World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 898: Nine hundred: Heaven and Earth crack! Hell Knight is now!

Chapter 898 is nine hundred days apart! Hell Knight is now!

This is the final battle!

Both parties will give up everything and have no reservations.

More than a month ago, the King of Heavenly Kings began to gather the elite of all the territories!

All the so-called territories include the warriors and the army of the Tianlu, the Terrac, and the three southern barbarians.

In the past one or two years, the whole southern wild battles continued, the actual Luoshu civil war, and then Di Nie attacked the Terraan family, the Tiansha Prince attacked the Yune, the Lanling attacked the Tiansha Prince, and the Diner attacked the three southern demons. Finally, the big battle of Digne and Na's blood.

After the first, the entire southern wilderness experienced six major wars.

These six wars have almost completely drained the power of peaceful accumulation in the south for two or three thousand years.

Although the duration lasted only one or two years, the number of dead and wounded troops exceeded 30 to 40 million, and the number of people killed and injured exceeded 100 million.

In short, the wars of the past two years have caused most of the wild army in the south to lose more than half, and the people have died nearly a quarter, and more than 10 million square kilometers have become white.

Therefore, Tianshuwang gathered the power of the five tribes at this time, and only summoned the 23 million army!

This amazing army began its forty-five days ago and assembled in the Yunhe and Raksha communities.

Of course, the blood-sucking demon army of Na's blood is far less than that, even if it is summoned, there are only more than seven million troops. But the Light Undead Warrior Regiment is a full 1.5 million.

The population of the Raksha population has continued to flee to the empire of the empire, plus the witch country and the wing family, so the total population of the empire empire has exceeded 2,700 million. But even so, there is no sum of the number of the Heavenly King and the Blood.

However, among the 27 million people, there are nearly seven million troops. It is absolutely absolute and arrogant. This proportion of military and civilians far exceeds that of North Korea on Earth, but this is the realm of the Mozu.

Moreover, among the six or seven million army of the Inflammatory Empire, the Light and Air Legion reached 1.7 million.

No way, hundreds of thousands of Yaozu coalition forces, will fly by nature. Nearly 100,000 people of the Yi people are all soldiers. There are also hundreds of thousands of sneaky corps, hundreds of thousands of various air regiments. Even more frightening is that a hundred thousand martial arts warriors are all soldiers, and all are air regiments.

The various types of cavalry, the Centaur, the Leopard Legion, the Wolf Warrior, the Wolf Cavalry, etc. add up to more than 350,000, and there are all kinds of cavalry, more than a million.

The simple infantry is only half.


The Devil's Council is making the final decisive battle deployment!

As the prime minister of the Inflammatory Empire and the chief military officer of the final battle, the Tang Dynasty has always been presided over by him.

"We have more than the magic martial arts master, 450,000!" Tang Rendao: "This power, 60% used to defend the magic city. The remaining Black Magic City, Nakano City, Beining City, Nanmu each assigned 10% That is, 45,000! The nine great Asian kings are all stationed in the Fire City. The fifty-two Devils are in the Fire City, and each city is divided into three demons. Holy power."

"Lord of the Blood Wolf King, you command a million troops, stationed in the South Mud City!" Tang Rendao.

"Follow!" Blood Wolf King is listed.

"Tianhong Qizhu, you led a 1.3 million army, stationed in the Dark City!" Tang Rendao.

"Follow!" Tianhong flag master.

"The witch country, the national flag of the white flag, you lead a million army, stationed in the city of Nakano!" Tang Rendao.

"Follow!" The White Bull flag of the Witch Country is listed.

"The king of the wing, you led a 1.3 million army, stationed in Beining City." Tang Rendao.

"Follow!" The king of the wing.

The area of ​​the Enchanted Empire is not large, it is more than two million square kilometers, five super cities.

The four coaches each led three demon saints, 45,000 martial arts divisions above the top martial arts regiment, a million troops, stationed in four super-class.

"This is the final decisive battle. Our enemies will squander all of them. The total military strength we face will exceed 30 million." Tang Rendao: "The more than 20 million troops of the Tianshan King have entered the territory of the Rakshazu. And the territory of the Yune."

"This big battle, the battlefield will be spread on every piece of the land of two million square kilometers in the enchanted empire. The focus is on the five battlefields!" Tang Rendao: "According to estimates, we will face more than five in each big city. The siege of the million-strong army. The Battlefield of the Magic City is the most important thing, but the enemy of the Battle City of the Fire City should be between six and seven million, because the area around the entire city of the Magic City is 20,000 square kilometers. There are no more meanings for the army. So the other party should adopt the same strategy as ours, and put most of the elites on the battlefield of the City of Fire."

"According to the prediction, the City of Fire will encounter a million undead warrior regiments, and each city will face an attack of 100,000 undead warriors." Tang Rendao: "Abandon the city of Yancheng, another four big cities." They will face five times the siege of the enemy. But even so, according to many of our battles, the probability of the four big cities winning even more than the city of Fire!"

