind woman's sword pointed side by side. The sharp momentum seemed to affect the power of heaven and earth. This was the strongest sword skill in her history.

At the same time, everyone has exploded with their strongest power at this moment. The magic power contained in the dark star body cannot be resisted by their personal strength alone. If not at this moment, the power beyond the limit is exploded. , They will all fall here, let alone rescue Sisia!

In the necromantic cage, Sisya could not see what was going on outside, but she could feel the powerful force outside, and she could hear the roar of her friends from time to time. Obviously, Burffis must have fallen into a bitter battle.

"These fools!"

Sisia held the eternal holy sword tightly and kept slashing the power of the necromancers, but the power of the necromancers accumulated over thousands of years was too great, plus the multiple seals imposed by that woman, I have estimated that even if I hit with all my strength, I wouldn't be able to disintegrate this force.

What should I do?

For a while, Sisya was also a little anxious. She smashed the powers of the dead spirits frantically, but it took at least a few hours. During this time, she didn’t think her partners could Supported under the attack of that woman.

And just when Sisya was extremely anxious, she finally decided to do her best. Even if she couldn't break the power of the dead, she would have to interfere with the battle outside!


There was a deep shout in Sisiya's mouth, her delicate face had a solemn color, and the magic of the seven colors began to turbulent like a whirlpool, but at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in her mind.

She suddenly remembered something...

The magical brilliance dimmed, and Sisya closed her eyes, and moved the magical power that had been quiet in her body for a long time, which was used to connect to another magical power in the distance.


Seven-colored brilliance emerged, Sisya opened her eyes and looked at the group of seven-colored magic power in front of her. She frowned for a moment and then sighed.

Sorry, please let me rely on you again.

If it were that man, she would definitely be able to help herself. Although Sisya was very reluctant to use the power of the person she owed, she had reached the point of last resort. She now knew that the woman trapped herself in The purpose here is, and if you can't get out of trouble in a short time, many parts of this world will definitely be in danger!

"Belen! Please help me!"

This is the strongest distress signal!

Chapter Ninety One: Farewell

Seeing the group of seven-color magic power beating in front of him, Belem was also stunned for a long time, and everyone’s eyes fell on this group of seven-color magic power. Except for Beren, the first to recognize it. It was Novell.

"This, this is Sisia's magic!"

Novel stared at the group of seven-colored magic powers, and then quickly looked at the white-haired man on the side. She couldn't help asking: "How come you have Sisia's magic power?"

Hearing Novell’s question, Belen also gradually recovered. He turned his head to look at the former, hesitated for a moment, and said: "I promised her at the beginning. If there is any need for help, I will help. This group The magic was left to me at the time."

"In other words..."

After Belen's words, Novel also sat down with a dim look, she said solemnly: "It seems that Sisia has already encountered that dilemma."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the atmosphere became a little dignified again. I didn't expect things to come so suddenly, which made the unprepared people feel extremely heavy.

"It's so far away from the Demon King City. Even if we rush past it, it's probably too late." Nowell sighed. She had given up, so she said decadently, "It's all over."

"No, it's not too late, Sisia is a "brave", she won't just give up like this!"

Hearing the voice coming from the side, everyone's eyes focused on Belen again, the latter raised his hand and grabbed the colorful magic power into his body, and then stood up.

"Mr. Belen..."

Seeing Belen's appearance, La Tier's heart was twitched, and she also stood up, looking at the white-haired man in front of her very worried and nervous.

The girls stood up one after another. They seemed to have known Belen's decision. Even Hill, who had been arguing with Belen, couldn't help but speak at this moment.

"You don't want to go there, do you?"

Hill's hands clasped the corners of her clothes tightly, which revealed her worry.

Belen did not answer directly, but raised his head and looked at the bright night sky. His mood was not as complicated as before, but a little relieved.

"Your distress signal, I received it."

This sentence seemed to be a response to the woman far away in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at the girls again, he smiled, and he said: "I promised Sisia to help her. Since she sent this distress signal, it means she has arrived and has to need me. To the point of helping, can I help her?"

"I do not want..."

Latier cried again. She cried and said, "I don't want Mr. Belém. It is dangerous. Even Mr. Belém might..." She choked up when she said this.

The danger this time is unpredictable. This time it is the greatest sense of crisis that the girls can feel. I don’t know why, they have a premonition. If the man in front of them goes there, it is likely to...

Seeing the girl who was crying, Belen also stepped forward. He took the girl into his arms and said in a very soft voice: "Sorry, if Sisia loses, the world may fall. I am not To be the savior, I just don’t want your future to become dark."

The girl clutched the clothes of the person in front of her tightly, and she cried out: "I, I don't...should not get involved in any troubles anymore. Say okay, say okay, travel to the end together You can't just leave us like this!"

"Of course, how could I leave you behind?" Belen hugged the girl and stroked the girl's head gently with one hand. He gently said, "I'm just going to do one thing. You will be back soon, you just need to wait for me during the journey."

This gentle voice fell into the hearts of the girls, Latis couldn’t help crying, Leia and Ilia remained silent, while Rumia pressed her lips tightly to make tears from the corners of her eyes Without falling, Al also held hands tightly.

The time has come to be parted.

They understand how this feeling is similar to the separation back then but it is very different. This time he went, he might not come back.

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