Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 837

La Tier’s tears soaked the clothes of the man in front of her, and the crying pear was raining. She raised her head and looked directly into those eyes, crying: "I saved us by myself, and I will be Gu Zi's leave us? I don't want to do this! If Mr. Belém wants to leave, then take me with him!"


There were tears in Belen’s eyes. He stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the girl’s cheeks. He whispered, “I’m sorry, I worry you so much time and time again, but I swear this is the last time.”

This is not a lie, but the most sincere oath.

After a long time, La Tier finally let go of her hand. She took two steps back, choked with tears. She raised her hands and wiped the tears on her face vigorously, then raised her head to look at the man in front of her.

"Mr. Belém has decided something, I can't change it, can I?"

"I'm sorry." Belen could only apologize.

La Tier sobbed. The cat eyes were covered with mist, but there was an ugly smile on her face. She said: "I like this gentle Mr. Belen."

At this time, Al also came to Ratil's side. Those bright red eyes stared at the white-haired man in front of him, his hands were held tightly, and there was lightning flashing on his body.

"I don't allow you to die!"

"Well, I won't die."

"The wedding has not been held yet, you must come back!"

"I will never break my promise."

Al, who seemed to want to say something, stopped her mouth. She gritted her teeth and turned around. The tears couldn't be stopped at this moment, and she turned her back to the man.

Eliya also came to them. She looked at Belem and said, "Can I go?"

In response, Belem smiled and said: "I hope Illya can stay here to accompany you."

"I see." Illiya nodded, then walked to Belem, her moist eyes staring at the man in front of her, and she said, "Brother, the bride of the wedding, can I be a bride?"

Hearing the words of the silver-haired girl, Belen was also startled, and finally showed a smile and said: "Then I will be willful again. When I come back, the wedding will be held."


Hearing the call, Belen also looked at Lumia. The short-haired girl couldn't stop her tears at this moment, and only heard her say: "I said it before, even if it is your death, I can accept it! "


"But! You are not allowed to die!"

Belen's eyes widened, he smiled and nodded, "I will never die!"

At this time Hill couldn't help but shouted: "You bastard! If you can't come back, I will abduct everyone! So, if you don't want everyone to be snatched away by me, you must come back!"

"Of course, how could I let you take everyone away?" Belen also grinned, but he seemed to think of something, and then smiled: "No, you are not allowed to leave until I come back!"

Hill pressed her lips in silence, surprisingly she didn't pretend to be arrogant this time, but nodded heavily.

Immediately afterwards, Belen came to the crying kitten and said with a grin: "Lattes, you are so old, why do you still like crying?"

"Brother don't go!"

Latis was crying, tears pouring out like spring water, and at this moment, a big warm hand fell on her head and stroked gently.

"Brother will be back soon. Would you like to give Lati ribbon candies at that time?" Belen comforted his guard with a gentle voice.

"I don't want candy! I want brother! Woo...I don't eat candy anymore! Brother don't want to go, OK?"

Hearing the girl's words, Belen's eyes suddenly became hazy, and tears fell from his eye sockets. He did not answer Latis's words, but withdrew his hand. He turned his head and looked at Gard and Rena.

"You two little guys just stay here with peace of mind. If you need help, go to them."

"Thank you!"

The two children bowed to the ground, using the most sincere honorifics.

Belen withdrew his gaze, his deep eyes looked towards the sky, and he let out a long sigh. He finally said goodbye to everyone, and the next step was to complete his final rescue mission.

Chapter nine hundred and twelfth: See death as home

After seeing the white-haired man who had bid farewell to everyone, Novel also felt very sad. She felt a sense of guilt. If it weren't for herself, this group of people would definitely be on a happy journey.

Belen came to Novell, and he asked: "Novel, is Sisia in the Devil City?"


Nowell nodded slightly, and then asked puzzledly: "This place is so far away from the Demon King City. Even if you try your best, it will take several days, right?"

"Do not worry."

Belem smiled and said, "They will ask you."

"You..." Nowell looked at the man in front of her, she hesitated, but finally she said: "Although I want to say you don't need to go, but..."

"I understand, I have made a decision." Belen nodded. He knew what Novel wanted to say, but he finally made a decision, and now he will never change it.


Nowell took a deep breath, and then bowed deeply to the man in front of her. She shouted, "Grey hair! Thank you for your assistance to Sisia!"

"Ah, this is a good opportunity for Master Brave to owe favor, I won't miss it."

Now that he has reached the point he is now, Belén can relax. He smiled and made a joke that would not be believed, and then stepped forward.

"Mr. Belen!"

Hearing the shouting behind him, Belen's footsteps also stopped, he turned his head and showed a smile, and then continued to walk forward, he raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up.

"This time, I will never break my promise!"


The dark blue brilliance emerged from Belen's body, and the blue magic power rippled around like ocean waves, and the barriers of space resonated.

Amplification magic, 89%!

Assimilation of magic, advanced, 90%!

Those dark blue eyes that were deeper than the sea burst into an astonishing brilliance at this moment, and the aura on Belen's body became unprecedentedly ethereal, his next step was actually stepping into the void.

Quasi-God Realm!

In an instant, the blue figure disappeared in place, turning into a blue light beam and shrinking until it disappeared, and only a wind wave passed on the grassland.

The people who stopped at the same place could only raise their heads and look at the night sky, praying silently in their hearts.

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