The two of them were so busy that they were unable to get out of the water.

"Finally found..."

In the center of the storm, a figure hugged Xi Congqing.

It was a man wearing dark red armor, with a human upper body and legs like some kind of reptile in the lower body, and a crocodile-like tail, which looked extremely weird.

Half-human, half-beast... orc? ?

"Shua shua shua..."

Figures appeared in the center of all the wind tornadoes around them with the wind, all of them were orcs wearing dark red armor!

The place where they were became the eye of the wind, and all the wind tornadoes were moving around them.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Ping frowned.

It was the first time he had seen these people. At first, he thought they were ambushes from Jinghai College, but it turned out to be these things.

Orcs... How come he had never heard of the orc race? ?

Where did this weirdo come from?

"No matter who you are, let Congqing go." Jiang Ping looked at these people with cold eyes.

"Let me go!"

Xi Congqing struggled to break free, but the power of these orcs was so strong that she couldn't shake it at all like an iron chain.

"By the order of the Storm King, we will take you to Storm City."

The orc's tone was cold and ruthless, and then he threw Xi Congqing into the wind tornado behind him, and the invisible wind sealed her limbs and mouth.

"It's not that easy to take her away!"

Jiang Ping put his hands together,

"Wood Release: Woodman Technique!"


The huge wooden man stood upright and looked at the orcs in the wind tornado equally.

At the same time, the one-tail and three-tail, which had finished the battle but had not disappeared, suddenly launched a sneak attack. Several huge tails swept across and directly knocked out several orcs in the surrounding wind tornadoes.

The wooden man under Jiang Ping's feet also took a step and rushed towards the orc leader, grabbing the wind tornado with his big hands.


A loud cry suddenly came, and several huge storm eagles flew quickly from all directions, flapping their wings quickly, blowing out balls of dark blue wind, and hitting the wooden man hard.


The huge body of the wooden man was forced to retreat a few steps.

The orc leader did not care about Jiang Ping. He was wrapped in a huge wind tornado and flew into the sky with Xi Congqing.

Seeing his action, Jiang Ping gritted his teeth, jumped decisively, and grabbed a storm eagle flying towards him.


Using the illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan to control it, he quickly chased after it.

At the same time, Jiang Ping's Mangekyō Sharingan had also turned into a sickle, and the vision of his left eye was focused on the orc leader.

Fighting in the sky was very disadvantageous to him, and ordinary means were of little use.

If he wanted to keep the opponent, he could only rely on the pupil technique of the Mangekyō.

The spiritual energy in his body gathered crazily on his left eye, and the pupil power surged crazily.

"God of Power!"

As Jiang Ping's eyes focused on the orc leader, the surrounding space began to twist in a vortex, directly ignoring the defense of the wind tornado!


It was clear that the God of Power had begun to be launched, but the next moment, the orc leader just looked back at him, and the twisting space seemed to be suddenly cut off and stopped directly!

"How is it possible?"

The first time he used Kamui, he was easily resolved by the opponent? ?

Jiang Ping could not be surprised. If one move didn't work, he would try another one!


Bleeding and tearing in his right eye, a dark flame suddenly appeared on the wind tornado around the orc leader.

Although the strong wind blocked it from falling directly on it, with the help of the wind tornado itself, Amaterasu's flames spread vigorously in an instant and turned into a huge fire tornado.

"Your ability is good. If you can, join us. The Lord of Storms will definitely welcome you."

In the fire tornado, a calm voice came, and then the huge fire tornado dissipated like the wind, and Amaterasu could not affect the orc leader at all.

"Tailed Beast Jade!"

Suddenly, two dark energy balls came from below and shot directly at the orc leader!

But the orc leader just waved his hand casually, and a huge wind tornado was caused around him again, and the two tailed beast jades were rolled up.

Then, the beastman leader threw two tailed beast balls at Jiang Ping!


Jiang Ping decisively activated Susanoo, but it was too late.


A brilliant fire exploded in the air.

Flame, the half-opened Susanoo was directly shattered, and Jiang Ping fell to the ground like a leaf in the wind.

"Woo woo!"

Xi Congqing, whose mouth was sealed, could not speak, and could only watch Jiang Ping fall.

"Let's go..."

The orc leader took a last look at Jiang Ping, and a huge wind tornado rolled up around him again, and flew quickly to the distance with Xi Congqing.



Yiwei caught the falling Jiang Ping with sand in time.

"Hey kid, are you okay?"

"Cough... I won't die."

He coughed up a mouthful of blood in pain and barely stood up.

The power of the two tailed beast jade explosions is not weak, but although the internal injuries are serious, Jiang Ping's injuries are healing rapidly under the effect of the sealless healing.

"Who is that guy? Even the tailed beast jade was bounced back." Yiwei was a little surprised.

This is the first time they have encountered such a situation, and their tailed beast jade has been used by the other party.

"I don't know."

Jiang Ping is in a very heavy mood now.

He has never heard of Storm City. There is no such place in the East District and the South District. Where did it come from?

And from what the orc said just now, the other party's goal is to capture Xi Congqing back.

Why capture him? Is it dangerous? Jiang Ping knows nothing.

What makes him most powerless is that the other party doesn't want to fight him at all, and just wants to take Xi Congqing away quickly.

Jiang Ping has no way at all.

He can still have a way to fight head-on, but he really tried his best to keep the other party.

Flying is his biggest weakness at present.

No matter how strong the Wood Release is, it can't fly into the sky.

The only thing that can be slightly relieved now is that Xi Congqing should not be in danger for the time being.

"Storm City... I can only go back and ask the principal and others."

The other party has disappeared long ago, and he can't catch up even if he wants to.

"Boy, your eyes..."

Yiwei was suddenly a little surprised.

Because it suddenly saw that Jiang Ping's eyes were no longer Sharingan, but had turned into lifeless white pupils.

This is a sign of blindness.

"Yes, blind."

Jiang Ping nodded calmly.

He could no longer see anything, and his eyes were pitch black.

Just now, in order to keep the other party, he had to use the last eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, but unfortunately it still failed.

His Mangekyō Sharingan was already close to blindness, and now he used the eye technique twice, which completely exceeded the upper limit and fell into endless darkness.

In other words, he is now a blind man.


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