"Because the underarms have obtained the energy science drawings of the Great Emperor, we have upgraded and modified the Hell's Enchanted Array, and not only that, but also expanded the various energy arrays. Now the five great cities have fifteen Hell Enemies. There are also a total of forty-six energy arrays, which have been expanding until now!"

"In addition, according to the guidance of Lansi Silk, we found two precious veins and got a lot of purple spar and bright spar."

"Use the Space Vortex Trap to destroy the Undead Warrior."

"Using the purple crystal spar and the bright spar energy array to destroy a large number of vampire demon corps."

"Use the fireball array of the purple spar to destroy the enemy's elite army."

"Use all kinds of artillery to destroy the enemy's ordinary army." The Tang people continued to report: "In the five cities of the Yan Mo Empire, each city has three layers of walls, and the perimeter of the outer wall is more than one hundred and fifty miles. There are three layers of guns, with a total of more than 30,000 artillery firing ports. Nakano City deploys 7,000 artillery pieces, Black Magic City deploys 8,600 artillery pieces, Nanmu City 6,300 doors, and Beining City 7,000 doors. Thousands!"

Coupled with field guns and naval guns, the artillery of the Inflammatory Empire surpassed an astonishing six or seventy thousand doors. This number is amazing, although the caliber is far from comparable, but the number can be comparable to Germany in World War I.

Only the power of the Mozu is too amazing, and the empire empire has rarely experienced this large-scale land war, so the artillery of the empire empire rarely plays a role. In fact, in the military power of the Inflammatory Empire, the ranks of artillery are also very low.

The first is of course the top martial arts power, the second is the space vortex such a tall space weapon, the third is the **** enchantment array, the fourth is the various spar reaction energy array, the fifth is the Centaur Legion, the Ghost Regiment When the powerful force is used, the sixth is all kinds of spar weapons in the experiment. The seventh is ranked in the artillery, and the Leopard Legion, all kinds of air regiments, and elite elites are juxtaposed.

"Because we have the space vortex energy hood and the **** enchantment array, the spar energy array and other killers, so we will win this battle, even a big victory!" Tang Rendao: "As long as the enemy's sub-king power is no more than ten Five, a big win will be a big probability event!"

Finally, the Tang people told Lanling Road: "Your Majesty, this is the final battle of the final battle. If you have no other intentions, you will use it!"

Lanling took out the enchanted empire, and put a big seal on this long battle! So the entire decisive battle deployment, completely finalized!

There is no conspiracy, no squad, no sound to the west, no thirty-six.

It is the face-to-face confrontation, the face-to-face battle!

"The four coaches, with their respective top martial arts regiments, go to their respective theaters, prepare the army, and prepare for a decisive battle!" Tang Rendao.


The king of the winged king, the blood wolf king, the witch national day rainbow flag master, the witch national white Luoqi master four major theater coaches led the 45,000 top martial arts regiments, flew to their respective theaters!


at the same time!

The 10 million army of the Tiansha King officially entered the Raksha community, from the west and the south to the enchanted empire.

Northern Vampires Headquarters Fortress!

The Na Blood Corps carried out the final assembly, more than seven million troops, thousands of miles, overwhelming, covering the sky!

After receiving the last batch of spar materials from the Motuo Empire, Na Blood stood in the sky hall overlooking the whole earth!

Into the eyes, a dead place.

Whether it is the territory of the blood-sucking demon, or even spread to the territory of the Raksha, as long as the place where the Na's blood army arrived, it is dead. Not to mention the entire northern part of the Yune nationality, which was completely killed.

Meng Yuan destroyed Song, Song Min died of tens of millions of people. When the Qing Dynasty is extinct, the population is reduced by tens of millions.

The intensity of war in the wild in the south is far more than that of the Mongolian Yuan and the Song Dynasty.

After this super-decisive battle, the Mozu population must be reduced by at least 30% before the war in the entire southern wilderness.

The real emperor is worth billions of dollars!

Princess Na blood looked at the army that covered the sky, especially the one-hundred-year-old undead warrior regiment, which shrouded the whole world like the end of the world, as if turning the world into the underworld.

"The army, go in!" Naxia Princess gave a command!

Suddenly, the seven million bloodsucking demon army, the mighty south.

The more than 20 million troops of the Tiansha King marched from the west and the south, and the vampire demon army marched from the north, completely encircling the empire empire!


at the same time!

It’s just a few miles away from the south!

A gust of wind blew over, and then the gust began to condense and became a black energy crow.

This can only measure the crows circled on the sea and made a special tweet.

After a while, there was a wave of sea water on the sea, which became two figures!

Hell Knight leader headless knight, **** rider Lan Tu Prince!

The energy crow stood on the shoulder of Prince Lan Tuo and whispered, and after that, it disappeared instantly and turned into a wind.

"Big Brother, the last big battle in the Majesty has already started. Where are we going?"


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(End of this chapter)

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