The first step is to make a new barrier.

There are two ways to make a barrier.

One is a small barrier, which can be set up by individuals on the spot. The advantages are high efficiency, convenience and speed; the disadvantages are insufficient power, small range, and can only target a small number of enemies.

One is a large barrier, which needs to be set up in advance. The advantages are large range and can resist a large number of enemies at the same time; the disadvantages are slow efficiency and cumbersome steps.

Although the effect of a small barrier seems to be smaller than that of a large barrier, the difficulty of understanding is not small at all.

Generally, at least the fourth level is required to be qualified to comprehend, but most of the comprehended ones are the fifth level.

As long as the method and steps are mastered, the large barrier does not have too many requirements for the user.

Huaihai College is going to set up a large barrier, and only a large barrier.

Outside Huaihai City, at the one-kilometer defense line.

Jiang Ping's first barrier team has arrived at the designated location.

"Stand in the direction."

The team leader is in charge of command. The first team has a total of five people, standing in five positions: southeast, northwest, northeast and center.

"Form, Four Symbols Formation, Azure Dragon Position!"

With the team leader's order, the five people flipped their hands at the same time and made several hand seals.


Five spiritual energy columns rose from the five people and gathered into one in the air.

At the moment when the spiritual energy gathered, Jiang Ping and the other five took out a straight-bladed dagger with a black body and inserted it into the ground in front of them at the same time.

The dagger was engraved with complex rune marks. As soon as it was inserted into the ground, the spiritual energy in the sky was dispersed into five again and injected into the dagger.


After receiving the energy injection, the black dagger immediately lit up with a faint light, and in the shadow, there was a low roar of a dragon.

Soon, the black dagger completely sank into the ground, as if it had disappeared.


At this point, the arrangement of this position is over.

"Next, let's go to the White Tiger position."

The team leader immediately took the others to the next location.

Jiang Ping stayed at the back. Before leaving, he suddenly had an idea and left a Flying Thunder God Kunai behind and hid it in a bush.

Huaihai City has its own defense, and Jiang Ping also has her own defense.

Arrange the Flying Thunder God's position in advance, so that he can have more strategies when facing the beast tide.

The next deployment is still carried out in an orderly manner.

Jiang Ping's team is responsible for the barrier of a one-kilometer defense line. Although the Four-Elephant Formation has only four array eyes, if you want to defend Huaihai City in all directions, it is not enough to rely on only one Four-Elephant Formation. Two Four-Elephant Formations must be arranged to fully cover the one-kilometer defense line.

Two four-elephant arrays, with a total of eight array eyes. When Jiang Ping followed the team to deploy and inspect, he also left a total of eight flying thunder god kunai to build other lines of defense.

Three-kilometer defense line.

The defense line here has a larger range, even two four-elephant arrays cannot cover it, so it can only be replaced with an "eight-sided array" with a larger range but a little weaker power.

Jiang Ping did not deploy flying thunder god kunai on the three-kilometer defense line.

Because it is too far, although it can be flown over, it consumes a lot of energy and is unnecessary.

Only the one-kilometer defense line is the most important, so you need to pay more attention to it.

After arranging the barrier, the next step is the supernatural mine.

The supernatural mine, the main core is the demon core. Using specific methods, different spiritual energy can be injected into the demon core to have different effects.

For example, the fire supernatural mine can be the simplest and crudest explosion; the thunder supernatural mine can be added with lightning, and thunder damage is added at the same time as the explosion.

The water, wind, and earth systems are similar.

There are many kinds of damage from supernatural mines, and they are not fixed, but as long as they can kill the enemy, they are good mines.

After setting up the barrier, it is time to set up supernatural mines.

Jiang Ping held a large number of third-level monster cores in his hand, and he felt very distressed when he saw others setting up monster cores one by one and burying them in the soil.

To cover such a large area, at least tens of thousands of supernatural mines are needed.

But Huaihai College did not store so many monster cores, and only gave out 500 third-level monster cores and 100 fourth-level monster cores.

The rest needed to be supplied to the charging cannon and the explosive crossbow.

But even if it was 500 third-level monster cores, if Jiang Ping took them all, he would make a lot of money!

In the face of the crisis, although Jiang Ping was tempted, he still honestly turned all the monster cores into supernatural mines and buried them.

Until all the supernatural mines on hand were buried, today's task was completed.

In just one day, the formation of two lines of defense was completed.

, and the deployment of hundreds of supernatural mines.

Everything is ready, now just waiting for the beast tide to come.

"First barrier team, the last team that went out to complete the mission is coming back, you go to the three-kilometer defense line to pick them up."

Xi Yan's voice suddenly sounded around Jiang Ping and his men through the directional sound transmission note.

"First barrier team received."

After the team leader replied, several people immediately rushed to the three-kilometer defense line.


Perhaps because Huaihai College has been very noisy recently, the surrounding monsters have been driven away.

Shuttled through the forest, Jiang Ping could not see a single monster.

Soon, they arrived at the three-kilometer defense line, and just in time, a wooden cart also drove quickly from the front. Seeing Jiang Ping and others, they all stopped immediately.

Five people got off the wooden cart, and they were all Jiang Ping's acquaintances-Mingyun team!

Including Mingyun, White Bear, Yellow Wolf, Black Snake, and Red Wind.

Jiang Ping was of course familiar with this team, they were all old acquaintances.

Mingyun is still his captain.

"Lao Lin? Why are you here?"

"No, I'm waiting for you." The captain smiled and took off his mask, revealing a sallow man's face.

"Waiting for us? What can I do for you?"

Mingyun and the others also took off their masks to get some fresh air.

Jiang Ping was very familiar with these faces.

The one he cared about most was, of course, Hongfeng, that is, Xi Congqing.

Xi Congqing was wearing a uniform white combat windbreaker of the executive department, with a slim beige turtleneck sweater underneath, outlining her beautiful curves.

Her lower body was tight black socks, wrapped around a pair of slender and round long legs, standing tall and graceful.

Perhaps because she had just returned from a mission, Xi Congqing's beautiful face was a bit tired, and there was an unshakable sadness between her eyebrows.

She didn't care about the conversation between Lao Lin and Mingyun, but just waited quietly, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

"Of course I'm well taken care of. Do you want some supernatural mines?" Old Lin joked.

"Supernatural mines? I'll keep them for you."

"Supernatural mines are buried in the area ahead. If I don't come to pick you up, you'll really have a good meal." Old Lin laughed.

"Supernatural mines? Why?"

"Of course it's to resist the beast tide."

"I see." Mingyun nodded.

With mines, he naturally couldn't continue driving. Mingyun directly put the wooden car into the space ring and prepared to walk forward.

"By the way, he is..."

Mingyun suddenly noticed that there was a strange face in the team - Jiang Ping wearing a new executive department mask.

"Hey, Captain Mingyun, you don't recognize me, right?" Jiang Ping took off his mask with a little pride and smiled,

"It's me, Jiang Ping!"


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