The new executor was in charge of the construction of the new building.

Huaihai College.

Execution Department.

Now all the executors of Huaihai College who are on missions outside have received recall orders. Once the mission is completed, they must rush back as soon as possible.

The executors who have returned will not perform any other tasks.

At present, all the focus of the entire Huaihai City is on the beast tide that will come soon.

On the city wall.

Jiang Lei and Xi Yan, the two heads of the execution department, gathered all the executors together early.

"Today I will introduce a new member to you, Phoenix!"

Jiang Ping came out wearing a new Phoenix mask.

Everyone knows that he is Jiang Ping.

But to the outside world, Jiang Ping's original identity of "Blood Moon" is dead, and now there is only the "Phoenix" after Nirvana rebirth!

Everyone immediately applauded, and there was a warm applause.

This time, Jiang Ping was not assigned to other teams. He was temporarily alone and was included in the executor team.

"Quiet." Xi Yan pressed his palm, and all the sounds disappeared immediately. Everyone looked at him.

"Now, the most serious threat we face is the upcoming beast tide."

"Maybe two months, maybe three months."

"But no matter how long it takes, there is only one thing we have to do - protect Huaihai City, protect our family, friends, and lovers."

"We have no way to retreat, and only the city wall under our feet is our last guarantee."

"So, we must save this city wall at all costs, understand?"

Xi Yan's voice was not loud, but his tone was solemn and serious, which made people involuntarily feel awe.



The next step is the specific task arrangement.

If you want to stop the beast tide, of course it is impossible to rely on the city wall and confront the beast tide head-on.

Although Jiang Ping was the executor, he was also pulled into the conference room as an exception to plan with Jiang Lei, Xi Yan and others.

War room.

In the center was a huge sand table, on which was a small Huaihai College and the surrounding terrain forest.

Xi Yan and Jiang Lei were planning where to set traps in front of the sand table.

Jiang Ping was watching from the side and did not express any opinions for the time being.

"Our charging cannon has a maximum range of three kilometers, but the maximum range of the explosive crossbow is only two kilometers. Therefore, between three kilometers and two kilometers, it is the main firepower coverage of the charging cannon." Xi Yan took a stick and drew two lines around Huaihai City on the sand table.

The middle of the two lines is the first place to be focused on.

"Then set up a barrier at the edge of the explosive crossbow's range to delay the advance of the beast tide and allow the charging cannon to fully bombard for a few rounds." Jiang Lei drew a circle on the two-kilometer boundary.

Jiang Ping listened from the side.

Huaihai City's defensive offensive is average, with only a dozen or so charging cannons, and the rest are explosive rages. The city's defense strength is far inferior to Tai'an City, which has a regular Holy Empire Legion.

The charging cannon is the strongest city defense weapon so far. It uses the demon core as the power source and can support the fifth-level demon core as the power source, exerting the power of the fifth level.

The explosive crossbow can only drive the fourth-level demon core at most, which is one level lower than the charging cannon.

From the city defense weapons alone, Huaihai City is more than one level weaker than Tai'an City.

"The last kilometer is our last line of defense. Once the beast tide comes here, our psychics will also be dispatched." Xi Yan drew a line again.

And this line is the last line of defense they allow the beast tide to come in.

Once the beast tide comes to the one-kilometer defense line, there must be psychics to go down and fight the beast tide face to face, and the beast tide must not be allowed to get close to the city wall.

"Between two kilometers and one kilometer is the best attack range for the explosive crossbow, so a barrier should be set up here." Jiang Lei said.

Three lines of defense, two barriers.

This is the most basic deployment.

Jiang Lei and Xi Yan both had no idea about this conclusion.

"Jiang Ping, do you have any opinions?" At this time, Jiang Lei suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Ping beside him and asked.

The latter was stunned for a moment.

He thought he was just here to listen, but who knew he would have to express his opinions.

Coming to the sand table, looking at the pattern drawn on it, he naturally had no objection.

"I think your current deployment is pretty good."

"Didn't you say that you experienced a beast tide yourself? Tell me if there is anything we haven't considered." Xi Yan also said rarely.

As the second director of the executive department, from Jiang

Since Jiang Ping contacted him, Xi Yan's attitude has not been very enthusiastic.

Now he actually took the initiative to ask Jiang Ping what he thought, which was quite unexpected.

There were no outsiders here, so Jiang Ping was not polite. He pondered for a moment and said, "From the beast tide I experienced in Tai'an City and the beast tide I saw on the way back, there is still an important issue at present."

"That is the strongest demon king in the beast tide. We need to be extra careful. I encountered a fifth-level advanced demon king in Tai'an City. It can hide at the back of the beast tide and launch powerful supernatural powers from a distance to attack the city wall remotely."

"What we need to consider is that if the charging cannon and the explosive crossbow cannot deal with the demon king, someone needs to go deep into the beast tide to deal with the demon king."

Back in Tai'an City, the Thunder Bull King left a deep impression on Jiang Ping.

The range of the long-range attack is even farther than that of the charging cannon.

If there is also a fifth-level advanced demon beast attacking the city wall remotely this time, someone must be needed to deal with it.

Hearing his words, the two immediately fell silent and thought.

After a moment, Jiang Lei said, "That's no problem. If the other side has a fifth-level demon king, we will naturally deal with it ourselves."

"Then I think we can also set up some traps in places one to three kilometers and three kilometers away. If we can kill a demon beast, it counts as one." Jiang Ping continued.

"Do you want to set up supernatural mines?"

Jiang Ping nodded: "Not only supernatural mines, but any trap that can kill a demon beast can be made."

Supernatural mines are a kind of mines made with spiritual energy. The power depends on the spiritual energy injected when making the mines.

The highest supernatural mines that can be made are those that can kill fourth-level primary demon beasts, but the consumption is naturally very large.

"That's no problem." Xi Yan nodded in agreement, "Then set up the two most important barriers and supernatural mines first."


After confirming the plan, Jiang Lei immediately issued tasks and asked all executors to divide into different teams to perform different tasks.

"Jiang Ping, you go to the barrier team to help set up the barrier, is there any problem?" Jiang Lei also assigned a task to Jiang Ping.

"No problem, I guarantee to complete the task!"

The barrier team was formed temporarily, and was a group of the strongest executors selected by Jiang Lei.

There were a total of ten barrier teams, each completing the arrangement of two barriers.

And Jiang Ping was assigned to the barrier team.

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