The old man was standing on the ground, and the old man was standing on the ground.

"Is this... the real sacred royal city?"

Behind the huge city gate is a wide street that seems to have no end.

The street is made of huge white square bricks, which are neatly arranged one by one, and each brick has a golden sacred royal flag pattern.

On both sides are neatly arranged buildings, which are exactly the same in height and size. It looks like a neatly arranged city wall, sacred and inviolable.

At the end of the street, thousands of meters away, is a tall, sacred and huge palace.

The sacred royal palace!

The sacred and solemn atmosphere blows in the face. It looks like an ordinary royal palace, but it makes people feel heavy and awed.

Even though Jiang Ping himself didn't really care about the concept of the Holy Empire, at this moment, he also felt awe for the Holy King City.

This awe was not out of a sense of belonging, but simply awe of a stronger force.

"The Holy Palace is ahead, and the Holy King Fire should be inside the Holy Palace. Let's go."

Yan Yue is a Saint, and the Holy System was born from the Holy Law, so she should be able to feel the pressure from the Holy King City more clearly.


Nodding, the two of them stepped forward together and walked steadily into the Holy King City.

The next moment, the Holy King flag pattern on all the white stone bricks on the street suddenly lit up with a sacred golden light.

Those lights quickly condensed, and a person actually walked out of it.

There were dozens or even hundreds of them!

These people were obviously not soldiers of the Holy Empire, because they were dressed very differently, in all shapes and colors, and in a mess.

Jiang Ping had seen the soldiers of the Holy Empire, although not in a very formal occasion, but he could basically judge the identity of the Holy Soldiers.

At least the people in front of him were definitely not the Holy Soldiers of the Holy Empire.

"They... are the teams sent by other colleges to support the Holy King City?!"

Yan Yue suddenly said in shock.

"Huh? Where, why do you think so?" Jiang Ping asked her immediately.

"Look at those people, they are from Jinghai College." Yan Yue pointed in a direction.

Just over there where she pointed, there were a few people wearing clothes from Jinghai College.

Jiang Ping, who had dealt with Jinghai College so much, naturally recognized at a glance that those people were indeed from Jinghai College!

"And over there, they should be from Xiahai City and Shicheng, and those over here should be from Luoan City and Pingfeng City."

Yan Yue recognized the clothes of many colleges, and recognized which of the people in front of her belonged to the cities she mentioned.

She recognized that nearly half of the people were indeed from colleges in other cities.

Although she didn't know the remaining people, she was basically sure that they were from other cities.

"It turns out that they didn't get lost on the way, nor did they not come, but they all came to the Holy King City early!" Jiang Ping frowned,

"It's just that, looking at their appearance, it seems that something is not right."

These people in front of him, each with a dull look in their eyes, shrouded in a golden light that could not be dispersed, all lost their spirituality, and looked like... puppets!

The facts also proved Jiang Ping's thoughts.

Soon, those people took steps, all rushed forward, and rushed towards Jiang Ping and the others!

"We are from Huaihai College, and we have no hostility." Yan Yue was still a little unconvinced, and hurriedly explained.

But those people didn't listen at all, and rushed over frantically.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping was not polite, and quickly formed seals with both hands,

"Water escape·Explosion Wave!"


A large amount of water poured out, instantly submerging everyone, and forcibly pushing them back.

"Thunder escape·Grateful wave!"

While the flood submerged the crowd, the seals on Jiang Ping's hands changed, and the flashing arcs flashed out quickly, following the water flow and instantly spreading to everyone.


The impact of water escape plus the paralysis of thunder escape is a complete combination of skills.


Those people seemed to feel no pain. They were shocked by such a strong current, but their movements were not affected at all. They quickly regrouped and rushed over again.

Their movements were very stiff, and they didn't even use their superpowers. They only relied on their flesh to force the impact.

But Jiang Ping couldn't bear to kill.

These people were obviously controlled. As

Jiang Ping didn't want to kill his comrades in the same camp unless it was absolutely necessary.

Perhaps the people behind the scenes also saw this point, so they let them form a human wall here to prevent Jiang Ping and Yan Yue from moving forward.

There is no doubt that this is the work of the Holy Royal Family behind the scenes.

These people are controlled by the Holy Royal Family and turned into puppets, the purpose is to prevent anyone from approaching the Holy Royal Palace in front.

"Holy Purification!"

Yan Yue raised his palm, and the golden light in his palm became stronger, turning into a soft light, covering everyone, trying to purify the power that controlled these people.


Yan Yue's holy system originally came from the Holy Law of the Holy Royal Family. Using the power of the Holy Law to deal with the Holy Royal Family... will not have any effect at all.

"It seems that we can't stop them without taking real action."

Jiang Ping clasped his hands together and shouted,

"Wood Release: Tree World Birth!"

The winding trees grew out from under the stone bricks with difficulty, easily trapping all the people who did not resist, while restricting their movements and absorbing their spiritual energy, making them unable to resist.

Jiang Ping still showed mercy and did not drain all the spiritual energy of these people. He just made them lose their ability to move and could not continue to stop them from moving forward.

Among these people, Jiang Ping found a very heavy thing-Wei Lin and others were not there.

Among these controlled puppets, they did not see anyone from Huaihai College.

Maybe they have not come to the Holy King City yet, or maybe they escaped from the trap of the Holy King City and did not become puppets.

But no matter which case it is, Jiang Ping will not be at ease until he finds their whereabouts.

But at this point, the most important thing is to find out the fog in the Holy Royal Family.

"Let's go!"

After using Wood Release to imprison the others, Jiang Ping and Yan Yue crossed the winding trees and quickly walked towards the Holy Palace.

Soon, they arrived in front of the Holy Palace.

The gate of the Holy Palace was still locked, just like the gate of the Holy City.

Perhaps this door also requires Yan Yue's Saint System to open.

The two were about to walk up the stairs.

At this moment, on the balcony in front of the palace, a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and landed right in front of the two.

A voice came out from the light, and the solemn and majestic aura instantly pressed down on the two like a mountain,

"Holy Palace, no passage!"


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