The morning breeze was cool.

Jiang Ping fell asleep unconsciously, and when he woke up, it was already bright.

Yan Yue, who was supposed to sleep on him, had long disappeared.

Looking at the empty front, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly got up.

Then he found that Yan Yue was fiddling with barbecue on the campfire not far in front.

Seeing that he woke up, Yan Yue raised the barbecue in her hand and smiled: "Are you awake? Come and have breakfast."

"Ah, you got up so early."

After sleeping all night, Jiang Ping's back and waist were sore, so he stood up to stretch his muscles and bones, making a "pa pa" sound.

Walking in front of Yan Yue, he secretly glanced at her.

Yan Yue was in good condition, looking very energetic, and completely different from last night.

If it weren't for her eyes still being a little red and swollen, Jiang Ping would even think that last night was just a dream.

"It seems like this is the first time I'm eating your breakfast." Jiang Ping approached the girl and smelled the barbecue in her hand, which smelled very fragrant.

"Really?" The girl pretended to be thoughtful, "It seems like this is also the first time I'm making breakfast for the opposite sex."

Yan Yue blinked her eyes, as bright as stars.

Her eyes were very beautiful, reminding Jiang Ping of the sea under the summer breeze.

"Then I'm honored."

Jiang Ping grinned and took the barbecue from Yan Yue's hand.

While he was eating, he was still secretly looking at Yan Yue's demeanor.

Very stable, nothing unusual.

It seemed that she didn't remember anything about last night.

Since she didn't take the initiative to say it, Jiang Ping wouldn't ask, so as not to make her feel bad.

After breakfast, Yan Yue was eager to try, looking at the Holy King City not far away,

"The Holy King City is just ahead, let's go."


The two set out on the road to the Holy King City again.

Ahead is still an ancient battlefield, stretching endlessly, and everywhere can be seen the ruins left by the war.

It's desolate.

The corpses of monsters and soldiers can be seen everywhere.

No one can imagine how fierce the battle was back then.

It was very peaceful along the way.

Jiang Ping and Yan Yue kept moving forward at a steady speed, and the Holy King City in front of them became clearer and clearer-

It was a royal city built on a cliff.

To be precise, it should have been a whole piece of land, and now it has risen up with the tall walls of the Holy King City as the boundary.

The cliffs and high walls together are a hundred meters high, enough to isolate all comers.

"Is this the Holy King City?"

The two finally came to the city wall.

On the tall city walls, there are sacred royal flags that have lost their sacred protection.

Once, these sacred royal flags symbolized the absolute majesty of the Holy Empire.

Even though these sacred royal flags have lost their former glory, they still exude a vast and solemn holy power, making everyone who comes here feel awe.

In front of the Holy Royal City, there is only one avenue of steps leading up, and the city gate at the top of the steps is tightly closed.

"Is that the city gate that no one has opened for more than two hundred years?"

Jiang Ping quickly came to the city gate in three or two steps, looking up at the two huge dark brown stone doors, which were engraved with many sacred patterns.

He put his palm on it and pressed forward slightly to feel the feedback on the stone door.

It didn't move at all as expected.

He increased his strength again, and the spiritual energy surged out, and the qi sank into the dantian, and he pushed hard.

Still no movement.

Jiang Ping could feel that when he pushed out the force in his hand, it was like hitting cotton, soft and without any feedback, and no waves.

"This door must have some restrictions, and it is impossible to open it by ordinary means." Yan Yue reminded him.

"I know, I just want to feel this feeling."

Of course, Jiang Ping knew that it was impossible to open this door so easily.

Otherwise, this door would have been opened long ago over the years.

"Now that we are here, how to get in has become a problem again."

Jiang Ping retreated and looked at the high city gate.

The original plan was that multiple cities would send people to the Holy King City, with strength in numbers, to find a way to open the city gate.

As a result, there are only two of them left now. What can they do in a short time?

"The main gate is definitely not accessible. This gate could even block the great beast tide back then, let alone us."

Yan Yue looked at the surrounding city walls, and quickly thought about where there was a way to get in.


"Do you want to try to force it open?"

Jiang Ping on the side began to be eager to try again.

If normal means cannot open the city gate, then only abnormal means can be used.

He has thought of several ways to force the attack.

"You... can try."

Originally, Yan Yue wanted to refuse.

It is a taboo to offend the Holy King City.

But when they thought of the current situation of the Holy King City and the Holy Empire becoming what it is now, they did not move at all.

Perhaps, this place has long been an empty city.

If it is an empty city, it doesn't matter whether it is offensive or not.

"Okay, then I'll try."

After getting consent, Jiang Ping immediately opened the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and the pupil power surged out, condensing into a golden Susanoo, and punched with all his strength.


Just a dull sound.

The city gate still did not move at all. Susanoo's punch was as if it had not been hit, and the city gate did not even move.

"So hard?"

Jiang Ping raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"Since brute force doesn't work, let's try space ninjutsu, Shenwei!"

The left eye condensed, pupil power surged, and space twisted.


The space on the city gate just began to twist a little, and Jiang Ping suddenly felt a space force that was several times stronger than Shenwei, which directly interrupted his Shenwei!

The city gate is still intact!

"Even Shenwei can't break it?"

Jiang Ping was a little dumbfounded.

Space power is one of the most unique powers. Ordinary defense, no matter how hard it is, can't withstand the distortion of space.

But this city gate, Shenwei can't do anything!

"It seems that it doesn't work. Brute force can't open it."

"Let me try."

Yan Yue stepped forward and gently placed her palm on the city gate.

The golden holy light permeated from her palm, and a magical thing happened.

The holy light in her palm, like flowing water, quickly filled the pattern on the stone door.

Slowly, the pattern on the stone door was completely filled.

The moment the pattern was filled, something magical happened.

The city gate that even Susanoo and Kamui could not shake at all, with a "creak", actually cracked a crack.


Jiang Ping lowered his voice, and Yan Yue quickly retracted his palm, retreated to Jiang Ping's side, and watched the door slowly open automatically.


The heavy stone door made a harsh sound because it had not been opened for too long.

Until the two stone doors were fully opened, the breath that had been sealed for many years came to the face,

"Is this... the real sacred royal city?"


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