The great beast tide is a great crisis that has swept the entire Holy Empire and threatened the survival of countless cities.

The Holy Empire already had few cities left, and under the impact of this great beast tide, many cities are destined to cease to exist.

Only some cities can survive the great beast tide crisis, and Huaihai City is one of them.

Although it successfully survived the great beast tide, Huaihai City also suffered heavy losses.

The Executive Department has a total of more than 1,300 executors, and more than 300 people died in the battle.

In addition, Huaihai College has more than 1,700 ordinary superpowers, and more than 700 people died in this battle!

In total, one-third of the superpowers in Huaihai City died in this battle!

This loss is huge!

Even if it is to stop the beast tide, this price is unacceptable.

After the victory of the battle, heavy sadness enveloped the entire city.


Jiang Ping took the place of Jiang Lei and spent another half a day to help clean up the battlefield.

There are two most important things to do when cleaning up the battlefield:

First, it is necessary to find the bodies of all the dead compatriots and bury them properly later.

Second, all the bodies of monsters must be handled properly. Those that can be left as food should be left, and those that are broken should not be left.

In addition, the most important monster core of the monster should not be missed.

Jiang Ping came to clean up the battlefield just for the monster core.

At least tens of thousands of monsters came in this big beast tide, more than half of them died, and a small half ran away.

But unfortunately, more than half of the dead monsters were only small monsters of the second or third level, and some monsters were directly blown to pieces, and even their monster cores were blown to pieces.

Especially at the end, the Amaterasu fire released by Jiang Ping burned the last batch of monsters into slag, and the monster cores were naturally gone.

In the end, the number of monster cores that could be preserved was only a few hundred, not even a thousand!

These monster cores must be handed over to the academy first to supplement the energy defense required by the academy.

The big beast tide was indeed repelled, but it does not mean that there will be no monsters to cause trouble in the future.

So we must be prepared at all times and places, and we cannot relax at all.


"Finally done." Jiang Ping stretched his waist.

After cleaning up the battlefield, it was already night.

"Jiang Ping, everything here is done, you should go back and rest early." On the wall, Mingyun saw Jiang Ping still here when he passed by, and couldn't help but said.

"Okay, Captain, you should go back early too."


After such a big battle, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally. If they could go back and rest early, they would naturally go back and rest early.

But Jiang Ping was not in a hurry to go back. He had to meet someone else - Yan Yue!

When Yan Yue activated the sacred king's flag, she was injured due to the heavy load. At that time, Jiang Ping could only hand her over to the medical staff of the logistics.

Later, after the battle, he also went to look for her once, but the medical staff said that Yan Yue's injuries had recovered a lot and she left on her own.


Yan Yue's home is in the opposite direction of Jiang Ping's home.

Jiang Ping had been there several times before, so he was familiar with the route.

Soon, he came to Yan Yue's home, but found that her home was dark and there was no light.

"Not back yet?"

At this time, Yan Yue has not come back yet?

Just at this time, an executor passed by and saw Jiang Ping waiting at the door of Yan Yue, so he said, "Jiang Ping, are you waiting for Yan Yue?"

Now everyone in Huaihai City knows Jiang Ping.

"Yes, have you seen her?"

"She seems to have been called away by the principal, and she probably won't be back for a while." The man said.

"Why did the principal look for her?" Jiang Ping was a little puzzled, but he still thanked the man.

He originally wanted to wait here, but thinking of the two patients lying at home, he hesitated for a while and decided to go back first and come back tomorrow.


When he returned home, the lights were bright, and there were even laughter coming from the hall.

Jiang Ping walked in quickly and saw that Jiang Lei and Xi Congqing had both gotten up and were talking and laughing in the living room.

Seeing him coming back, Jiang Lei spoke first: "Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I went to help clean up the battlefield. By the way, dad, how come you got up so quickly? Doesn't your wound hurt anymore?"

"This injury is nothing. I have suffered more serious injuries before, and I still feel like a dragon.

"Very strong!" Jiang Lei raised his head, very proud.

"Okay, okay, I know you are strong now." Jiang Ping rolled his eyes at him unhappily.

You are so old, and you are still showing off here.

Compared with Jiang Lei's mental state, Xi Congqing is obviously weaker. Although she has a beautiful smile on her face, she still can't hide her pale face.

"Sister, how do you feel?"

Xi Congqing shook her head: "Much better, I just consumed too much spiritual energy, and I will be fine after a rest."

"It's getting late, Jiang Ping, you should send Xiaoqing back quickly, otherwise if you are late, the old Xi guy will come to look for someone." Jiang Lei shouted.

His words also reminded Xi Congqing: "I really have to go back."

"Then I'll take you."

"Okay, Minister Jiang, goodbye."

"Goodbye. "


The dim street lights illuminated the snow-covered road.

After a day and a night of snow, the ground was already covered with a layer of snow, leaving clear footprints when stepped on.

Jiang Ping and Xi Congqing walked side by side, slowly walking towards the Xi family, leaving clear footprints behind them.

The winter wind was a bit cold, which made people stay awake at all times.

The two did not speak along the way, but just quietly enjoyed this rare tranquility.

Until the courtyard of the Xi family appeared in front of them.

"Okay, just send it here."

Xi Congqing stopped, turned and looked at Jiang Ping, with dim light and shadow reflected in his eyes.


Jiang Ping nodded, looking at the woman in front of him, with bright eyes and white teeth, curved eyelashes, and a wisp of black hair hanging from her forehead, fluttering in the wind.

He suddenly raised his hand, gently tied up a wisp of black hair from her forehead, and smiled: "Senior sister, remember to rest well after you go back, don't tire yourself out. "

"Hehe, don't worry about this. Don't forget that my healing skills are among the best. Even if I'm tired, I can heal myself." Xi Congqing smiled, with a bit of smart charm between her eyebrows.

Jiang Ping rolled her eyes at her: "Do you understand that a doctor can't treat himself? I told you to have a good rest, so give me a good rest."

"Oh——!" The girl stretched out her voice.

"Okay, I'll watch you go back."

Xi Congqing blinked and looked at him, without moving.

"Anything else? "Jiang Ping also looked at her.

The girl didn't say anything, but took two steps forward slowly, very slowly.

Then she slowly opened her hands, still moving very slowly, as if asking something.

Jiang Ping just looked at her, neither moving forward nor retreating.

Until Xi Congqing slowly hugged Jiang Ping.

Her movements were very careful, as if she would let go immediately if Jiang Ping showed any refusal.

But Jiang Ping didn't.

So, Xi Congqing slowly hugged Jiang Ping tightly, buried her face in Jiang Ping's warm chest, felt his warmth, and listened to his heartbeat.

Then, she said in a very soft voice, very softly:

"Jiang Ping, I like..."


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