After the battle, the two of them were separated.

Everyone returned to their respective tents.

Jiang Ping and Wei Lin slept in the same tent, next to Yan Yue and Zhao Mei.

"Hey, Jiang Ping, are those monsters from the beast taming system?"

Lying at the door of the tent, Wei Lin saw several monsters under the light of the moonstone not far away.

Those monsters were alive and tied to trees.

"I think so."

Jiang Ping also looked over.

Those were several first-level monsters, which were tamed by the beast taming system in this battle.

The beast taming system belongs to a special system. They do not have any offensive or defensive abilities. Their main abilities are all aimed at monsters. They tame monsters through mental attacks, which becomes their means of attack.

"I think the beast taming system is also very strong. The most important thing is that you don't have to do it yourself, and the danger level is very low, just like the puppet system."

"That's it."

It's just taming some first-level monsters, Jiang Ping doesn't envy it at all.

He also has spiritualism, and can sign spiritual contracts with monsters.

But he doesn't like first-level monsters.

What's the point of spiritualizing some first-level monsters? At least the second or third-level monsters must be in his eyes and qualified to become his spiritual beasts.

"Go to bed early, you can go home tomorrow."

Moving his body, Jiang Ping huddled tightly in the quilt.

It's really uncomfortable to rest in the wild.

He didn't want to stay for a day.


Wei Lin also huddled in the quilt and tightened it.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Jiang Ping just closed his eyes and felt the ground shaking.

"Wei Lin, did you fart? The ground was shaking."

"No, my fart is not that powerful!"

But the ground was indeed shaking slightly, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger.


Jiang Ping opened his eyes suddenly.

Just then, Qingyun shouted outside,

"Everyone, get up and gather immediately!"

His voice was like thunder, waking everyone up.

"What's wrong?"

Many people were woken up just after they fell asleep, and they were very unhappy.

But they had to listen to Qingyun's orders, and they climbed out of the tent reluctantly.

"What happened?"

Jiang Ping and Wei Lin also got out of the bed quickly.

Outside the camp, Qingyun and the other four had already gathered.

"Huang Yu, go see what's going on!" Qingyun ordered.

Huang Yu nodded, and quickly clicked a few times between the trees, jumped to the highest point, and looked into the distance.

With the help of the faint moonlight, we can vaguely see the forest ahead filled with dust rising into the sky, and dense black shadows knocking down patches of trees.

"It's a beast tide, less than two kilometers away from us!"

Huang Yu's solemn voice came back.

When the word "beast tide" came back, everyone's expression changed drastically.

"Beast tide?!"

"How could there be a beast tide?!"

Beast tide, as the name suggests, means that a large number of monsters act together, and the number must be at least tens of thousands to be called a beast tide.

And beast tides usually only occur in wars with humans, and when monsters try to attack a human city.

Every time a beast tide occurs, it is destined to be a disaster, with countless casualties!

"Teacher Du, quickly take the students back and notify the college!"

Qingyun almost shouted loudly.


The teacher in charge looked extremely solemn,

"Everyone return to the city immediately, speed!"

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly followed the teacher in charge to run back.

But at this moment, on the ground in the direction of their retreat, figures suddenly broke out of the ground, showing their long fangs in the faint moonlight.

Second-level monster, corrupt rat!

Without anyone noticing, more than twenty second-level corrupt rats came out from the ground and drilled into the back of their base camp!


The corrupt rats, which were as big as lions, made a shrill cry and quickly pounced on everyone!

"Xuefeng, Heishui!"

Qingyun's cold shout had just fallen, and two figures still appeared in front of the corrupt rats.

Xuefeng held a short knife in his hand, and rushed straight into the group of corrupt rats. The short knife in his hand cut hideous cuts on the bodies of the corrupt rats, and blood splashed.

"Frenzy attack!"

Heishui waved his hand, and a large amount of dark water flow emerged from the ground, turning into countless water arrows, densely piercing into the group of corrupt rats.

As soon as Xuefeng and Heiyu started, they killed nearly half of the corrupt rats.

But there were still some

A large number of corrupt rats came out of the ground.

"We can't get through here, Teacher Du, lead the students to break out from other directions!"

Heishui said calmly while killing.

"The beast tide is still one thousand meters away!" Huang Yu shouted.

"Teacher Du, go to the left!"

Qingyun quickly assessed the situation and shouted decisively.

"This way!"

After receiving the order, Teacher Du immediately led everyone to rush to the left.

"Fight while retreating!"

Qingyun left an order and quickly followed the large team.


Xuefeng and Heishui joined forces to force the corrupt rats back, and quickly followed.

Huang Yu stayed at the highest point, retreating while keeping an eye on the movement of the beast tide.

"Their target is us, follow us, and there are still seven hundred meters!"

"Six hundred meters!"

During the entire retreat, only Huang Yu's voice was heard.

More than forty students were only concerned with running for their lives at full speed, and the fear in their hearts even made them unable to say a word.

"Jiang Ping, will we die?"

Wei Lin asked in a trembling voice.

"Shut up your crow mouth!"

Jiang Ping shouted in a low voice.

But he was in a very heavy mood at this time.

The beast tide is definitely not something that can be resisted by one's own strength.

Once caught up by the beast tide, they will probably end up annihilated!

"Five hundred meters!"

"Four hundred meters!"

"Three hundred meters!"

Huang Yu's voice of reporting the distance became heavier and heavier.

The roar of the beast tide was getting closer and closer, impacting everyone's heart.

The four executive departments always kept following the team.

At their speed, they could actually be faster.

But they couldn't!

Because once they retreated first, these dozens of students would have no chance of survival!

"Teacher Du, about 1,500 meters ahead, there is a '偃月阵' arranged by our college. The center of the formation is on a huge rock. You should know how to use it." Qingyun said in a deep voice.

"I know!"

"Two hundred meters!"

"This beast tide is coming fiercely, please make sure you protect the students!"

"I will!"

"One hundred meters!"

Almost at the moment when Huang Yu reported this distance, the four people in the executive department stopped at the same time, turned around and rushed towards the beast tide!

"Don't look back! Don't stop!"

Teacher Du shouted loudly.


A huge explosion sounded behind him, flames shot up into the sky, and countless monsters roared.

No one dared to look back, but just ran forward desperately.

Finally, the distance of 1,500 meters was reached in just three minutes!

In front of them was a huge and towering stone forest!


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