The two of them had a very happy time.

"It's our first meeting. I hope we can change the fate of the auxiliary system together." Yan Yue smiled lightly, with a beautiful smile on her face.

Her smile was very warm, as if it had a holy light that could heal everyone.

"Well, let's work together, work together."

Jiang Ping was puzzled by her words.

What about changing the fate of the auxiliary system... Isn't this what Yan Yue said at the awakening ceremony?

He doesn't have such a great ideal.

After saying that, Yan Yue left.

Jiang Ping scratched his head, wondering why Yan Yue suddenly came to say such a thing to him.

Could it be because he looked handsome?

In short, it was inexplicable.

Jiang Ping couldn't figure it out, so he didn't go into it and went home.


The first day of study was still very exciting for everyone.

The second day of study continued as usual.

But today's study was not so relaxed - because tomorrow, they would go outside the city and face real monsters!

With this psychological pressure, many people were not in a good state today, and their hearts were full of tension and hesitation.

"Brother Ping, why do we auxiliary departments have to go to the front to fight monsters face to face? Let us stay in the city and be useless agricultural workers." Wei Lin vented his fear to Jiang Ping in panic.

After yesterday's communication, the two now know each other.

"There are so many people in each auxiliary class, how can they all stay, and monsters are enemies we must face."

In contrast, Jiang Ping is looking forward to tomorrow's actual combat training.

He can't wait to try the effects of Sharingan and Wood Release.


"Okay, now everyone come back, listen to me about tomorrow's arrangements."

Sun Shuyu called everyone back,

"First of all, you should also understand one thing, that is, our auxiliary class does not have the strength to face the monsters alone."

"Therefore, we need to divide into different teams, interspersed with the combat class, and face the monsters together-this is also the form of our future team formation. The students in the auxiliary class are scattered into the combat class, with the students in the combat class as the leader, and conduct team operations to hunt monsters."

"There are 32 people in our class, and tomorrow we will be divided into eight teams, with four people in each team."

"I will divide you into teams now to avoid chaos tomorrow."

Sun Shuyu acted decisively, and immediately started to pick up the list and divide the entire auxiliary class into teams.

"Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, Wu Liu, you are in the first team."

"Xiao Qi, Jiang Ba, Lin Jiu, Qian Ling, you are in the first team."


"Yan Yue, Zhao Mei, Jiang Ping, Wei Lin, you are in the first team."

"Okay, that's it, the division is like this, you go back tonight to prepare, and the class will gather at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, understand?"


After Sun Shuyu left, everyone immediately began to find their own teams and discuss tomorrow's affairs.

"Great, Brother Ping, we are in the first team, and Yan Yue is also in the first team with us!" Hearing the final arrangement, Wei Lin couldn't help but get excited.

For an introverted and timid person like him, it's really great to be in the same team with familiar people.

"It's great."

Jiang Ping saw Yan Yue and a girl walking towards them.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Mei, and we are in the first team from today."

The girl next to Yan Yue smiled and greeted, generous and generous.

"Hello, Jiang Ping."

"Hello... I'm Wei Lin."


After the four of them simply greeted each other, they went back to their homes.

Tomorrow is the real highlight, and everyone has to go back and prepare well.


"Dad, I'm back."

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Ping shouted into the house.

"Son is back, come and wash your hands and eat."

Jiang Lei had already prepared dinner.

It was very rich.

There were stewed pig's feet with peanuts, braised lion's head, boiled pork slices, spicy chicken, and white-cut chicken.

"So rich?"

Looking at the feast in front of him, Jiang Ping's mouth was watering.

Jiang Ping was from a single-parent family.

Jiang Lei took care of him since he was a child.

Outside, he was a majestic fifth-level A-level thunder-type superpower, and inside, he was a kind father.

And he had good cooking skills.

"Son, I know you're going out of town to fight monsters tomorrow, so I made a big meal for you to eat.

"I'll do my best tomorrow."

"Don't worry, Dad. I won't embarrass you tomorrow." Jiang Ping grabbed a pig's foot and started chewing it.

"Dad believes in you, and I also believe that the teachers in your school are capable of protecting you. So there is one more thing Dad wants to tell you. Tomorrow Dad has a mission and has to leave Huaihai City for a trip."

"Where to go?"

"Xiahai City, the monsters there have been unusually active recently. It is said that a fifth-level monster has appeared. Xiahai College in Xiahai City has asked Huaihai City for help." Jiang Ping said lightly while picking food into Jiang Ping's bowl.

Xiahai City is a small city located 50 kilometers east of Huaihai City. Its strength is weaker than Huaihai City.

There is only one fifth-level superpower in the entire Xiahai City.

Jiang Ping raised his head: "Fifth-level monster? Dad, will you be in danger?"

"What's the danger of a fifth-level monster? Your dad is very strong. No sixth-level monster can threaten me."

"Oh. ”

As one of the three fifth-level psychics in Huaihai City, Jiang Lei is only a fifth-level beginner, but with his powerful thunder ability, he has extraordinary combat power.

He once created an amazing record of fighting three fifth-level intermediate monsters alone, killing one and escaping unscathed.

Ordinary fifth-level monsters really can't threaten him.

"Then you should be careful, dad."

"You should be careful tomorrow, too."

The father and son said a few simple words and officially started to feast.


The next morning.

The father and son woke up early.

"Son, come on!"

"Dad, you should come on too! "

The two encouraged each other and then set off in different directions.

Jiang Ping walked quickly towards Huaihai College.

All students arrived on time.

Because today is a very important day, 80% of the teachers of Huaihai College will follow them to leave Huaihai City today to find monsters for actual combat.

"Students, today is your first day of actual combat."

"I know many of you will be very scared."

"But don't be afraid. Don't think of monsters as scary. Our teachers are here to ensure your safety."

"You just need to use all the knowledge you need."

"The principal is here, waiting for you to come back safely!"

Principal Wang Daochuan gave a brief speech.

"Okay, everyone, set off!"

With an order, all students, led by their teachers, walked out of the city in an orderly manner.

Today, they will usher in the first transformation in their lives...

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