The storm eagle was covered with iron-hard feathers all over its body, but with the power of the Sharingan, Jiang Ping successfully found a weak point in its neck and stabbed it fiercely with the short knife in his hand.


The nearly half-meter-long blade directly pierced the storm eagle's neck, which was only 20 centimeters thick.


The throat was pierced, and the storm eagle made a strange cry, flapping its wings wildly, trying to fight back before death.

"Water God Chain!"

Suddenly, a water chain broke out of the ground and locked the dying storm eagle tightly.

Jiang Ping looked back in surprise and saw that it was Yan Yue who helped.

While controlling a storm eagle, she was able to free her hands to help Jiang Ping.

Wei Lin and Zhao Mei were almost unable to hold on against a storm eagle.

Sure enough, as both were double S-level, Yan Yue's strength had never been fully revealed.

After a quick thought, Jiang Ping decisively put his hands together,

"Wood Release: Explosive Gun Tree!"

Several sturdy trees broke out of the ground, tightly tied up the storm eagle that Wei Lin was dealing with, and swallowed it.

"Sacred Water Chain!"

Yan Yue also took action again, summoning two water chains to help Zhao Mei trap the storm eagle that almost broke free.

After dealing with Wei Lin's storm eagle, Jiang Ping decisively drew out his short knife, and rushed to the storm eagle in front of Zhao Mei in the same way, and pierced its throat with a knife!

Only the last storm eagle was left. Without waiting for Jiang Ping to rush over, Yan Yueyu waved her hand,

"Blade of Divine Water!"

Several aqua-blue water blades whistled up and cut off the head of the storm eagle!

All four storm eagles died!


It was only a small victory for Jiang Ping.

The overall situation is still not optimistic.

Facing the siege of the corrupt wolf pack, nearly half of the 40 people in the special third class have been injured or killed.

Only less than ten of the corrupt wolves died.

This is only the first-level corrupt wolves taking action.

There are several second-level corrupt wolves waiting in the dense forest nearby.

There are also several second-level storm eagles hovering at low altitude and not taking action.

They are the biggest threat!

But now it is just a group of first-level corrupt wolves and storm eagles, which almost makes them collapse completely.


Another corrupt wolf rushed up and bit a beast system tightly.

That beast is an elephant, and its body defense is comparable to that of a first-level monster.

But after being dragged into the corrupt wolf pack, he could not hold on for more than ten seconds before being torn into pieces by the corrupt wolf pack.

The shrill screams and the sound of flesh being torn apart made people's scalps numb.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Ping's heart was also extremely heavy.

The hole they had just opened by killing four storm eagles was now quickly filled by the corrupt wolf pack, leaving them no chance to survive!

The encirclement was slowly shrinking, and casualties were still increasing.

"Yueyue, what should we do?"

Zhao Mei leaned against Yan Yue, and as she watched more and more corrupt wolves, she became more and more panicked.

The continuous battle had consumed most of her spiritual energy, and it would not be long before her spiritual energy would be completely dry.

Once the spiritual energy was exhausted, she would only end up as food for monsters!

Looking at the monsters around, Yan Yue bit her lips tightly and whispered to Jiang Ping beside her: "I will find a way to tear open a hole in the encirclement later, you take them away!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ping looked back at Yan Yue in surprise, and did not ask any more questions, just nodded.


After getting Jiang Ping's affirmation, Yan Yue slowly closed her eyes, and when she opened them the next moment, a golden light filled her eyes.

The next moment, the golden light was strong and enveloped her whole body.

The dazzling golden light quickly expanded with a sacred power.

When the monsters encountered the golden light, they showed a rare fear and began to retreat continuously.

"Jiang Ping, now, this way!"

Yan Yue suddenly said, raised her jade hand, and a golden road appeared right in front of them. Where the golden light shone, all the monsters dared not approach.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping immediately pushed Wei Lin and Zhao Mei out,

"Let's go!"

Along the Golden Avenue, everyone seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and ran quickly along the Golden Avenue.

Yan Yue could only stay where she was and maintain the Golden Avenue.

But the Golden Avenue only lasted for less than ten seconds before it showed signs of weakening.

Just as Jiang Ping was about to leave, he saw the Golden Avenue beginning to weaken.

, he gritted his teeth, grabbed Yan Yue's hand, and pulled her to run together,

"Let's go together!"

He could watch an irrelevant person die without helping, but he couldn't watch Yan Yue being torn to pieces by the monsters to save them!

As soon as Yan Yue was dragged away, the Golden Light Avenue accelerated its weakening speed.

The monsters that were forced to retreat also began to catch up again.

"Without the Holy Light, we can't outrun them." Yan Yue's breathing was a little weak, and her face looked pale because of consuming too much spiritual energy.

Obviously, the Golden Light Avenue just now consumed too much of her spiritual energy.

"Run as far as you can!"

Jiang Ping refused to give up.

At this time, in addition to the corrupt wolf pack chasing them relentlessly, the storm eagles in the sky were also chasing them tightly.

There was even a second-level storm eagle that had surpassed them with its absolute speed advantage and flew over from the front!

Attack from both sides!

"Damn, we have no choice but to give it a try. Jump up with me!"

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Ping roared fiercely in a low voice.

Although Yan Yue didn't understand, she was almost dragged by Jiang Ping because she had consumed too much spiritual energy.

After hearing Jiang Ping's words, she didn't have time to think about it and jumped up with Jiang Ping.

The second-level storm eagle in front of them was also swooping down on the two of them!


Looking at the eyes of the storm eagle, Jiang Ping used the last of his spiritual energy on the illusion of the Sharingan.


The rapidly swooping second-level storm eagle suddenly became energetic, and his eyes also turned into the appearance of Sharingan.

Successfully hit Jiang Ping's illusion!


Under the control of the Sharingan illusion, the second-level storm eagle decisively lowered its body and caught Jiang Ping and Yan Yue who were jumping in a posture almost close to the ground.

After catching the two, the Storm Eagle flew up at an extreme angle, and its wings raised a swift gust of wind, blowing away the groups of corrupt wolves.


The second-level Storm Eagle carried the two people and flew high.

There were several first-level Storm Eagles behind them who wanted to catch up, but how could they catch up with the second-level Storm Eagle?

"What is going on?"

Yan Yue looked at the Storm Eagle under her in disbelief. The monster... actually helped them out of trouble? ?

And she was very sure that this was Jiang Ping's ability!

"How did you do it?"

Jiang Ping panted heavily.

He consumed too much spiritual energy, so that he couldn't even maintain the state of the Sharingan, and his eyes turned back to black.

"It doesn't matter how you do it. What's important is that we haven't completely escaped yet..."

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