Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 850

"I want to go in and see Sister Florty!"

The guards were also taken aback when they saw the girl with cat ears. Because many soldiers died that day, a large number of recruits were replaced here. They did not know the girl with cat ears, but they knew their special armaments. The name of the chief.

"Huh? The kitten has grown up?"

At this time, an veteran also recognized Latis, and he smiled in surprise, and then said to the other recruits: "This child was brought in by the commander at first, but he has not seen him for more than a year. It's normal to know her, let her in."

Latis said again, "Um, uncle! My sisters are going in too!"


The veteran also looked at the girls in the rear. He was stunned. Although he knew the little cat, but he didn't know the other girls, it would be better to report it?

At this time Al stepped forward, she took out a token, and she said: "I and your chief are friends, and I am the "Eye of Thunder", the arbitrator of the Holy See."

"Ah! So it was you! Your arbitrator!"

The veteran also had a lot of knowledge, and he recognized who the ponytail girl in front of him was. He looked at the girl aside again, since he was with the little cat and the "Eye of Thunder" , Then you want to come together, even if you don’t report it?

"You go in, the chief is in the office."

"Thank you."

After thanking you, Al and Latis led everyone into the Special Armament Department. Besides Latis, even Al came here for the first time. Then they were asking Next came to an office.


"Come in."

After knocking on the door, I got a response. The girls also opened the door and walked in, only to see a woman with loose long hair looking through the file.

Lattes couldn't help calling: "Sister Flotti!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Flotti was also startled. She immediately raised her head and looked around. When she saw the girls entering the office, there were faint ripples in her eyes, which appeared after a while. Smile.

"You are back, come in and sit down."

The girls sat on the sofa, and Flotti also got up from the office chair and sat down on the sofa opposite the girls. She was silent for a moment before she spoke first.

"You... are you here to find him?"

When they heard this, the girls trembled, and Al hurriedly asked, "Belen, is he here?"

Flotti hesitated, then shook his head and said, "He's not here."

Upon hearing this, La Tier quickly asked, "Well, where did Mr. Belém go?"


Flotti fell into silence, she knew what the girls came to, and it was precisely because she had witnessed what happened that day that she could not tell the truth.

"Please don't hide us."

When Latil’s words fell into Flotti’s ears, her eyes slowly lifted up, and when she saw the seriousness on the faces of the girls in front of her, she knew that they were ready. What kind of awareness, so she sighed deeply.

"He has already left."

The girls who got the answer froze there. They had actually guessed such a result a long time ago, but when they really learned the result from others, they couldn't restrain the sadness in their hearts.

"Miss Flotti...are you there at the time?"


"Can you tell us what you see?"

Seeing the cat-eared girl who lowered her head to make such a request, Flotti also responded. Then, she told all the scenes she had seen at the time. A sad atmosphere enveloped the entire office, but she knew , Even if it is a cruel fact, they want to accept it.

"Finally, he and the girl named Lilith left the world together."

From Flotti’s words, the girls knew that Lilith was the "Devil". Although shocked, sadness prevailed at this moment, and they finally knew why Belem was desperate. For the sake of.

Because the girl named Lilith, to Belem, is the most important family like them, even if he sacrifices his life, he wants to go to the end with her.

"Is he really... dead?"

Al said the word, and she clenched her fists in grief. She still couldn't believe the fact that the guy left like this after proposing to herself.

Flotti did not answer immediately, but kept her eyes down for a long time. Finally, she suddenly remembered something. She smiled and said, "Who knows? That man can do miracles."

Rather than believing the facts before them, they are more willing to believe in the almost impossible miracle, no, or in other words, they are willing to believe in that man, he will not let them down.

Al bit her lower lip, she whispered softly: "I believe him, he will definitely come back."

"I believe it too." Latier lowered her head in response. She opened her big eyes to suppress her tears, but it still fell to the ground unconvincingly.

The girls all made "um" voices, they endured their grief, now is not the time to be sad, they have not seen the ending, so they believe the story is still going on!

I firmly believe that he will come back.

That man will not leave them like this!

Chapter 926: The Decision of the Three Queens

Three months after the end of the jihad, the order of the world gradually began to recover, and Andy Liga and Opuuro were back on track due to the succession of the new emperor.

Also today, in the palace of the Royal City of Florentis, three monarchs gathered together. In addition to them, Flotti is standing beside Flotti. In addition, a red-haired woman who has taken off her armor Sitting there too, she wore a bright red dress, which faded away a touch of heroism and became more elegant.

This woman is the "brave" Sisia.

After the war, Sisya also disbanded the Superhuman Legion. Some people stayed, some went on a long journey, and some went back to her hometown. As a "brave," she also had a presence even after the war. There are many things to do, and one of the most important things to her.

"What!? Let go of those demons!?"

After hearing Sisya’s words, Doria, the new monarch of Opuro, opened her eyes wide. She was sitting there, looking at the former in disbelief. She did not expect this man who had fought the demons for many years. Lord Brave, unexpectedly would say such a thing.

"Master Brave, are you kidding?"

The new monarch of Andilija, Onora frowned, she said solemnly: "Although the "Devil King" is dead, countless demon clan's top combat power has also fallen, but if the remaining demon clan cheer , That's also a big threat."

Although the demons are down, there is still a high possibility that they will attack outside in the dark. It is a blade hidden in the dark, and if one is not careful, it is very likely to be fatal!

"That's right! Now the demons are greatly injured, but their own racial talents can make them grow quickly, and there may not be an existence like a "devil" among them!"Doria also agreed, her eyes flickered, and she said calmly: "You can't let them come back!""

Hearing the words of the two monarchs, Flotti standing aside calmly said: "It was precisely because of this idea that the previous generation developed into what it is today. What makes us different from them is that we know The truth of the matter."

Hearing that, Doria fell into a moment of silence. Indeed, as Flotti said, as long as you have a deep understanding of past history, as long as you are not an idiot, you probably know who initiated the war. .

It's not the demons who are feared and hated, but their side.

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