The book of wood-related abilities still looks a bit thick, about one finger thick.

It is in sharp contrast to the book of spiritual eye-related abilities.

"Let me see what good abilities the wood-related abilities have..."

Jiang Ping flipped through the first page,

"Birth promotion: It can quickly promote the growth of various plants and shorten their growth cycle, which is suitable for promoting the growth of food crops."

"Reproduction: It can use spiritual energy to copy plant seeds, which is suitable for the reproduction of food crop seeds."

"Treatment: The wood-related abilities are full of life breath, and can treat some minor injuries to a small extent. It is the most basic ability as a team assist."

"Hiss, these three abilities are a bit hard to describe." Jiang Ping frowned.

It seems that the first two abilities are obviously suitable for agriculture.

But this is very useless.

Although their current living environment is compressed, the food problem is not serious.

Of course, on the one hand, it is indeed due to the role of the wood ability; on the other hand, it is through hunting monsters and obtaining monster meat as food, and monster meat provides more energy, far more than ordinary food crops.

Therefore, the role of wood ability and food crops can only be said to be useful, but not to be very effective.

Another direction of the wood system is to join the team as a healing therapist and become an auxiliary.

But the wood therapist is also useless - the wood healing ability can only treat some minor injuries.

And for some serious injuries, it is difficult for the wood to play a key healing role.

On the contrary, the elemental water ability can also have healing, and the healing effect of the water system is much stronger than that of the wood system.

In addition, there are many more water ability users than wood system users.

Based on a huge base, the development level of water auxiliary books, complete systems, supporting supernatural books, etc. are much stronger than wood.

So much so that in terms of auxiliary attributes, the wood system is far inferior to the water system, and the water system can not only play an auxiliary role, but also control the team, which is much more powerful than the wood system.

This is the embarrassment of the wood system - the two major development directions, the role in the direction of promoting plants is negligible; in the direction of auxiliary treatment, it is far behind the water system.

In summary, the wood system is really useless...

The so-called double S supernatural power.

S-level represents potential.

But now the upper limit of the spirit eye system and the wood system is here. Even if it is S-level potential, if you don’t have other corresponding higher-level supernatural powers, it is no different from the BCD level.

Otherwise, how can you say that the strongest waste of S-level?

Even Jiang Ping has to admit that in the cultivation system of Huaihai College, the wood system and the spirit eye system have almost no chance of turning over.

S-level is useless.


This is in the existing superpower system of Huaihai College. The superpowers of the wood and spirit eye are useless.

But what does this have to do with Jiang Ping who has awakened Wood Release and Sharingan?

Wood Release and Spirit Eye are useless, what do they have to do with Wood Release and Sharingan? ?

However, in the spirit of mastering one more skill is not a bad thing, Jiang Ping still learned the basic superpowers of the spirit eye and wood.

Anyway, more skills are better than less.

After learning the theoretical knowledge, many people began to practice on the large balcony equipped in each classroom.

In fact, not all auxiliary departments are wood department.

On the contrary, there are very few wood department.

Including Jiang Ping, there are only two people.

And the others who were assigned to the auxiliary class were not because their superpowers could only come to the auxiliary class, but because their superpowers were too low and did not have much training value, so they were all thrown into the auxiliary class.

Including all those with single-system superpowers below level D, they can only come to the auxiliary class.

Their ability level means they won't be able to go far in the future, so we can't waste limited educational resources on them.

We can only let them practice some basic abilities on their own and serve as cannon fodder in the future...

As everyone began to practice their abilities, all kinds of abilities lit up on the balcony.

Jiang Ping also found a small grass in a corner, and then began to try the "birth promotion" he had just learned.

He put his palm to the root of the grass, and the light green wood spirit surged from his palm, wrapping the grass.

Then, the grass grew into a big grass at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The effect is still very obvious, but there is no threat."

Jiang Ping gave a conclusion.

"This world has too little development of wood-based abilities... There are no means of attack or defense at all."

After complaining about his daily life, Jiang Ping continued to play with his grass.

At this time, a short, timid-looking boy came to Jiang Ping and said cautiously: "Hello, my name is Wei Lin."

"Hello, my name is Jiang Ping." Jiang Ping politely reported his name.

"Um... can I ask you something?" Wei Lin mustered up his courage and asked this question.

"Uh, ask me? What can I teach you?" Jiang Ping was a little puzzled.

"It's just... I'm also a wood-type, but I still can't learn the birth-inducing skills in the supernatural book. I saw that you learned it all at once, so I want to ask you to teach me."

Wei Lin looked like a very introverted person. When talking to Jiang Ping, his eyes were always watching Jiang Ping's reaction, fearing that his words would cause dissatisfaction to the other party.

"Oh, you are also a wood-type." Jiang Ping nodded in understanding.

He had some impression.

The only two wood-types in the entire auxiliary class had arrived.

And he remembered that Wei Lin was a C-level single wood system, which was quite miserable.

"Why don't you ask the teacher...Okay, I can teach you, but I just learned it, and I can't guarantee that I can teach you."

Jiang Ping originally wanted Wei Lin to go to Sun Shuyu for guidance.

But when he saw Sun Shuyu's aura, he understood why Wei Lin didn't dare to go to her.


He still taught Wei Lin and taught him the two skills of induced birth and reproduction.

"Thank you, thank you!" Wei Lin was very grateful.

"It's just a little effort, don't be so polite."


The first day of study ended quickly.

For many people, it was still very fulfilling. Learning a few basic superpowers made them more confident.

After a day of study, after school, Jiang Ping prepared to go home.

When he went out, Yan Yue happened to come out with him, and the two went to the door together.

As a school beauty, Yan Yue can attract everyone's attention no matter where she goes.

Jiang Ping thought for a moment, then stopped aside, intending to let her go first.

But when Yan Yue passed by him, she suddenly stopped, looked at him, took the initiative to extend her fair jade hand, and smiled faintly:

"Hello, classmate Jiang Ping."

Jiang Ping was stunned for a moment, not expecting Yan Yue to take the initiative to greet him.


He shook her hand politely.

This scene, whether seen by people in the class or by people passing by outside, all widened their eyes and looked unbelievable.

Yan Yue...actually took the initiative to greet a member of the opposite sex, and even shook hands? !


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