The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

"No matter when, I will be by your side the first time." Jiang Ping grabbed Xi Congqing's soft palm and said seriously.

Xi Congqing's heartbeat accelerated a little because of what he said.

Especially Jiang Ping himself is very handsome.

Although there is still a bit of childishness that has not completely faded, it can be regarded as mature.

There are also three points of handsomeness, three points of handsomeness, and three points of chicness.

I don't give him full marks because I'm afraid he will be proud.

However, after seeing Jiang Ping's particularly serious expression, she suddenly pulled her hand back, slapped Jiang Ping's palm hard, and said:

"Just talk, don't try to take advantage of me!"

"Hiss! Just talk, don't hit me!"

Jiang Ping took his hand back in pain.

How come this woman has no interest at all? !

"Go back quickly!"

Xi Congqing pushed Jiang Ping away with a hum, and she went back to her room.


Jinghai College.

Student dormitory.

Dormitory for students participating in the college competition.

Lin Yun, Qing Lan and ten others stood in a row neatly.

In front of them was Lin Hai, the president of Jinghai College.

Lin Hai's face was not very good at this time. He looked at them with a gloomy face and scolded them:

"In the first round of the competition, you actually lost to Huaihai College?"

"Do you know that you are the elites of our Jinghai College?!"

"Everyone is a third-level superpower, and can be compared with the executive teams of other colleges!"

"Your mission is to get first place!"

"Our Jinghai College is the most powerful college in the two southeastern regions. If our students can't get the first place in the college competition, then in the future Southeastern Region College Alliance, how can our Jinghai College get the most say?!"

"Even if we can't get the first place in the college competition, our Jinghai College is stronger than other colleges in overall strength, and we can still get the most say." Lin Yun said in a low voice.

His rebuttal made Lin Hai's eyes widen and he said angrily:

"We at Jinghai College want to be the absolute first in all aspects!"

"Anyway, there are still two rounds of competitions to come. You all should be very alert. If you can't get the first place, I will only blame you!"

"Yes!" Everyone answered loudly.

After getting their answers, Lin Hai angrily flicked his sleeves and left.

Leaving behind a few people looking at each other in bewilderment.

"We were just careless this time and accidentally let the people from Huaihai College succeed. Is it necessary to scold us like this?" Someone muttered in a low voice.

Lin Yun looked back at him, and the man immediately dared not speak.

"The principal's words are orders. Starting from the second round, everyone should be very alert and never let others take the first place from us. Do you understand?!"



The second competition was a one-on-one competition.

This round of competition was the longest and most complicated.

Because each college has ten people, everyone has to compete, and there are a lot of people.

There are a total of thirty-four colleges. First, the first round uses a lottery method to draw seventeen teams for the first round of screening.

The winners enter the next round, and the losers are eliminated.

The winning seventeen are divided into eight teams again, a total of sixteen colleges, and there is one more spot left, and a free spot will be randomly drawn. At the end of this round, it is sixteen to eight, plus one free spot, a total of nine colleges advance.

In the second round, continue to draw a free spot again, and the remaining eight teams will fight for four spots. After this round, there will be five colleges left to advance.

In the third round, there are five colleges, no free spots, but there is a "wait for battle" spot. First, the four colleges compete to decide the two who advance. Then the two losing colleges enter the loser group and continue to fight.

The winner of the loser group can advance. The loser of the loser group will have the final battle with the "waiting for battle" academy, and the winner will advance.

The fourth round is the real four to two.

The fifth round is the finals!

Because there are places for exemption and waiting for battle.

So if an academy is lucky enough to draw a place for exemption and then a place for waiting for battle, it will basically make it to the semi-finals.

After the single-challenge competition officially begins, all the academies gather in the square again for the lottery ceremony.

The approximate strength of the thirty-four academies can now be analyzed through the first battle of hunting monsters.

So some of the ranked later

The last thing a college wants is to be drawn to a top-ranked college.

During the on-site draw, some colleges with lower rankings wailed when they were drawn to a top-ranked college.

Some colleges with medium strength would be secretly happy when they were drawn to a weaker college.

The scene was very lively.

After all, drawing lots is a metaphysics.

Some colleges with equal strength, after drawing to the other side, the executive department heads of both sides shook hands with a smile on the surface.

They told the students behind their backs to beat them to death!

Huaihai College drew a good lot. The first match was against the last-ranked Kamikaze College.

The first place, against the last place.

Fight with your eyes closed.

The competition officially began.

Ten people from each college, one by one, would be ten matches.

Thirty-four colleges were divided into seventeen groups for the competition, which added up to one hundred and seventy matches.

It would take several days to finish.

The match between Huaihai College and Kamikaze College was arranged in the first match, which kicked off the opening match.

The ministers of both sides made a simple arrangement and decided the order of each other's appearance.

Xi Congqing was arranged to be the second to last, and Jiang Ping was arranged to be the last.

He was also a goalkeeper.

And the first small match was Wei Lin!

"Brother Ping, I'm on."

"Come on, crush the opponent!"

"I will!" Wei Lin nodded heavily.

Wei Lin left the field, and Kamikaze College also played a second-level junior.

"Kamikaze College, Cai Kun."

The opponent was a tall and thin young man wearing a black top, beige pants, and thick hair combed into a middle part.

"Huaihai College, Wei Lin."

Wei Lin also simply reported his name.

The college competition was ostensibly a friendly exchange, so it would be okay to say some simple information.

At the same time, above their heads, their ability types were displayed -

Cai Kun, beast transformation type.

Wei Lin, wood type.

When the people outside the field saw that Wei Lin was actually a wood type, they were stunned.

"There is actually a wood type?"

"A wood type dares to play? Is there no one left in Huaihai College?"

"Wood type is such a useless ability, how can it be on the field if it doesn't grow flowers and trees?"

For a while, many people started to mock.

In their cognition, wood type is still a useless ability.

Even Cai Kun, when he saw that Wei Lin was actually a wood type, said with some contempt:

"It's actually a wood type, how boring. Just surrender yourself, so I don't have to do it."

Faced with the ridicule and doubts around him, Wei Lin didn't say anything.

Until the referee said "start", he decisively took action, using handprints to guide the flow of spiritual energy in his body,

"Wood type·Rainstorm pear blossoms!"


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