After the program was run, Qin Feng kept his eyes on the screen. As long as there were loopholes in the system, he could find and fix them in time. "Xiao Feng, can I see the programs in your computer?" Yang Yu kept his eyes on Qin Feng's laptop. Artificial intelligence is an emerging technology, and he doesn't understand it very well. So he showed curiosity at this time. "Okay." All the running programs have been sent to the supercomputer, and Yang Yu wants to see the laptop, which doesn't affect it. With Qin Feng's words, Yang Yu immediately opened the programs written by Qin Feng. He can understand the separate lines of code. But after combining them together, there are only question marks in his mind. "Xiao Feng, did you complete all these programs by yourself?"

Yang Yu felt incredible.

Because it was only two or three days since Qin Feng submitted the plan.

He was able to complete such a large workload.

Let alone the test results, even if their team worked together, it would take a lot of time to do this huge workload.

Qin Feng nodded, his eyes still on the computer screen.

After hearing Qin Feng's answer, Yang Yu took a deep breath.

He realized that he had underestimated Qin Feng too much.

And now, he is more looking forward to the practicality of the third-generation Skynet system.

If it is really as described in the design plan, it is simply a cow taking an airplane, awesome.

At the same time, Zhou Ruonan was watching Qin Feng's operation.

Over the years, their police have relied on the Skynet system to solve many cases.

If the Skynet system continues to upgrade, it will provide them with greater convenience.

Now it is unknown to what extent Qin Feng can upgrade the Skynet system.

After nearly ten minutes, the program ran normally.

Although there were two small loopholes in the middle, Qin Feng fixed them in one go.

"Everything is normal."

"Next, it's time to train the artificial intelligence."

Qin Feng asked Yang Yu to prepare a lot of information in advance, and then he started training.

"Xiao Feng, how long will this training take?"

Yang Yu couldn't wait and wanted to see the results quickly.

Qin Feng estimated and said, "Your supercomputer here is quite powerful, it should be completed in two hours."

The computer is equivalent to the brain, the stronger the computing power, the faster the speed.

What Qin Feng has to do now is testing, and there is not much information to prepare.

Otherwise, the training time will only be longer.

"Director Yang, if you have other things to do, go first."

"I'll have someone tell you when there are results."

Yang Yu did have other things to do, and nodded.


The training process is quite boring.

As a developer, Qin Feng naturally has to stay.

If there are any accidents, he can also deal with them in time.

"Qin Feng, is there anything special about this upgraded Skynet system?"

Zhou Ruonan asked Qin Feng.

It is now in the testing phase, so she has access to it.

Qin Feng opened the design plan on his laptop and said.

"You can take a look."

Zhou Ruonan browsed the plan and was more shocked the more she looked.

The upgraded Skynet system actually added artificial intelligence.

This is equivalent to the Skynet system having a brain from now on.

The biggest upgrade of the second-generation Skynet system is face recognition.

Like many suspects, their whereabouts were exposed under the Skynet system.

And by the third generation, it can already realize data analysis of various aspects such as sound, movement... etc.

As long as there is enough training data, it can even be used to solve cases.

It is powerful.

"Can these really be realized?"

Zhou Ruonan felt it was too sci-fi.

"There will be results soon."

Qin Feng was quite confident.

He developed the system himself, so he naturally knew its power.

As long as the test is OK, he plans to let the Skynet system find the killer hidden in Ningchuan City.

The system's task is to let him protect An Kaiguo and eliminate all hidden dangers.

After hearing what Qin Feng said, Zhou Ruonan was even more excited.

Fortunately, two hours is not too long.

Qin Feng thought of something and asked Zhou Ruonan.

"What is the background of the killer you brought back yesterday?"

Zhou Ruonan shook her head, "That guy knows everything.

"We just found out that he came to Longguo half a month ago." "As for whether he has other accomplices, it remains to be investigated." Qin Feng fell silent. He knew that there must be more than one killer targeting the An family. Zhou Ruonan said meaningfully, "Your bodyguard friend is quite powerful. He can easily defeat the killer." She was talking about the robot bodyguard. Qin Feng smiled, but still didn't speak. Nearly two hours later, the test was finally completed. All the surveillance cameras of the Skynet system were also transferred to the supercomputer. Afterwards, Qin Feng uploaded some wanted criminals of the police and issued instructions. With the support of the supercomputer, the Skynet system began to analyze the data. "Qin Feng, what are you doing..." Zhou Ruonan stood by and didn't know what Qin Feng was doing. Qin Feng explained, "I asked the Skynet system to search for these wanted criminals." "As long as they are in Ningchuan City, there is a high probability that they can be found. ”

The amount of data processed was very large. After two or three minutes, the Skynet system finally fed back the results.

Three wanted criminals were found.

One even had plastic surgery, but the Skynet system still recognized him from his habitual movements.

“It worked!”

Looking at the results given by the system, Zhou Ruonan was shocked.

The wanted criminals that even the police couldn't track down were now easily found by the Skynet system.

It's amazing.

However, compared to Zhou Ruonan, Qin Feng was very calm.

After all, it was the result of mechanical analysis, and whether the information was true or not had to be verified.

He operated the computer and began to verify the information.

Fortunately, the system did not let him down.

“You can send this information to the police and let them check it again.”

“If it is confirmed that there is no problem, you can arrest the person.”

Qin Feng said to Zhou Ruonan.

“I know what to do. "

Zhou Ruonan suppressed her excitement and said.

With such a powerful Skynet system, the crime rate in Ningchuan City will be greatly reduced in the future.

If the whole country is upgraded to the third-generation Skynet system, it will be difficult for criminals to find a place to hide in the future.

At this time, Yang Yu also came over.

Seeing that the third-generation Skynet system is so powerful, he was also deeply shocked.

"Xiaofeng, congratulations, the third-generation Skynet system has been successfully upgraded."

"You have made a great contribution this time!"

As long as there are no major problems, it can be upgraded nationwide.

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