Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 851

But despite this, the threat of the Demon Race also makes Doria and Onora feel deeply disturbed. If there is another existence like the "Devil King", how many creatures will die?

At this moment, Sisya suddenly said: "This, this is the person's wish."

that person.

When Hearing Sisia's words, both Doria and Onora were stunned, and the white-haired figure appeared in their minds, and the anxiety in their hearts gradually disappeared.

If that person expected them, they...

Sisiya turned her head to look at the rising sun, her eyes softly said: "Whether it is our creatures or the remaining demons, they must have resentment towards each other in their hearts, and what we will do in the future, It’s not just for fulfilling that person’s wishes, but for the future of this world."

"If you two are worried, then let me do it." Lin Yi said at this moment. She wore a gold-red dress and said calmly: "That is the future that Belen's brother is expecting. I want to see the future, so let me raise this matter to the world."

She is willing to bear all the pressure and let all the creatures, including the demons, work together towards a beautiful and peaceful future. She doesn't want anyone to die because of this boring war!

Hearing Lian Yi's words, both Doria and Onora were stunned. They understood the meaning of the former, and sighed in unison after a moment of silence.

Doria shook her head, and she said, "How can you let you bear it alone? If we agree, then we will all have differences today that affect the future."

"Yes, if that's the case, let's bear it together, and the three of us will announce this to the world." Onora nodded slightly, and she also accepted the result.

Immediately afterwards, Doria smiled and said: "He saved my life, and I will do my best in this matter, just as it is to repay his kindness."

"Me too." Onora smiled too.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Lin Yi also smiled. She nodded and said, "Then, let us create a world where living things coexist together."

"it is good!"

Seeing the three young monarchs willing to work hard for that distant future, Flotti also showed a gentle smile. They are still young now, and they will have to face all kinds of big and small things in the future, but whether they encounter What kind of thing, she knows that they will never stop after they have learned countless lessons. That future will definitely become very beautiful!

The agreement reached by the three queens today makes the future demons and witches, or other alien races no longer have to hide, and thousands of creatures coexist in harmony!

Sisia has been looking at the dazzling sunrise. She didn't avoid the dazzling sun. She whispered, "Don't worry, I will definitely complete the agreement with you."

After hearing Sisya's murmur, the eyes of the four women were all looking over, and after a moment of silence, Flotti couldn't help but ask.

"Is he really... dead?"

Sisia turned her head, she was silent for a while, then shook her head and said: "I don't know, that is a field that I have never set foot in. At that time, all the magic power between him and that woman has dissipated, probably.. ."

"Really? Even "The Brave" is not sure."Flotti showed a smile, and she wrapped her arms in front of her, smiling and said: "Then everything is still unknown."

Hearing Flotti's words, everyone looked at her, not understanding why she had such inexplicable confidence, even Sisia was stunned.

"Are you so confident in him?"

"Of course." Flotti nodded. She raised her head and looked at the blue sky. She smiled: "Because, there are still his family in this world waiting for him to come back."

As long as his family is waiting for him, he will definitely come back no matter it is in heaven or hell. He seems to have no desires, but in fact he is most reluctant to treasures, and his family is the treasures he has.

Chapter 927: This Day

It has been a year and a half since the end of the holy war, and there were shocking things that happened during this year. It was the announcement made by the monarchs of the three major kingdoms. A declaration of the harmonious coexistence of witches and other races.

But this is destined to be a long road. Although the jihad has been over for a year, everyone’s life is gradually returning to the right track, but for the demons, many people still hold a grudge, after all, the crime they committed is impossible. Being forgiven by people in such a short time.

In the past year or so, the three queens, the "brave men," and even the Holy See, worked together to promote the coming of that bright future. Although the journey is far away, it seems that it is not out of reach now.

But so far, the person missed by many people has not returned.

In the Flozarno Academy of Magic Academy in Florentis, all the students have returned to normal life, some graduated, and new students enrolled.

At this moment, in a spacious classroom, a beautiful girl with cat ears was immersed in the test paper, the crystal clear cat eyes were staring at the question, and the pen in her hand was dancing quickly.

Jingle Bell!

When the bell rang, the girl with cat ears also put down the pen in her hand, and then stretched her waist. The bumpy figure was outlined by the exquisite school uniform, and then she lay down softly. On the table.

"Finally finished!"

After the paper was taken away, there were a few more girls beside her, who were her good friends, and they were sitting down with a sad face at the moment.

"Now, Latis, are you finished?"

"Ah, this time is so difficult! I haven't written half of it!"

Latis turned her head, she said bitterly, "I have finished writing very reluctantly. Who will write the paper this time? It's so difficult to come up with this topic!"

The girl with double ponytails aside exclaimed, "Eh...it's Lattes, it's finished!"

"This time the guarantee is in the top ten of the grade again, maybe I can get the first place?" The girl with eyes pushed her eyes, and then sighed, "Obviously Latis was very lazy and didn't like to study last semester. It looks like, after taking a long absence from school, I can still keep up with the course."


Lattes smiled stiffly when she heard these words, as if thinking of something, she sat up, and stared straight at the table in front of her.

"What's wrong with you? Lattes."

"Huh? No, nothing, let's go to class! Next is... actual combat class, right?"

In that indoor magic director's martial arts field, the students of this class began to sort after finishing the team, and they had to compete with another class in actual combat.

Latis lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, and at this moment, she suddenly felt her sleeves being pulled, and she turned back to look at the friend beside her.

"Latis, it's you, what are you in a daze?"

"Huh? Ah! I see."

As a result, Latisi stepped onto the Demon Director Wutai. She looked calmly at the opponent who was not much different from her own age. The turquoise light flashed in her hand, and a long sword appeared in her hand.

"That is the cat girl who followed that "Juggernaut" practice a year ago?"

"It is estimated that this turner will lose, that girl is the seventh seat of Jianjushe."

Half a year ago, Latis had already joined the Jianju Society by virtue of her superb kendo realm. This was not because of the relationship with those seniors, but because she now has that qualification.

Looking at the opponent rushing towards her, the tall girl with cat ears whispered with a voice that only she could hear: "Brother, I won't let you down." She held the hilt. Then came out slowly.


Accompanied by a crisp sword sound that was unsheathed, a turquoise brilliance in the field was flashing, and the battle was finally divided between victory and defeat.

At the moment when the battle was over, Latis just wanted to retract the sword into its sheath, but at this moment, Jiao's body trembled slightly, and she tilted her head and looked towards the passage in disbelief.

In Florentine’s imperial capital, Eloranya, in the huge castle of Poggiacorti, a woman in a luxurious dress is looking at an old newspaper. She is the leader of the castle. Miss.

Since everyone separated, Hill has returned to her home. She has not been at home for a long, long time. After that, in order to wait for that person to come back, she also helped her father start assisting the overall situation. Despite these peaceful years, there are certain things to beware of.

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