The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

"Tian Gang·Shatter!"

Xi Yan's figure flashed to the top of the head of the Sky Poison Corrupted Spider King, and he clenched his right fist. The deep red blood wrapped around his fist, and with a sonic boom, he hit the head of the Sky Poison Corrupted Spider King hard.


This punch went through the earth!

The skull of the Sky Poison Corrupted Spider King was pierced by a punch, and his body immediately fell limply.

The battle on the other side was also ending quickly.

Jiang Lei first helped Wang Daochuan deal with the Three Spirit Corrupted Snake King.

"Holy Domain·Judgment!"

"Thunder Gang·Heaven's Wrath!"

The two worked together to create a silver lightning wrapped in a ball of holy light, pressing towards the Three-Spirit Corrupted Snake King like a falling sun.

"How could this king lose... How could we lose?!"

The Three-Spirit Corrupted Snake King roared unwillingly, and turned into ashes in the lightning and holy light.

Jiang Ping and Xi Yan also rushed to the last battlefield to help the One-Tailed and Three-Tailed to resolve the battle.

"Tailed Beast Continuous Jade!"

The One-Tailed and Three-Tailed worked together to spray a series of Tailed Beast Jade, blasting the remaining two demon kings into the sky, exploding into a gorgeous firework in the air, lighting up the sky.

Since then, the three flying demon kings and the old demon kings of the five corrupt forests have all fallen!

The huge battlefield suddenly fell into silence.

The snowflakes in the sky became larger and larger, gradually covering the battlefield where the truce had ended, leaving a thousand holes.

Countless corpses were buried by the wind and snow, some of them were monsters and some were humans.

"It's finally over." Wang Daochuan and Jiang Lei came back and looked at the battlefield after the war with emotion.

"Yes, it's all over." Xi Yan leaned against the tree, with a sigh and complexity on his face.

This battle was really too difficult!

"Boy, the time for spiritual communication has come, we have to go." One-tail and Three-tail came to Jiang Ping and shouted.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Ping sincerely thanked One-tail and Three-tail.

If it weren't for these two tailed beasts, this battle would be difficult to win.

Then, One-tail and Three-tail turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated.

Jiang Ping looked up and saw the corpses all over the ground.

Countless monsters fell here, and the corpses were piled up and stained with blood.

Among the monster corpses all over the ground, there were also many human corpses - they were all from Huaihai College and heroes of Huaihai City!

[Ding! Complete the task: Protect Huaihai City]

[Get rewards: 5000 energy points, fairy magic·Mingshenmen]

As the voice of the system sounded in Jiang Ping's mind, it meant that the battle was really over.

"Clean up the battlefield."

After a brief sigh, Jiang Lei began to take on his responsibility as the head of the executive department and began to command the survivors to clean up the battlefield.

"Old Xi, you take people to repair the city wall, and leave the outside to me."


Xi Yan didn't say anything nonsense and immediately led people back to the city.

"Jiang Ping, help me clean up the battlefield." Jiang Lei pulled Jiang Ping and was about to continue the next step.

Suddenly, Jiang Lei coughed violently, spitting out large mouthfuls of blood from his mouth, and his body couldn't help but fall forward.


Jiang Ping hurriedly stepped forward and caught Jiang Lei, who was somewhat unconscious.

"Let me see."

Xi Congqing, who was standing by, stepped forward quickly and carefully checked Jiang Lei's condition - right in the middle of his chest, a large piece of flesh and blood was corroded, and even two bones were exposed!

Soon, Xi Congqing made a judgment,

"Minister Jiang's injury should be caused by the demon king of the Corruption Forest. This kind of corrupt toxin is very poisonous and must be treated as soon as possible."

She may not be the best executor of Huaihai College, but in terms of treatment, Xi Congqing ranks among the best in the entire Huaihai College.

"So, Xiaoqing, you and Jiang Ping take Lao Jiang back to heal immediately. You are not needed here." Wang Daochuan said.

"Then I'll trouble you, the principal, for the rest of the things."

After that, Jiang Ping carried Jiang Lei on his back and hurried back to the city with Xi Congqing.


Jiang family.

"Master, you are back. What is the head of the family doing..." Uncle Chen had been waiting at the door. He was just happy to see Jiang Ping come back safely. When he saw Jiang Lei's condition, his expression changed immediately.

"He was injured. Treat him immediately."

Jiang Ping explained briefly and quickly, and immediately took Xi Congqing to Jiang Lei's room and put Jiang Lei away.

"Get me a basin of clean water and some clean gauze."


Jiang Ping and Uncle Chen acted separately.

In two minutes, everything Xi Congqing wanted was brought.

"Leave the rest to me, you guys go out and wait."

Xi Congqing, who was in the state, ordered seriously with an unquestionable tone.

Jiang Ping did not say much, and took Chen Bo back to the door to wait.

Time passed bit by bit, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

During this hour, Jiang Ping has been waiting outside the door, not daring to leave.

It was not until another half an hour later that the door was opened, revealing a small and pale face.

"Okay, Minister Jiang's injury has been treated, and he only needs to rest for a while." Xi Congqing said, his tone was a little weak.

"Thank you, senior sister."

Jiang Ping walked quickly to Jiang Lei's bed.

At this time, Jiang Lei's injuries had been bandaged, and his always resolute face was a little paler.

This battle consumed too much of Jiang Lei, and his fighting style was to kill one thousand enemies and lose five hundred of his own.

Although he succeeded in killing the demon king, he was also seriously injured.

Fortunately, his life was not in danger.

Jiang Ping was relieved, and suddenly heard a "bang" behind him.

He turned around and saw Xi Congqing fainted on the ground.

"Senior sister!"

Jiang Ping quickly picked her up and checked her carefully.

Fortunately, Xi Congqing was not injured, but she was exhausted.

First, he fought with the beast tide for a day and a night, and just now he spent more than an hour treating Jiang Lei's injuries.

Even a grown man couldn't stand it, let alone she was just a girl.

"Uncle Chen, please take care of my dad. I'll send my sister to rest first."

"Okay, young master, don't worry."

After instructing Uncle Chen, Jiang Ping carried Xi Congqing to his room and let her rest on her bed.

Looking at the girl on the bed, her originally lively and pretty face was now full of fatigue and paleness.

Even though she was unconscious, Xi Congqing's eyebrows were still tightly furrowed, as if she had not relaxed yet.

Gently covering her with a blanket, Jiang Ping looked at Xi Congqing quietly.

He suddenly found that Xi Congqing was quite pretty, with curved eyelashes, a straight nose, a small mouth, and fair skin without any flaws, which made people really want to kiss her.

Jiang Ping looked at her for several minutes, and then he got up reluctantly and left the room with his tired body.

The battle was over, but cleaning the battlefield was also a hard job.

Now Jiang Lei could not command, and as a son, Jiang Ping still had to take part of the responsibility and help deal with the following matters.

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