The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Wood Element·Heavy Rain Pear Blossoms!"

Wei Lin took decisive action, and his arm turned into a piece of tree, shooting out dense wooden thorns, like steel needles, towards Cai Kun!

Can the Wood Element attack?

Still limited to the traditional understanding of the Wood Element's ability, Wei Lin's Heavy Rain Pear Blossoms caught Cai Kun off guard.

Fortunately, the beast-like body gave him a stronger reaction ability than ordinary people.

Cai Kun stepped hard, burst out with amazing jumping power, and jumped up in one step, dodging Wei Lin's Heavy Rain Pear Blossoms.

But before he could relax, just as he landed, several huge vines grew wildly from the ground, like big hands, entwining Cai Kun's feet.

Wood Element·Entanglement!

Several vines grabbed Cai Kun and threw him to the ground, making Cai Kun dizzy.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm a chicken!"

Cai Kun was angry.

At first, he just didn't expect Wei Lin's wood element to have the ability to attack. He didn't understand the power of the wood element and was caught off guard.

Now it's different, he wants to fight back!


Cai Kun let out a roar like a beast, and his muscles instantly swelled several times, his eyes were fierce.

Animalization Element·Cheetah!

He was seen on all fours, staring at Wei Lin as if staring at prey, and then suddenly ran like a cheetah, very fast!

"So fast..."

Speed ​​is Wei Lin's weakness.

Seeing Cai Kun rushing over, he quickly dodged to the side, but was still scratched on the shoulder by Cai Kun's fingers, leaving several bloody marks!

After feeling the pain, Wei Lin decisively fought back, slamming his hands on the ground,

"Wood System·Square Cage!"


Several huge wooden stakes rose rapidly from under Cai Kun's feet, quickly turning into a solid square cage, trapping Cai Kun inside.

"Just a few rotten woods, you want to trap me?"

Cai Kun said disdainfully, his hands like claws, and began to dig the surrounding wooden stakes frantically from inside.

"I won't let you out!"

Wei Lin increased the output of spiritual energy.

After being nourished by spiritual energy, all the wooden stakes quickly repaired themselves and began to compress continuously.

The space around Cai Kun was constantly compressed, and the thick trees tightly strangled his body.

He also went from disdain at the beginning to slowly and solemnly struggling.

Until the last begging for mercy and admitting defeat,

"Stop, stop, stop... I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

If he doesn't admit defeat, he will be crushed!


Hearing Cai Kun admit defeat, the referee immediately came off the field to call for a stop.

After Wei Lin stopped, he untied the wooden stakes around Cai Kun.

After seeing the light of day again, Cai Kun knelt on the ground with a sense of relief, gasping for breath.

The feeling just now was really too scary, trapped in a dark space, and being squeezed constantly.

"I didn't expect that the wood element actually has such a supernatural power..."

"I admit it." Wei Lin smiled slightly.

"In the first round, Huaihai College wins!"

As the referee announced the result, warm applause rang out outside the field.

This competition was not very exciting, but it allowed them to see something very new - it turned out that the wood element could also have such a powerful supernatural power.

This completely overturned their impression of the traditional wood element.

Back at his seat, Wei Lin couldn't help but boast:

"Hehe, how about it, in this first battle, I didn't embarrass our college, did I?"

"Not bad, well done!" Jiang Ping gave a thumbs up.

Wei Lin remained calm in the face of danger, and in the first match, he played an excellent performance and did not embarrass Huaihai College.

The next is a series of competitions.

Each college has a total of ten matches.

The overall strength of the Kamikaze College is one level lower than that of the Huaihai College. After the first eight matches, the Huaihai College won six and lost two.

The ninth match was against Xi Congqing.

The opponent was just a second-level advanced wind-type psychic. Facing the third-level intermediate Xi Congqing, he had no power to fight back and was sent off the stage.

The tenth match was Jiang Ping's turn.

And his opponent was also a second-level advanced.

"This is the last match, you can fight as you like, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Before going on stage, Xi Congqing didn't forget to tease him.

"Tsk, this kind of opponent is easy to fight, just wait and see." Jiang Ping was full of confidence.

Came to the field.

The opponent was a short man, about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a combat windbreaker, and the wide robe covered his body.

It looks a bit strange.

"Shinpu College, Liu Qiang."

"Huaihai College, Jiang Ping."

The two people's heads show their own special powers.

Liu Qiang, the control of objects.

Jiang Ping, the wood element, the spirit eye element.

Jiang Ping originally had five other elemental elements, but because he obtained those five elemental elements by swallowing the demon core stone.

Normal detection cannot detect them.

"Wood element again?"

With Wei Lin's performance before, no one thinks that the wood element is useless now.

At least Jiang Ping and Wei Lin are both from Huaihai College, and both are wood elements.

It is hard not to suspect that Jiang Ping's wood element is the same as Wei Lin's, with offensive and defensive properties.

As for the spirit eye element... at least the current situation is unclear, and other people don't have too many guesses, and they are more concerned about Jiang Ping's wood element.

"No matter how fancy your wood element is, for our Shinpu College, I must win this game!" Liu Qiang said.

Jiang Ping smiled slightly: "I'm happy to accompany you."


With the referee's order, Liu Qiang took the lead.

He suddenly swung the cloak behind him, and three flying knives flew out from under the cloak and shot out violently!

Jiang Ping's eyes sank, and the Sharingan emerged, accurately piercing the trajectory of the three flying knives, and easily dodged them all.

"It's not over yet!"

Liu Qiang controlled the three flying knives, went back and forth, and stabbed Jiang Ping in the back!

Jiang Ping could naturally see such an obvious intention, and still dodged leisurely.

No matter how fast the flying knives were, they were not faster than his Sharingan.

He was even too lazy to draw his sword.

Seeing that the three flying knives could not do anything to Jiang Ping, Liu Qiang gritted his teeth, swung his windbreaker again, and shot out more than ten flying knives, directly approaching Jiang Ping!

With so many flying knives at once, Jiang Ping had a lot of trouble dodging.


He drew out his short knife and deflected a flying knife that was shot in front of him and he had no time to dodge it. The force that was fed back to him made Jiang Ping's palm hurt.

The control system is not just about controlling weapons, but also about attaching spiritual energy to weapons, greatly increasing their power.

At least the power of this knife is quite strong.

Seeing more than a dozen flying knives surrounding him, Jiang Ping decisively changed his strategy and quickly approached Liu Qiang.

"Don't even think about getting close!"

Seeing through his intention, Liu Qiang controlled more than a dozen flying knives to fly back in front of him, all stabbing Jiang Ping head-on!

Looking at all the flying knives, Jiang Ping's Sharingan suddenly condensed, accurately dodged and deflected all the flying knives, and flashed in front of Liu Qiang.

Seeing this, Liu Qiang quickly drew out a short knife and tried to fight in close combat.

But what was waiting for him was Jiang Ping's scarlet Sharingan!



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