Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 842

Chapter 917: Already reaching the limit


The piercing sound of the sword and the sudden tremor of the earth shocked Doria. After she opened her eyes, she saw a figure covered with blue magic standing in front of her.

"you are..."

The man who came suddenly was Belen. In order to catch up with Lilith, he stepped into the "quasi-god realm" again before crossing the space to get here, but this approach would only make him one step closer to death. But he has no choice, he has no choice, he can only do so.

At this moment, the white-haired man was confronting the gray-haired woman, the two pairs of transcendent divine eyes touched together in the air, and he also spoke at this moment.

"Lilith, don't go on anymore!"

In this regard, the gray-haired woman looked at the man in front of her with an indifferent expression. She did not respond. Instead, she turned and walked away, her figure turned into a gray radiance and dissipated in the air.


Seeing the woman's departure, Belem also subconsciously stretched out his hand to keep him, but the other party left him nothing. He gritted his teeth and clenched his palms, the radiance of magic dissipated from him.

"Thanks, thank you for saving me..."

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Belen also calmed down for a while. He turned around and looked at the red-haired girl. He asked suspiciously: "Are you the Lord of Opuro?"

Seeing him mention this, Doria's eyes trembled, she lowered her head, and then whispered: "That's my father, but he just..."

Seeing that the girl fell silent, Belen already knew that he was late, he sighed, but fortunately he saved the royal descendant.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"No, it's not to blame you." Doria shook her head. She stood up and wiped the tears on her face with her hands. She received a higher education since she was a child and has experienced a lot of internal affairs, so her xinxing is also better than her average age. Many people are mature.

"Please tell me your name, and I will remember this kindness in my heart."

"You can call me Belen." Belen nodded when she saw the girl calm down. Then he walked out of the hall, looked at the sky and said: "Sorry, I'm leaving now, that person needs me To stop."

When the voice fell, Belen stepped away again, using the abilities of the "quasi-god realm" again and again, and his body was getting closer and closer to the limit. At this moment, he had already expended countless efforts, so he only You can enter the "quasi-god realm" by shortening the distance.

Next, the closest to Opúuro is Andy Liga!

Doria came to the main hall. She stared at the blue light and shadow gradually disappearing, but based on her own reasoning just now, she probably knew the identity of the white-haired man.

"Is that the "White-haired Sword Saint"?"

At night, Okosel, the capital of Andilica, also ushered in a catastrophe. The people of the entire capital cannot be the opponent of the "Devil", and the monarch of Andilica also died tonight by the "Devil". "The hand.


The main hall of the palace was destroyed by terrible magic power, and at this moment, countless soldiers were all dead and remnants and were unable to resist, while the first prince Onora and the second prince Lisana were retreating to the square, And beside them, there are Caijia and Dogante and others.

"Run away!"

Dogante also screamed after seeing the soldiers destroyed by that terrible magic power, but just as she and Cai Jia were about to turn around and flee, a terrible pressure suddenly fell on them, and everyone He was lying on the ground and unable to move at this moment.


Dogante gritted her teeth and struggled to get up, but in the end she could only kneel on the ground and couldn't get up again. This huge pressure caused the blood in her throat to gush out.


Lisanna was shocked when she saw this scene. She used all the magic in her body to resist the pressure, and then struggled to stand up. She released the magic to help everyone reduce the pressure.

The first queen, Onora spit out a mouthful of blood, and she shouted: "Lizana, you go!"

Hearing what she said, Lisana also gritted her teeth and shouted: "No! How can I leave you behind!?"

Lisana's body was trembling violently at this moment, and finally she knelt down on one knee, and the ground was cracked. This magical power was so strong that she could not resist.

Caijia is the weakest in the group. She is about to be suffocated by the pressure at this moment, blood is constantly overflowing from her mouth, and the brilliance of her eyes gradually becomes dimmed. At this critical juncture, she But it was as if she saw a very familiar figure, which echoed the words in her heart for help, and she whispered softly.

"Juggernaut...sir, Belem..."


Accompanied by a humming sound, the huge magical pressure that filled the air instantly disappeared, and everyone's tight bodies instantly relaxed and then slumped to the ground.


Lisana knelt on the ground. At this moment, she was already soaking her clothes with sweat, and she felt something in her heart. She raised her head with difficulty and saw that the familiar white-haired man caught the eye.

"Sorry, it seems I am late again."

Belen turned around and looked at everyone. After he saw the hall that had been turned into ruins, he knew that the monarch of Andilija was probably dead, and he clasped his hands tightly.

"Master Juggernaut!"

After seeing the figure of the person she was looking forward to, Cai Jia, who was originally extremely weak, also recovered a lot of energy at this moment, and she looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

Belen nodded slightly to her, and then the sharp edge flashed in his eyes. He held the sword in his right hand and slashed towards the back. The majestic gray fog was cut back under this sword, and he turned around and looked at him. The gray-haired figure floating in the air, he gritted his teeth, and then the sword walked up.

Just when Belen wanted to say something, Lilith, who stood in mid-air, said indifferently: "Now you, can you stop me?"


As soon as Belen wanted to speak, Lilith disappeared again, and after she left, the former felt a sharp pain and weakness all over, he held the sword into the ground and knelt down on one knee.


The limit is almost reached.

Belen, who has repeatedly entered the "quasi-god realm", is no longer suffering from the pressure from the magical dimension all the time. He is just struggling now, and his body that has reached the limit has probably been seen through by Lilith. Got it.

"It's really bad."

Belen gritted his teeth and stood up. The blue light particles on his body were already a little unstable, and he could not help being forced to enter the "quasi-god realm" at any time, and once that time, his body would collapse. Bad.

Does it end here?

Chapter 918: Just catch up

"Thank you, Master Juggernaut."

After seeing that terrible being left, Lisana also came to Belem. Although the crisis had gone, the lingering fears in her heart had not yet subsided.

Belen turned around, his eyes drooping, and he said very tiredly: "Probably she is going to Florentis next. The monarch of Opuro has also died, but he still has an heir. "

Lisana was also shocked when she heard this. She did not expect such a tragedy to have happened in Opuro. She pursed her lips. She remembered her father's instructions to herself and her sister before his death.

Belen looked at the blue magical photon on his body that was beginning to slow down, and he said solemnly: "I'm afraid I've reached the limit. The next thing she is going to kill should be Florentis..."

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