Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 843

The monarch of Florence?

When thinking of this, the girl who called herself "Brother Belen" suddenly appeared in Belen's mind, and his eyes slowly widened at this moment.

No, you can't stop here!

Seeing the man whose expression suddenly changed, Lisana couldn't help asking, "Although it may be nonsense, is there anything I can help?"

Belen shook his head, and then stepped away, and suddenly he remembered something in mid-air. He turned and looked at the end of the horizon. In that direction in this country, there is something waiting for him to return. Home family.

"My family is still in the Potamika Prairie, can you help me pick them up?"

Hearing these words, Lisana also nodded and said: "I understand."

Belen nodded slightly, was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Also, please bring me a word for them."

"What is it?"

"Just say...you must eat well, sleep well, live well, don't... miss me too much."

After saying this, Belen turned around and broke through the air. The unstable blue magical photon stabilized again, and did his best to turn into a blue meteor and disappear into the night.

Sorry, maybe I'm going to break my promise this time.

Looking at the blue shooting star, Lisanna fell into a sluggishness. Even she could hear the determination in the man's words. Those words were like...last words.

The white-haired man in the night sky turned into a blue ball of light at this moment. He bit his lip and shed blood, which made the groggy brain become much clearer because of the pain.

He is different from the other two quasi-gods. He is just a mortal body, not to mention the magical attributes that reconcile his own load. He repeatedly uses this power beyond the human domain, and his body is on the verge of breaking at this moment.

But even so, he must surpass the limit at this moment. He still has the most important thing to do. He will never let the girl who called his brother die, and he will definitely tell him what he has in his heart. The girl at the end!

Sorry, everyone, I may not be able to go back to you.

The crystal teardrops slid from Belem’s cheeks, carrying the blue brilliance and falling from the sky. It was not blown dry, but fell into the blue sea. Then, a brilliant blue ripple came from The sky rippled away, and the light and shadow disappeared into the void in an instant.

Quasi-God Realm.

Belen has stepped into this realm again, and this is probably the last time he has stepped into this field. He will reach Eloranya faster than Lilith!


Having crossed countless space barriers and under tremendous pressure, Belen's magic circuit began to be fragmented, and he finally arrived at Eloranya in a tireless and blind state.

The dark clouds covered the entire sky, which was different from the darkness of night. The suppressed atmosphere caused the entire Eloranya to fall into silence. At this moment, countless troops surrounded the Wangcheng Square, which was more than the other two empires. The astonishing formation was easily shredded by the defenses under the unmatched magic power, and countless lives turned into flying ashes at this moment.

"This power..." Flotti's robe flew behind her, and she covered her chest with one hand. She was also injured because of the previous shock. She stared at the gray hair walking towards the girl in front of the hall. The woman has the most solemn look in her eyes.

"Is that woman the "Devil"?"

At this moment, there are not many people left in the field. No amount of force is meaningless in front of that existence. At this moment, it is Florti who can only grit his teeth and let the soldiers go up to stop her, because Lin Yi If you die here, then even after today, the situation of the empire will collapse instantly!

"Flotti! How are you doing!?"

At this time Morpheus also arrived, his body was already covered with blood, and his ribs had been broken several times, and he was standing beside Flotti with a heavy injury.

"I'm fine, how are you?"

Morpheus grinned and said, "I can't die yet."

Hearing this, Flotti also looked at the gray-haired woman again, and she said solemnly: "We can't stop her, you go and take your Majesty out of here!"

"it is good!"

After receiving the instruction, Morpheus immediately rushed in the direction where Lian Yi was, and the latter was now very nervous looking at the figure walking towards him, even though she was a king at this moment of life and death. His courage also appeared.

"Metal Sky Wings!"

Morpheus yelled, the huge metal wings descended on the ground, blocking the gray figure on the other side, and he flew towards Lin Yi, their monarch is obviously the chief of the "Devil King" Target, so he must take it away!


But at this moment, the gray magic power wrapped the huge metal sky wings, and in an instant it turned into nothingness, and then the gray-haired woman appeared in front of Morpheus' flight path.


Morpheus, who had not reacted yet, was blown out by that monstrous magical power, and slammed into the ruins in the distance. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he insisted that he did not lose consciousness. He bit Tooth wants to get up but has reached the limit.


When she saw this scene, Flotti was also shocked. Before she gave instructions, everyone consciously launched an attack on the "Devil King", but the magic was unable to enter even within ten meters of her. It was perished.

Lilith was suspended in the air, she came to a distance of ten meters in front of Lin Yi, and then she raised her right hand, and the gray magic power surged past like a river.

"You are left."

At the moment when Lilith said this sentence indifferently, her eyes trembled again, her gaze couldn't help raising, and she saw a blue light and shadow suddenly descend from the sky to disperse her magic power. To go.


"Ha... finally, finally, caught up."

Since the smoke dissipated, a white-haired figure was very embarrassed and knelt there on one knee, because the flesh was cracked, blood stains were all over the white clothes, and blood was constantly overflowing from his mouth, his face was tired but with a smile.

Just catch up.

Chapter IXIX: The Return of Jonna

When the man descended on the ground, the blue brilliance was the income from the outside, which wrapped up all the broken pieces in his body, and quickly repaired the injuries in his body.


Belen kept coughing up blood from his mouth, his legs trembling, his hands holding the sword made him stand up, his white clothes were stained red with blood, and he was so embarrassed before fighting.

"Belén... brother?"

Lian Yi looked at the very familiar white-haired back in front of her, her eyes trembled slightly, and at this critical moment of life and death, the arrival of this man eliminated the danger.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Belen also turned his head and looked at the girl, but his mouth was full of blood and raised a big smile.

"Lian Yi, you are fine."

Now there is only one monarch of the three empires, but fortunately, he came faster than Lilith.

"Well, leave it to me here, you leave."

Belen turned around, staring again at the gray-haired woman floating in the air exuding murderous intent. He gasped for breath, trying to calm down as much as possible.

"That's Belem!"

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