The two of them were so close that they were unable to resist.

"Contract Seal!"

Jiang Ping used himself as bait, and when the Black Envoy pierced his chest with a sword, he also had the opportunity to get close to the Black Envoy and slap him with a palm.

"Is this... a seal technique?!"

Strange black runes spread over his body, and the Black Envoy suddenly felt a very strange feeling spreading in his heart.

He decisively stepped back a few steps, and the dagger was pulled out of Jiang Ping's chest, splashing blood.

But Jiang Ping didn't care at all.


With the sealless healing, basically any external injury that was not an instant kill could not threaten him.

The tactic of coordinating with the sealless healing is to deliberately expose the flaws, lure the opponent to attack, and then give the opponent a heavy blow after the opponent thinks he has succeeded.

The biggest cost of this tactic is that the immediate pain when being injured is still very painful.

Jiang Ping can heal without a seal, but the pain is still clearly felt.

So if it is not necessary, he will not use this tactic.

But this time the opponent is a fifth-level advanced psychic from Jinghai College. If he wants to end the battle quickly, he can only take a different approach.

"You can actually use the sealing technique?" The black envoy's tone sank, and his face under the mask was extremely ugly and angry.

Right now, he can clearly feel that the contractual connection between him and the two monsters is disappearing quickly.

Until the contractual connection between him and the two monsters completely disappeared.


The Black Needle Rhino and the Sky Evil Poison Ant, who were fighting with the One-Tail and the Two-Tail, suddenly turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared on the spot.

The contract summoning of the beast taming system and the psychic art are similar in that both require humans and monsters to sign a contract before they can be summoned.

However, the psychic art can directly summon with seals, while the contract summoning of the beast taming system requires a special scroll.

But whether it is psychic art or contract summoning, a contract with the monster is required.

And Jiang Ping's contract seal directly sealed the contract between the black envoy and the two monsters, severing the connection between them.

"You guy!"

The black envoy's eyes were angry.

No one had ever told him that Jiang Ping also knew the sealing technique!

You should know that the sealing technique is an extremely rare existence, even rarer than the saint-level superpowers. The black envoy has not seen a few real sealing techniques so far.

Moreover, Jiang Ping's contract seal is obviously aimed at the beast taming system. A sealing technique directly breaks the bridge between the beast taming system and the monsters.

Without the monsters, the strength of the beast taming system is directly reduced by 70%!

The Black Envoy said he was here to capture Jiang Ping, but now he was being played around by Jiang Ping.

"It's not just the sealing technique." Jiang Ping grinned, and suddenly appeared in front of the Black Envoy like a ghost.

Even the fifth-level senior couldn't react!

"The contract seal just now, I also left a Flying Thunder God mark on you."

Jiang Ping showed an innocent smile, and a wooden thorn in his hand "puffed" and pierced directly into the Black Envoy's body.

"Wood Release·Incision Technique!"

"Hua La Pu Chi!"

The wooden thorn instantly grew into more than a dozen thorns, piercing the entire body of the Black Envoy from the inside to the outside, and blood flowed.

Deader than dead.

"It's so easy to solve?" Xi Congqing was too surprised.

The other party is a fifth-level senior and one of the seven strongest men in Huaihai College.

Even if Jiang Ping released the contract summoning of the monster because of the beast taming system, he wouldn't die so quickly, right?

Jiang Ping grinned: "I said, a mere fifth-level senior is nothing to worry about."

He is now more and more adept at dealing with fifth-level seniors.

Except for a black messenger, the rest of the executors who came with him have long been buried in the mine.

"Let's go, go back."

After solving all the troubles, Jiang Ping skillfully took Xi Congqing's soft palm.

The latter did not resist, as if this behavior had become a tacit behavior between the two of them.


The way down the mountain is long and short.

The wind and snow never stopped.

The wooden cart parked at the foot of the mountain is also piled with a thick layer of snow.

"Wait a minute, I'll clean the snow first."

Jiang Ping reluctantly let go of the girl's hand and went to clean the snow on the car.


Several storm eagles lying on the trees not far away flew high, and their loud calls echoed in the sky.

Jiang Ping quickly cleaned the snow off the car and opened the door.

"Okay, get in."

. "

He reached out his hand to Xi Congqing.

Xi Cong stood in the snow and wind, and she couldn't help but tighten the collar of her sweater to keep herself warm.

Seeing Jiang Ping's outstretched hand, her cheeks flushed, and she slowly raised her hand, ready to put it in his palm.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew, blowing the surrounding trees into a dangerous arc, and the snow flew.

Jiang Ping and Xi Congqing were also blown away by the sudden strong wind and staggered back a few steps.

The next moment,

"Woo woo woo..."

The wind whistled, and huge wind tornadoes rose from the ground around them, spinning rapidly around the two of them.

Jiang Ping frowned immediately. The wind was too strange and there was no sign.

And these tornadoes were obviously coming for them!

"Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique! "

Jiang Ping decisively formed a seal, and several ferocious wooden dragons roared out, rushing into the huge wind tornadoes, trying to smash them apart.

But wind has no substance.

The wooden dragons just passed through, failing to stop the progress of the wind tornadoes.

"Four-sided wind wall!"

Xi Congqing also tried to summon four dark green wind walls around him.

"Earth escape·Multiple earth flow walls!"

Earth walls rose up one after another.

But whether it was Xi Congqing's wind wall or Jiang Ping's earth escape, they had no effect in front of these huge wind tornadoes and were easily crushed.

"Something is wrong, let's rush out first!"

After quickly evaluating the current situation, Xi Congqing quickly analyzed the countermeasures, quickly condensed a pair of wings behind him, and then wanted to take Jiang Ping with him to fly out.

But at this moment, a huge suction force suddenly erupted from the wind tornado, sucking Xi Congqing in directly!

"Congqing! "

Seeing Xi Congqing being sucked in, Jiang Ping decisively entered the Sage Mode and opened the third gate of the Eight Gates. With his strong physical strength, he rushed forward against the pressure of the wind tornado, trying to bring Xi Congqing back from the tornado.

At this moment, a highly compressed wind ball hit Jiang Ping directly from the front like a cannonball. The terrifying power actually pushed Jiang Ping, who was blessed by both the Sage Mode and the Eight Gates, back.

At the same time, a figure appeared in the center of the wind tornado and hugged Xi Congqing.

"Finally found..."


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