The robot bodyguard was already approaching and punched the killer again.

The killer was knocked seven or eight meters away, and the pistol fell to the ground.

He was seriously injured and could not get up again.

His face was full of unwillingness.

Although the pistol was equipped with a silencer, the gunshot was still loud.

Soon the other bodyguards of the An family were alarmed.

"This man must be a killer, catch him first."

Two bodyguards controlled the killer, while the other bodyguards went to protect An Kaiguo.

They were not sure whether there were other killers in the manor, so they did not dare to be careless.

As the gunshots rang out, the people of the An family were also awakened.

"What's going on?"

An Kaiguo woke up from a deep sleep, walked out of the room, and found that Aliang and Aming were already waiting outside.

"Mr. An, a killer sneaked into the manor."

An Kaiguo frowned, "Is anyone injured?"


"Tie Niu has already injured one person, and it is not known whether there are other killers in the manor."

"So Mr. An, you should stay in the room first."

Aliang suggested.

"Where is Xiaofeng?"

An Kaiguo nodded and walked to the next room.

He found that the door of the room was open, but Qin Feng was no longer inside.

"Mr. Qin has gone downstairs." Aliang said.

An Kaiguo pondered for a moment and walked downstairs.

"Mr. An."

Aliang and Aming wanted to persuade him again.

"I'll go down and take a look."

An Kaiguo wanted to see the injured killer.

In the lobby of the main villa, Qin Feng and the robot bodyguard were both there.

Qin Feng learned from the robot bodyguard that there was only one killer who sneaked into the manor.

So he didn't go outside to check.

Soon, An Wenhong and Anya also came to the hall.

"Is everyone okay?"

After An Kaiguo went downstairs, he glanced at the people present.

Everyone shook their heads and said that they were all fine.

"It's good that you're all right!"

"Where is the killer who sneaked into the manor?" An Kaiguo asked again.

Qin Feng said, "At the back door, wait for the police to arrive, and hand it over to the police."

Qin Feng deliberately asked the robot bodyguard to keep the killer alive.

Otherwise, the killer would have been killed by a punch.

"Tie Niu did a good job."

An Kaiguo didn't expect that Qin Feng's friend was so powerful.

Even if the killer had a gun, he was still defeated.

If it were other bodyguards, they would probably be injured if they didn't die.

An Kaiguo also had a love for talent for a while.

The robot bodyguard didn't say anything, but just stood quietly beside Qin Feng.

At this time, An Wenhong asked.

"Is this killer just one person? Does he have any accomplices?"

Qin Feng replied, "Just one person."

The robot bodyguard has a strong perception. If there are other killers, he will definitely know.

"That's good!"

An Wenhong breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also realized a serious problem.

"The killer can quietly come to the main villa, which proves that there are blind spots in the peripheral surveillance."

"Dad, I will ask someone to upgrade it tomorrow."

It's not too late to mend the fold after the sheep have been lost.

In fact, Qin Feng had already discovered this problem when he came to the manor on the first day.

However, he didn't say it out.

Because even if the killer can sneak in, he can't hurt the people inside.

With Qin Feng's current strength, he has this confidence.

And now An Wenhong wants to plug this loophole, he can't say anything.

After a while, the police also rushed to the scene.

Although the police also arranged people to protect in secret, they did not find the killer.

It can only be said that the killer has some ability, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to find it.

Afterwards, the killer was taken away by the police.

"Okay, the matter is resolved, everyone go back and rest."

An Kaiguo said to everyone in the hall.

With An Kaiguo's words, everyone went back.


The next morning, nine o'clock.

Qin Feng finally completed all the development of the artificial intelligence part.

Then the next step is to merge all the programs and then test them.

He found Yang Yu's mobile phone number and called him.

"Director Yang, how is the task I gave to the team now?"

Qin Feng gave the simple task to the technical team of Ningchuan City, and the task was not heavy.

"After two days of overtime, it has been completed."

"But Xiaofeng, are you sure these are the programs used by the third-generation Skynet system?"

Qin Feng explained, "It's just part of it.

That's all, but I've already done the rest. "

"I'll go over and test it later, you prepare yourself."

After hearing what Qin Feng said, Yang Yu's doubts remained.

He had seen Qin Feng's design plan and knew that the amount of work in the development phase was not small.

And there was basically no development in the field of artificial intelligence.

Is it possible for Qin Feng to complete this part alone?

So, Yang Yu was skeptical.

But since Qin Feng said he would come, the answer would be revealed soon.

"Okay, I'll prepare right away."

Yang Yu agreed.

Qin Feng hung up the phone, put on his backpack, and went downstairs to find An Kaiguo.

"Mr. An, I have to go out for something."

"Maybe I won't be back so soon."

An Kaiguo didn't ask any more questions, and waved his hand, "Go."

Qin Feng's friends are staying in the manor, so it's very safe here.

"By the way, you don't seem to have a car."

"I'll call the driver to come and take you out. "

Qin Feng said, "Mr. An, there's no need to bother."

"No trouble."

An Kaiguo finally called the driver over and sent Qin Feng out.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the Institute of Science and Technology.

Qin Feng got off the car and asked the driver to go back first.

He walked into the Institute of Science and Technology alone.

When he came to Yang Yu's office, Qin Feng found Zhou Ruonan there.

In addition, there were several other people.

Although Qin Feng didn't know them, he could guess that their positions were not low.

"Xiao Feng."

"It's ready, just waiting for you to come."

Yang Yu walked in front of Qin Feng and smiled.

At this time, Zhou Ruonan was standing not far away and looking at Qin Feng.

She didn't know the purpose of Wu Zhenhao looking for Qin Feng before, but after talking with Yang Yu just now, she finally knew.

It turned out to be related to the development of the third-generation Skynet system.

No wonder, after all, Qin Feng is an expert in computers.

"Let's go and take a look first. "

Under the guidance of Yang Yu, Qin Feng came to a huge control room.

There were dozens of computers neatly arranged inside.

"It is connected to a supercomputer, which has been approved by the higher-ups and is specially used to test the third-generation Skynet system."

Qin Feng nodded and turned on the computer.

First, he checked those simple programs.

No problem!

Then, he took out his laptop and connected it to the supercomputer.

The artificial intelligence program started!

At this moment, the lights in the entire control room flashed.

The supercomputer consumes a lot of power.

At the beginning, many programs need to be run, so this unstable power supply will occur.

Once it stabilizes, it will not happen.

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