The stone forest in front of us looks nothing special at first glance, but it is actually a formation set up by Huaihai College, which is specially used by people who go out on missions in case of emergencies.


The beast tide did not stop advancing just because Qingyun and the other four stayed to stop it.

Only a considerable number of monsters were temporarily stopped.

But there are still hundreds of monsters rushing over and chasing everyone.

"Don't stop, keep running forward!"

Teacher Du, who led everyone into the stone forest, shouted loudly.

He himself stopped decisively, looked at the beasts rushing past, and slammed his palm on the ground.

"Earth Element·Lifelessness!"


A tall earth wall rose from behind him, cutting off the path between the beasts and Jiang Ping.

"Come on, beasts!"

Looking at the beasts rushing fiercely, Teacher Du slammed his palm on the stone beside him again, and spiritual energy poured into it continuously.


The whole stone forest suddenly lit up with dazzling light, and a huge pillar of fire shot out from each stone pillar, spraying towards the beasts.


Listening to the explosion behind them, Jiang Ping and dozens of others had been running at full speed for almost five minutes, and they were out of breath and their speed was getting slower and slower.

"No, if I keep running like this... Even if I'm not eaten by the monsters, I'll run to death."

Wei Lin finally couldn't hold on and stopped.

"I can't run anymore."

Zhao Mei also stopped.

Gradually, more and more people couldn't run anymore.

Once they let go, it was almost impossible to run again in a short time.

Seeing more and more people stop, Jiang Ping and Yan Yue hesitated and stopped.

"We can't stop here. We must go back and inform the school as soon as possible, otherwise the sacrifice of the teachers will be meaningless!" Yan Yue panted slightly, and her forehead was full of sweat, but she still said to them anxiously.

But even the big school beauty couldn't talk them down now.

Once they stopped, no one wanted to move anymore.

"Wei Lin, if you can't run anymore, just walk. Anyway, you can't stop!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Ping forcibly pulled Wei Lin up and supported him to walk slowly forward.

"Zhao Mei!"

Yan Yue also called Zhao Mei.

"Yueyue, wait for me!"

Although they were reluctant, the three people in the same team insisted on walking, and Zhao Mei could only drag her exhausted body and follow with difficulty.

"Oh, I just learned a healing skill that can relieve our fatigue." Zhao Mei suddenly said. She just remembered that as a water-based psychic, she also learned some basic healing abilities. After that, she summoned a water-blue halo from her palm, covering the four people. Jiang Ping immediately felt that his physical fatigue was relieved to a certain extent. Although he was still a little tired, at least he was not unable to run. Seeing Zhao Mei like this, others followed suit. Although the special class 3 is mainly based on the special department, there are still a few water-based psychics, and some are both. For a while, several water-based psychics used basic healing techniques to help everyone simply get rid of physical fatigue. "Roar!" At this moment, the roar shook the mountains and forests, and several monsters had caught up! "Chiu!"

In the sky, several huge flying monsters were circling at low altitude, using their cries to convey the location of Jiang Ping and others to other monsters.

"Oh no, they are catching up, run!"

Someone shouted.

Everyone ran forward desperately again.


What caught up was a group of corrupt wolves, both first-level and second-level, and they were very fast.

Without the help of others to intercept, this group of fledgling students could not outrun the ferocious corrupt wolves.


Soon, several people were caught up by the corrupt wolves, bitten, and heard miserable cries.

Jiang Ping and his four people ran in the front.


A sudden gust of wind blew, and several huge 'Storm Eagles' landed in front of them. With a flap of their wings, they set off a burst of wind, broke countless trees, and blocked them in front of them.

"Can't run away."

Everyone's face changed.

There is a road-blocking eagle in front and a tail-chasing wolf behind.

On the left is a dense jungle, but the corrupt wolves have already surrounded it.

On the right is a

There was a cliff, and under the cliff, there was a turbulent river.

But even on the cliff, there were several storm eagles circling.

Enemies on all sides, no way to retreat!

"Damn, fight them!"

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Xu Kun roared loudly and took the initiative to rush towards the corrupt wolf pack.

"Fight them!"

Everyone also reacted. Since they couldn't escape, they might as well give it a try!

They are also superpowers, okay? !

"Let's keep fighting as a tacit team and don't lose our composure."

Seeing that they couldn't escape, Jiang Ping immediately spoke in a low voice to stabilize the mentality of the other three.

In this situation, it is stupid to fight blindly without any rules!

[Ding! Triggering task: Break out of the siege and escape successfully. ]

[Reward: 100 energy points, one chance to draw a lottery. ]

If it were usual, Jiang Ping would definitely complain, 'For such a difficult task, only 100 energy points are given? This ghost system is more skin-breaking than Zhou Baopi'!

But now, he really dared not be distracted even a little.

The biggest difficulty facing them now is the four storm eagles in front of them - four first-level intermediate monsters.

Flying monsters are much more difficult to deal with than monsters of the same level because they can fly.

"You find a way to hold back three storm eagles, I will quickly deal with the fourth storm eagle and help you right away." Jiang Ping said in a deep voice.

He is confident that he can fight a first-level intermediate monster one-on-one, but not more than one.

So the other three storm eagles will depend on Yan Yue and his team.


Yan Yue nodded.

"Do it!"

Jiang Ping drew out the short knife behind him and rushed out.

"Holy Water Chain!"

"Wood Element·Entanglement!"

"Holy Water Chain!"

Yan Yue and the other two acted at the same time. Several long water chains immediately locked the two storm eagles, and Wei Lin also summoned several tough and thick vines from the ground to tie up the third storm eagle.

Jiang Ping rushed straight to the fourth Storm Eagle.


The Storm Eagle flapped its wings, raising a gust of wind and rushing straight at Jiang Ping.


With his eyes focused, Jiang Ping saw through a blind spot under the gust of wind with the powerful insight of Sharingan. He quickly lowered his body and rushed to the windless place, approaching the Storm Eagle at full speed.

But the Storm Eagle was not stupid. After failing to hit it, it raised its huge claws and stabbed Jiang Ping with its sharp nails!

Looking at the stabbing eagle claws, Jiang Ping's Sharingan was firmly against it, and the Storm Eagle's claw movement slowed down many times in his eyes.


His body rolled forward directly, just enough for the Storm Eagle's claws to brush past him.



After successfully reaching the Storm Eagle, Jiang Ping gritted his teeth and stabbed the short knife in his hand into the Storm Eagle's neck with both hands...

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